DARK CHAO ADVENTURES! Episode 2: The 2nd Shade [Invader Zim theme playing, for those of you that have no idea, Dark Garden theme playing] Chapter 1: WHAT!? In the planet of Chao, in the Dark Garden, Shade's getting a ritual planned. Shade: So, I have to get my legs cut off? Dark: Yep. Shade: Who's going to do it? Dark: Some guy named Shadow. Shade: Who, you mean HIM? Shadow's only 2 years old! Dark: Not HIM. This REALLY tall guy, named Shadow. Shade: Okay. But only chao are allowed here. Dark: Yeah, so Shadow's bringing a chao, named Shade 2. Shade: WHAT!? SHADE 2!? HE'S MY BROTHER!!!! MY BROTHER'S COMING!? Dark: You have a brother? Shade: Yeah, Shade 2. He always made fun of me..... Dark: Oh boy. I feel a flashback coming..... Chapter 2: The short flasback Shade: I remember, I was only 1, and he was 2.... [flashback to the Neutral Garden] Shade 2: HAHA! I get to go to the Dark Garden in 1 year! And you need 2! Shade: Pwease.... stop it.... Shade 2: Aww.... he said "pwease"... HAHAHA! I can say "please"! I can use proper grammar! Shade: But.... Gwandma's name is Silvew....(Silver) Shade 2: HAHAHAHA! It's Grammar, you ding-dong! Shade: I am NOT a doowbeww! (doorbell) Shade 2: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! [Shade starts crying] [ Shade 2 keeps laughing] [return to Dark Garden] Chapter 3: Getting Ready Dark: So, he came here before you did? Shade: Nah. That guy didn't have the COURAGE to go. He knew that. He always said it was because he wanted to tease me more. Dark: But, what if he WASN'T lying? Shade: If he wasn't, then why would he CALL me and tell me that? Dark: Shade: Well, he's finally got the courage to come here..... he'll propably do HORRIBLE stuff, like throw me in "the cage" on that tree. Dark: So? You do that. Shade: Y'know, he might start replacing your name's "A" with an "O", if you know what I mean.... Dark: ........ !!OH!! I am NOT a...... what does it spell? Shade: man, and I thought you were smart.... IT SPELLS DORK! Dark: Oh. OH! I"M NOT A DORK! Shade: We gotta get ready, Dork, I mean Dark. Dark: Yeah. Guard: Sir, there's a hero chao at the door. Shade: What, NOW? (sigh) Lemme see that. ......!!! Dark, hide. Dark: Why? Shade: That's no Hero Chao, that's my white brother, SHADE 2! Guard: Shall I let him in? Shade: (gulp) Okay. [door opens, Shade 2 and Shadow walk in] Shade 2: Hello, Shade. Shade: Hi Shade 2. (gulp) Do your worst. Shade 2: I'm not here to DO anything but watch your legs come off! Shadow (hedgehog): Alright, you Darks. Let's get this Ritual-thimg over with. I have BETTER things to do.... Chapter 4: The Ritual [lots of chao, even heroes, gathered around a small table, with Shade lying on it.] [enter Shadow] S: Alright. Shade: I'm ready.... (takes deep breath) Shade 2: Hehehe..... Dark: I can't look.... [Shadow takes out a bat, then gives it to Shade.] S: All right, we're done-CAN I GO NOW? [ everyone looks] Shade: That didn't hurt. How'd you do that? S: What? All I did was give you a bat.... Everyone else: Shade 2: JUST A BAT? NO WAY! I CAME HERE TO SEE SHADE GET HURT! AND I SHALL SEE SHADE GET HURT! OR ELSE! [later] [Shade inside the cage-thing on the tree. Dark buried in the ground next to a grave that says "DORK" on it. All the other chao on the island at the other side of the lava pool] Shade 2: Well, my work here is done. [ A few minutes after Shade 2 and Shadow leave....] [ Shade, and the others get back onto the main part of the Dark Garden.] Shade: I KNEW he came to bully me! Well, all the Dark Chao, GET BACK TO WORK! All of you others, GO AWAY! [ a few hours later...] Shadow (chao): I'm happy now. Shade: Yeah, I guess I am, too. Although, I keep having the strangest feeling that I'm forgetting something.... Dark: [still buried next to the grave] Hello? Can someone dig me out? I'm hungry! There are creepy-crawly things around me..... and my butt itches! [back to Shade] Shade: Oh, well. It's propably nothing! Shade Jr: .........( no one has changed me yet. I need to be changed. I'm thirsty.) THE END! In loving memory of all my Chao, Chao, Knuckle, Tail, and ALL of the Chao names in this. (including Shade)