We return to our crime of broken glass and random ghetto insult tournaments now, but be warned.... your trip through the twilight zone shall not be added to the list of nice things. It shall be-- what? This isn't the twi....... uh.... just.... read the episode.

Dark Chao Adventures Episode 22: Mysterious Stardust Part 2: Floods, Floods, Floods

We begin your haunting trip through the twi----......... Dark Chao zone in the dark dictator-shaped warehouse, currently only used on Thursdays by a group of old geezers who watched too much Twilight Zone and thus wrote this part of the script.

Chapter 1: One Week On YouTube Pays Off
[the story resumes, Shade is announcing the one who messed everything up]
Shade: ...it was YOU, Dark Tails!
[everyone (except Shade and Chao) gasps]
DT: ....You're right, it WAS me. The hammer was too heavy, and when I heard you guys coming, I lost grip of it and dropped it! But... how did you know it was me?
Chao: You said we ran in, and "Shadow, too," but... not only did we WALK in, but YOU NEVER MET SHADOW IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!
DT: Okay... but... still, how are you sure the others didn't simply tell me who he was?
Chao: (pause) ....I do not know. I simply assumed, is all...
DT: Yeah, yeah, and it was a good guess and all--
[the two babble on with idle excuses and whatnot]
MS: Okay, okay, SHADDUP! Now, I gotta go to Angel Island and chase Egghead so, you other three take care of the freaks.
[Metal leaves to do Episode 21 Chapter 4 a little late]
Shade: See ya! (to the other chao) Let's get outta here.
MK: Nope, we were given DIRECT orders! We gotta do this, or we won't get to be in next week's game!
[Mecha approaches the chao, and Chao karate kicks him]
Chao: OW!
Shade: What? WHAT?
Chao: I hurt my leg!
Shade: Ah, get up, ya big crybaby! We've gotta make like hockey players, okay?
Dark: ..And get the puck outta here?
Shade: YES! Now, c'mon!
[too late-- Mecha grabbed them as they were talking]
Tail: Aw.... why didn't the action movie cliche work?
MK: This ain't an action movie.
Chao: Oh...
Shade: Oh, make a 300 joke, huh? Howzabout I get DBZ on yo--
MK: --Hey, watch it, this is supposed to be family oriented!
Shade: ........YO MAMA!
[Mecha punches Shade]
Shade: Oh, that's it... you just got me ANGRY! You won't like it when I'm angry...
MK: Heh... I think my body can take it.
Shade: Really? Piccolo says different.
Dark: Does that mean they don't work?
Shade: Not for 4Kids, they don't.
MK: THAT'S IT! ENOUGH...... REFERENCES! Now, sit still while I beat the livin' snot outta ya! And so you don't feel it so bad... tell me what you wanna be when you grow up.
Shade: (mumbles)
MK: What's that? Speak louder!
Shade: ...an orthoPEDIST!
Shade: I don't listen to people as smart as Gutsman's--
Chao: Oh, don't even go there.
Shade: Why not? I could say over 9,000 references!
[Mecha punches Shade so hard that he flies all the way back to the Dark Garden]
[the others stare at Mecha]
MK: What? You heard him! He's annoying!
[the other chao run back to the Dark Garden]
Dark: SHADE! Shade, where are you?
[SShade walks in, dragging Shade, unconscious, across the red water]
SShade: He's here. He just crashed into the cave... did he try to fly again?
Chao: No, Mecha punched him.
SShade: ...He didn't make Youtube video references again.... did he?
Chao: I'm afraid so.
Dark: Oh, uh... why's the floor wet?
Chapter 2: The Case of the Flooded Garden
SShade: I meant to tell you, the floor suddenly flooded while I was asleep!
[everyone stares at her]
SShade: ...I didn't.
Tail: You sure?
SShade: YES! End of story! I DIDN'T!
[they all make relieved remarks]
[Shade wakes up]
Shade: Ugh.... ow, my aching head!
Chao: Shade, bad news...... we have another crime to solve.
Shade: What is it?
Chao: Look around.
[Shade looks around, but shakes his head]
Shade: (starting to look down) I don't know what you-- (sees water) OH MY HERO CHAOS CHAO!
[Chao slaps Shade]
Chao: Don't say that.
Shade: Ow...... okay, I WON'T. Sheesh!
Dark: Let's focus on the mystery!
Shade+Chao: Right.
SShade: Why can't I be a detective?
Tail: 'Cause you're a GIRL.
Chao: TAIL! That's not the right thing to say! You call yourself a Hero Chao?
Tail: Wait... so now we need to LIE... but it's the right thing? I'm confused.
[SShade growls and stomps away in anger]
[pause for a few seconds]
Shade: Nice going, jerk.
Dark: *a-hem* The mystery...?
Chao: Yeah... uh... let's look around.
[they look around and notice a pipe coming out of the mountain]
Shade: Let's follow this pipe!
Chao: Thank you, Captain Obvious...
Shade: That's PROFESSOR Obvious! And Movie Cliche Guy!
Chao: (sarcastically) Sorry...
[they follow the pipe and find an old, abandoned hospital]
Dark: Why does this hospital bring back memories? ...Bad ones?
Shade: Maybe because this was where the first emerald was in your quest to find them?
Dark: Oh yeah....
[they enter the hospital, and notice that it's pitch black, aside from a bluish white flickering light]
Tail: Maybe we SHOULDN'T investigate this place...
Shade: Oh, COME ON! There's nothing to be afraid of!
[Shade leads the group forward, following a just barely noticable pipe]
[the pipe leads to a door that reads "Hallway"]
Dark: Guess it's behind this door...
Shade: SHHH! Listen!
[they pause and hear a small roving, humming sound]
Chao: (thinking) What is that?
Dark: (thinking) Oh, CRAP.
[Shade prepares to open the door]
Dark: (whispering) SHADE! Listen to me! I know what that sound is... it's not good. We REALLY should turn back now!
Shade: (whispering) Oh, c'mon! What's the worst that could happen?
[Shade opens the door and is vaporized]
Dark: ....(whispering) RUN.
[the other three run as fast as they possibly can, trying to avoid the menace]
[they manage to escape the hospital and make it back to the garden]
Dark: (pant... pant...) We made it.... YES! Oh, I thought I'd never feel the garden beneath my feet again!
Chapter 3: The Short Cliffhanger
Chao: (deep sigh) What WAS that, Dark?
Dark: ...
Tail: And why do we want to run from it?
Dark: The reason we run from THEM... is because.... they are evil. Oh, Hero Chaos Chao, it's like my Beta Nightmare come true!
[Chao and Tail pass glances, and have an expression of fear on their faces]
SShade: (angry sigh) I guess I'LL get it, since I'M the girl!
[She opens the door, and a girl Hero/Flight walks in]
SShade: Who are you--
[the girl grabs her and chucks her into the Lobby, where a ZAP is heard, as well as her scream]
Dark: ....Oh, KUH-RAAAAAAP! And there's nowhere to run to!
Chao: What? Did they find us?
Tail: And who's "they," again?
[the girl slowly steps towards Tail]
?: Oh, cute little Hero baby... you will find out. And you, fat Hero freak, YES... they DID find you.
Chao: Oh, no-- FAT!?
[the camera zooms in on the three's terrifyed faces as the roving sound is heard, and a robotic voice speaks]
[a metalic "zheeeeeeoooooooooooo" SFX is heard as Dark begins to cry, switch to credits]
[the Doctor Who theme plays]
Created by DJay32

SFX provided by the BBC Radiophonic workshop

All characters (except "mystery machine") copyright SEGA and Sonic Team

[the Doctor Who logo, except with "DCA" written on it instead, flies across the screen as the next Chapter begins]
Chapter 4: Ice Cold BOOM!
[Metal and the Dragon arrive at Ice Cap mountain, and find a ski lift]
MS: Wow, that thing is rickety! I doubt it still works...
D: Let's ride it!
MS: ....'Kay.
[they ride it to the summit, where Knuckles is waiting for them]
K: You guys... you burned that village down... and now... I'm gonna MAKE YOU PAY! I've got a hundred tons o' TNT here... and-
[BOOM! He blows everything up]
[Metal and Dragon wake up in a graveyard, where Shadow is carrying a shovel]
Sh: Whuh? AHH! DON'T KILL ME, I was only gonna bury your dead bodies!
[Metal grabs the shovel and smacks it as hard as he can onto Shadow's head, then buries Shadow]

[screen fade]
["BBC Wales" appears on screen]