A team of chao... lost in a new world... Involving... ALL-NEW places to explore! NEW chao, all with just as funny dialogue! NEW enemies, each funnier than the last! NEW ADVENTURES... NEW STORIES... NEW LANDS... NEW WORLD... And all they have to rely on are a bunch of loonies and their crazy fables! Dark Chao Adventures Season 4. Interesting. Deadly. Funny. Weird. Crazy. Episode 29: Chao Talk Attack! part five: Escaping the Beast Chapter 1: Kill All Yourselves! [we continue as the chao must kill one more person one more time] K: I say you guys let me kill Dark! That ought to be worth a chuckle or two. Dark: Nah, not good enough. I say we do that, but the other way around. K: Sounds good--wait... [Dark picks Knuckle up and chucks him out the window] K: Ugh... I'm not dead yet! [Shade punches Dark really hard, and he dies] "OMG! Someone released Nomble!" [Knuckle is out in the street, and gets run over by a humongus block with a screaming face on it] [Dark and Knuckle are back with the others] Shade: Okay, first order of business-- HOW DO WE GET PAST THAT GIANT THING!? Hero: So far, I know of two ways. Both feature jumping onto the Nomble, riding it, and jumping off when it makes the path. Shade: Okay. How? Hero: The first one would be to go back into the secret underground base and find the other half of the office of death. Dark: Second half? Hero: Yeah. The Office of Death is sort of the result of an office from Hell coming to our world. It's been split up in two- SB: Three. Hero: What? How do you know? SB: The third half is the OLD Office of Death, but it's MUCH harder to find. The Nomble opens the path to it. Hero: So past THAT Office of Death is home? SB: Close. A maze LEADING to home. See, Chao Talk used to be great, but SOMETHING caused Hell to come to it, and so it's been torn apart and mixed with various parts of Hell. Hero: Oh. Anyway, the first way is to find the second third of the office of death, and it SHOULD take you to the place you need to go. Chao: And the second way? Hero: The Admin Room. Somewhere in each building, there is an Admin Room waiting for us to find them. Shade: Got it. So, the plan is, we'll split up into two groups- the first group will head into that secret underground base and try to find the second part of the Office of Death. The second group will head into the big building and SEARCH FOR THE ADMIN ROOM. Are we clear? LGS: I think so. [with Team 1] [they make it down to the Killer Scientist room, and run past them] Speedy: Crap, another jump puzzle! PF: I'll try and get us all over. [it takes a while, but one by one, he flies them all over] [they enter a secret lab] Hero: Oh boy, more telepathy. Sounds like we opened a checkpoint. [they keep on going and reach ANOTHER jump puzzle, and use the same strategy] [then, they fall down into a big maze] Hero: Let's split up. [they do, and eventually find the exit, which leads to ANOTHER maze, this time with a twist] K: What are we waiting for, let's go! [Knuckle steps out, and is run over by a mini Nomble] [eventually, they all make it] Stalh: Oh my Hero chaos... we found it! Hero: Easy, guys. Looks like this third got very distorted... it requires proper timing to make it around this office. [eventually, after some long waits, they make it to a rooftop] Tail: I can't believe it! We actually did it! Now, we gotta wait for the other team. [with Team 2] Shade: Now, if I were an Admin Room, where would I-- oh. [right by the entrance is a big door that reads "Admins Only"] [it's locked] Dark: Great, now we'll never find the way home! [Dark sits on a couch, and the door opens] Chao: Dark, you did it! [they enter it, and find a mini cave that takes them pretty high up] He: Careful, Dark. Looks like a long way down to the streets. [Dark ISN'T careful, and slips out an opening, and lands on an invisible path high in the street] Chao: Once again, Dark... you DID IT! Chapter 2: Deadly Office Trek [the two teams are back together, and jump onto the Nomble as it passes] Shade: Woohoo! This is awesome! [suddenly, the Nomble breaks open a wall, and the chao jump into it] [they're warped into a little bit of Hell] Chao Scientist: HELP! I've got to get out of here! Shade: Riiiight, you do that. [the chao quickly run to a nearby exit, and get warped upwards into a small lab] Tail: Why are there so many detours!? [they exit the lab, and land in ANOTHER lab, this time with disco music playing and a spinning chair on the ground] PFII: ...I don't even wanna know. [they find a small crawlspace, and go into a maze that's constantly flashing red] Dark: MY EYES! I think I got a seizure... [after a long search, they finally find the end of the maze] Shade: Finally, the end! [but with no luck- they find a room with a large gap between them and the next room] Q: ....okay, I'LL fly you guys! Sheesh! [at the other end, they're warped up to the Office] K: 'Bout time! Now, which one of these doors is our way out? [Knuckle enters a random one, and falls through the floor into a room with four turrets] K: --CRAP. [Dark tries one, but is sucked into a red, flashing face] Dark: NO, NOMBLE! Why are you doing this to me!? [Chao tries one] [as does Shade] [and Elgee] [Elgee- he stands at the door, but it won't open. However, a large spike comes out of the ceiling and kills him] [also, Dark-Hawk tries one, which leads him to a small room with a poster of the OMG park] [plus, Dark tries one, which opens to nothing but black] Dark: Guys, maybe we should try this one. K: Outta my way, DORK. [Knuckle enters, and is instantly killed by nothing] Shade: Mine's like Dark's, but I hope it doesn't kill us. Chao, c'mon! Chao? [Chao's door is protected by a large glass, and is slowly flooding] Chao: Not again... [a few seconds later, they all enter Shade's, and are all warped to a jumping maze] PF: Okay, okay, me and Quartz will help you. Happy? [they get out, and discover they are on the edge of a large clocktower overlooking the city] [they find a doorway which takes them to a large, colorful hallway] [at the end of a hallway is a mini office which shows pictures of strange triangles] [at the end of THAT, they're all warped to a set of four teleporters] Shade: Eenie-meenie-minie-moe... [they pick one, and are teleported to the end of a spiral. At the other end is ANOTHER four teleporters] Shade: Eenie-meenie-minie-moe... [they pick one, and are teleported out of the city] All: (huge cheer) Shade: YES! We finally did it! Dark: Oh, I missed this wonderful grass... Chao: That place was HORRIBLE! So many deaths... He: ...I admit, I missed the outside world, too. Honey: It's just so great to see sunshine... Buddy: Yeah, being trapped by those walls was NOT fun. Speedy: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you... K: (sniff) ...It's just so beautiful... Hero: Six long episodes... PF: So, Elgee, Chao Talk wasn't what you expected, now was it? LGS: No. Not even close. Chapter 3: And They Thought They Were Free... Chao: Stalh, why aren't you cheering? Stalh: 'Cause we're not free of the deadliness yet. Look around you! This isn't outside, this is the large hedge maze at the edge of the city. PFII: ...Well, at least we're not in the actual city anymore. ?: (whispering) Get OUT... Shade: He, stop doing that eerie whisper. He: What are you talking about, I thought YOU... [they all stand silent] ?: (whispering) Get out of the maze... get back to the city... SB: Hey, who is this? ?: (whispering) Only someone working for someone some of you guys know... Shade: Wait, only some of us-- what? ?: (whispering) I mean, not all of you know who I am, but-- Ah, FORGET IT! Just go back to the city! You all found your way to Chao Talk, you're not allowed back! Q: And just why not? ?: (whispering) Because... life's unfair like that. Stalh: Whoever you are, SHOW YOURSELF! I think we can take you. ?: (whispering) Oh, you'd like to think that, wouldn't you? Tell you what... I'll give you one minute to run and see if you can find your way out. Either you reach the city, or you get out, after a minute, I'm gunning you down... ONE BY ONE. Ready? 1, 2, 3... GO! [the chao start running] [within seconds, they instantly get seperated] [after a minute, let's join SShade] SShade: (pant) ....where am I, anyway? ?: (whispering) You're in your living hell... [the mysterious stalker KO's SShade, and she catches a glimpse of black claws] [meanwhile, Elgee is KO'ed, and he catches a glimpse of black shoes] Dark: (pant) Wow, how big is this maze? ?: (whis--oh, you know by now) Big enough for you to DIE IN! [catches a glimpse of red eyes] Shade: (very tired) Ooh... I gotta stop... [Shade stops for a moment] ?: Awww.... does little baby want his bottle? Shade: No, you look fine to me. ?: FINE!? You think I look FINE!? Lemme show you ME... [the stalker jumps out of the hedges, and is simply a black Metal Sonic] Shade: Wow, talk about unoriginal. Who are you? ?: Over time, I have forgotten my name... but, I think Echo sounds good. Shade: Echo? Wait, you look oddly familiar... Echo: I'd BETTER look oddly familiar. You HAVE met me before, but under a different name. One that I cannot remember... Shade: Ah, yes... now I remember you... you're one of the-- [Metal Sonic flies in and punches Echo] MS: BAM! So this is where you little shrimps are... I've been looking all over for you! Shade: Metal, oh... for once, I'm really glad to see you! MS: Yeah, well, don't be. This planet went all Metroid Prime 2 on me. Shade: Oh, no.. don't tell me-- MS: Yep. A deadly storm up there knocked me quite a bit. Where is this, anyway? Shade: The Chao World. We're currently in one living nightmare... MS: I can tell. Who's this bozo? He looks eerily familiar... Shade: He can't remember his name, but goes by "Echo." MS: Hmm... doesn't he work for-- [Echo gets up and starts a fistfight with Metal] MS: I know you... you kidnapped me and the rest of the Gang once... Echo: I did not, but-- MS: I know, I know, but you were still working for him! [Metal whacks Echo very hard] Chapter 4: The Final Hope [Metal won the fist fight] MS: Thank you, thank you... now, where's the rest of you runts? Shade: Scattered in this giant hedge maze. [Metal rounds them all up, and flies them to the exit] Chao: Thank you SO MUCH, Metal! MS: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Listen, we gotta find a way to get outta here. There's some kind of deadly storm up there that's stopping me from flying too high... SB: Now, here's where I come in again with the vital news. There's some kind of factory over there that's, uh... emitting the storm. Chao: But that doesn't even make sense! SB: I know. It's right behind you if you wanna see for yourself. [everyone looks and gasps-- it really IS] Hero: Once again, I have made a plan. We go in there, and Metal beats the pulp out of whoever's running that place, and while he's doing that, we look for an exit. MS: That sounds like one great plan. I'm in! Shade: And I think returning home doesn't sound like a bad idea, so you guys are in, right? [the others agree] Shade: Right. Let's get this party started, people! END!