Dark Chao Adventures Episode 12: Tail the Horrible Dictator From Beyond Planet Dooky!
Chapter 1: Shadow Is Spoiled:
[our story begins in the space-time rip beyond--... STR, okay? Space-Time Rip!]
[Mephiles is chuckling as Tail screams]
Tail: AAHHHH!!! Got any candy?
MP: No.
MP: Nobody can hear you... in SPACE!
[enter Shade, Dark, and Chao]
Shade: Stop right there, Doctor Phyllis! We have come to save Tail! And, we brought snacks.
MP: Gut, young kinder, now... are you ready for ze tingly sensation of ze-- (COUGH) sorry. Ready for the painful feeling in your gut?
Chao: What do you mean?
MP: It's quite simple... I am not here to annhialate these foolish chao... on the contrary.
[SShade is spying on them from afar]
SShade: What? What is he talking about?
Shade: What do you mean?
MP: Hehehe... all will be revealed... now come, Shade! You must rest up for tommorrow's ritual.
Shade: Okay, enough Shadow talk!
MP: No, I'm serious. What, was that in Shadow the Hedgehog?
Dark: Every bit of it, but Shade's name.
MP: D'OH! I just spoiled it for me. Anyway, tommorrow's ritual is almost here... you must all rest up, all four of you! That means you, girl!
SShade: Darn, I was spotted!
MP: Well, where could you of hidden? It's all blank. Plus, it's already tommorrow.
[tommorro-- today]
MP: Yeah, you see... I have this huge rash.
Shade: Well, you could've gotten it from always wearing that blue suit, Shadow.
Dark: Shade? Um... camera 2 is on.
Shade: What? NO! Ergh, uh... ugh, man, great. A-hem!
MP: Yes, yes of course! Sorry. Anyway, um... oh, yeah! Uh... right! The ritual begins now, foolish chao!
[Mephiles presses a button and they all teleport to Zim's apartment in California]
ZIM: Eh? Wha? Wha... what are you doing in ZIM'S BASE!? This is my base!
MP: Shut up, Zim. I brought the chao here so you can all see the ritual!
[Mephiles creates a giant cuccoon and encapsualtes Tail]
MP: Now... we wait.
Zim: So, uh... really? Uh-huh.
SShade: Yeah, it's true. And you can't see them!
Zim: WHAT!? I, the geat ZIM, cannot see some stupid chao cheerleaders!?
[the cuccoon fades away, and out steps Tail as a proper Tails chao, instead of a yellow Hero chao]
MP: Ah, yes... MUAHAHAHAHA! All according to plan!
Chao: What'd you do to poor Tail?
Tail: Allow me to simplify the definition into your puny, minute language. Mephy here turned me real.
Chao: Oh, come now! I can understand the complex definition!
Tail: (sigh) When Sonic Team designed Phantasy Star Online 1ampersand2 for the Gamecube, it had the extra option to download a Tails A-Life creature to the Game Boy Advance, which could be further transferred and uploaded to Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for the Nintendo Gamecube. Basically: PSO let you get a Tails chao.
Chao: I see... do go on.
Tail: Due to Sonic Team's advanced programming, they designed it as to when a Tails chao is transferred to the Chao Garden, it could not die. To put it simply: Tails Chao is invincible. Also, they designed it as to the Tails Chao's liking, a good example would be all A rankings for everything, and great swimming. Tails Chao rocks. And, furthermore, DJay32 has decided to take complete advantageous accounting to this loophole as to his own likings so that any Miles Prower A-Life creatures or character A-Life creatures are created officially, they shall be perfect in every possibility whatsoever. Cutting to the chase: Tails Chao is the perfect chao.
Chao: Interesting, continue.
Tail: That is all there is to the complicated speech on Tails Chao.
Chao: Yes, further more?
Tail: That's it.
Chao: Interesting! I understand now!
Tail: Your mind has successfully blocked all of what I exhibited, I assume.
Chao: Say what now?
Tail: You don't have a clue.
Chao: Lost you at (sigh).
Chapter 2: Tail and the Brilliance:
Shade: So... you wanted to make Tail smart?
MP: Yes... it will annoy the heck outta you!
SShade: He's already a pain in the butt.
Tail: Nonsense, young female Darkenous A-Life creature! This is a striking feeling in the glutious maximus!
[Tail kicks her]
Tail: And.. as brilliance extroadinaire of this collection of A-Life creatures and Irken, I will stand up and take leadership responsibilities! I'm the ruler now.
Shade: Sorry there, buckeroony... but, hehe... I'm afraid to tell you that I'm the ruler of these--
Tail: Plant it, weakling.
Shade: Sitting!
Tail: As ruler, I will start by creating a Character Chao Garden...
[boom! They teleport right into it]
Dark: What just happened?
Shade: We've been thrown in the loony bin, Dark.
Chao: Stored away in the bad garden.
SShade: Caught by who was once our underling...
Dark: Y-you mean... we're prisoners of war!?
Shade: Dark! Ix-nay n-oay he-tay poilers-say!
Dark: Sorry.
Tail: You fools are now my slaves!
ZIM: Excuse me, pathetic chao creature... but why should we listen to you?
Tail: Excuse me, pathetic Irken... but why should I listen to you?
ZIM: Ah, yes! The escape plan!
Tail: What? Escape pla--
ZIM: Yes, a fabulous idea! Um... we're gonna run North now.
[they run South, and barely escape]
Tail: You shouldn't make it so hard on yourselves! Just surrender yourselves to me, TAIL!
MP: Don't chase them. They'll return. Believe me, I know these guys.
Tail: CAN IT, SHADOW WANNA-BE. I have known these guys for 12 episodes, 10 more than you have.
MP: ! ...
[Mephiles runs away]
[back in the Dark Garden, all 6 are hiding in Shade's secret cavern (Episode... 6 was it?)]
ZIM: What do you plan on doing? ZIM is out of ideas...
Shade: Don't worry your little alien butt... I have an awesome plan. Flawless! Foolproof!
SShade: Um... Shade? You do know that foolproof plans won't work?
Shade: Huh? Why not?
Chao: Tail is not a fool, nor has he ever been one.
Shade: Remember the Season 1 Episode 1 bloopers? "Tails"?
Chao: Erm.. fine, he may of been one once.
MP: WAIT! I have a plan... crazy, but it just might work.
[back to the Character Garden]
[Mephiles encapsulates Tail into a pink cuccoon]
MP: Now all we do is wait.
Chapter 3: Surprise, Surprise!
[Tail comes out as a yellow chao, as average as ever]
Tail: Uh... what just happened?
MP: I gave you a pink cuccoon, which caused you to be reborn as your baby self.
Shade: Oh, my goodness! We gotta get to class!
[the chao and Zim make remarks, and run off]
[at CPAK...]
Tails: I see... so Tail almost took over the Chao World? Uh-huh... let's run some tests on him.
[2 seconds later...]
Tails: Okay! Let's see here... it looks like Tail still will never die, but with a price to pay!
Tail: But... I don't have any money!
Tails: No... it says here that when you evolve into an adult, you'll be an evil dictator-type chao, but when you are reborn, you'll stay like the nice chao you are now!
Chao: Guess we'd better try to stop you from evolving, right?
Tail: Nonsense, young brilliance extroadinaire wanna-be. I do quite desire to expand my vocabulary once more.
[the others stare]
Tails: Looks like you have a good side and a bad side now.
Tail: Yeah... and another side.
Chao: What side is that?
Tail: My full bladder side. Can somebody get me a bucket or a cup?!
[they all run around, making remarks]