Dark Chao Adventures: Episode 3: Shade V.S. Chao part 1: The Chaolympics [Invader Zim theme playing, for those of you that have no idea, Dark Garden theme playing] The story begins in....... the Neutral Garden...... Chapter 1: Chao News [News theme playing] News Chao: Hello, and welcome to Chao News! Today's special, our guest stars: Shade and Chao! [enter Shade and Chao] NC: Shade, we'll start with you, do you have ANYTHING you'd like to say? Shade: Yes, I do. Attention all Chao! Lend me your ears! Stare into the center of the screen! Yes! Keep staring! MUAHAHAHHAHA! [nothing happens] ...... what happened? There was supposed to be a mind control device there! Crew Chao: (whispering) Shade: ..... okay..... Chao: What? Shade: The special effects Chao had to go to the Chao Doctor. NC: ...... well, Chao, how about you? Chao: Yes, I have something IMPORTANT to say! Hello, all you stupid Darks. The Chaolympics are tommorow, and I'm going to beat you! NC: Okay, that's interesting, Chao! That's all the time we have for you 2, so, thanks for coming! [exit Shade and Chao] NC: Anyway, today we have...... [screen fades] Chapter 2: Getting Ready Dark Garden... Dark: Wow, Shade, you were FANTASTIC! I wish that special effects chao were there..... Shadow (chao): Shade, how wiww (will) you beat Chao? Shade: Guys, guys, I have it under control, I'm a lean, mean, Chao-beating machine! Dark, train me. Dark: Got it! [montage, with Sandopolis theme playing] [Shade punches bag, then trips] [Shade tries to swim, but almost drowns] [Lots of funny things happening....] [end montage] {Shade is all beaten up} Shade: I'm okay! I'm going to beat Chao! Chapter 3: The Chaolympics [ the Neutral Garden waterfall interior] Omochao: Okay, guys, this is the cave run! You 2 (Dark and Speedy) shall run through these caves, but you must make your way to the Chao Stadium! 3....... 2....... 1........ GO! [the chao speed off] Speedy: YOu're too slow, give up, Dork! Dark: Dork? Grr...... nobody calls me DORK! [Dark zips past Speedy, and punches him] Dark: I WIN! I WIN! Speedy: No fair! You punched me! Dark: So what, Sluggy? Omochao: Alright, Dark wins! This next match, is where you 2 (Shadow chao and Tail) shall go through the obstacle course! (y'know, challenge race?) 3...... 2......... 1......... GO! [Tail opens up the jack-in-the-box, and nothing comes out. Shadow's one has a spike inside] Shadow: OW! [they shake the trees, Tail makes it, while Shadow gets hit in the head by a fruit] Shadow: OOOOOWWWWW!!!! [they go through the course, with Tail winning, and Shadow losing] [in the end, Tail wins] Shadow: Ow...... my head...... Omochao: Okay, Tail wins! Now, whoever wins the final match, wins! [camera skips to the Chao.....] Omochao: Karate! You 2 (Shade and Chao) must fight each other in Karate! 3....... 2......... 1.................. GOOOOOOO!!!!!! [Cool kung-fu music playing] Chao: HIYA! SMACK! Shade: HOOOWHOA! CRASH! [Chao hit a nearby cart] Omochao: Chao is out of the ring! [Shade jumps at Chao] BOOM! Omochao: Um...... guys? Shade won! [Shade keeps on breaking Chao's bones] Omochao: SSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Shade stops] Omochao: Shade, you won! Shade: Whoo-pee! I won! YAAAHHHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 4: It's not over yet [Dark Garden] Dark: You did it, Shade! You beat Chao! Shade: Yeah! Although, that first hit of Chao's really packed a punch! Dark: Oh, well, it doesn't matter! Shadow chao: Wook(look), guys! Da news is on! [news theme] NC: Hello, and welcome to Chao News! Today's guest stars are: Doctor Ivo Robotnik! And, Sonic The Hedgehog! Ooh, a sudden extra: Amy Rose! Sonic: Amy? Amy: Sonic! I've been looking all over for you! You need to take care of the Hero Chao! Your Chao's been punched in the stomach! And the perfect one's been injured! Sonic: WHAT!? What games do these Chao play? Eggman: ...... I SHALL RULE YOU ALL! [Eggman runs off the screen] [back to Dark Garden] Shade: Uh-oh. Dark: Yeah, and the worst part is..... Shade Jr.:........ (here it comes..[poop sound]..... another moment that I haven't been changed).... THE END! In loving memory of all my Chao, Chao, Knuckle, Tail, and ALL of the Chao names in this. (including Shade, except the News crew)