[a clip of the end of the previous episode is on a blue screen] MM: How is the plan going? JOE: Echo is currently flying above the Hero Garden. MM: Excellent. JOE: When he finally does it, will he return to normal? [His World Zebrahead mix (not the normal one) slowly fades in] MM: To tell you the truth... I'm not sure. [the two laugh as the theme continues] Dark Chao Adventures [a clip of Shade swim-racing against Chao (Episode 1) as the word "Shade" appears in big letters] Shade: (Voice-over from another scene in E1) I think I can do it. [a clip of Dark at EBGames buying Sonic R (Episode 5) as the word "Dark"... you know] Dark: (VA other scene E5) Dark Kills All Hero Chao 2? [Chao dancing terribly (Episode 9) and the works] Chao: (VA yaddayadda) Let's see you dance, dork! [Tail running to the Tails Doll (Episode 13) ...] Tail: (VA ...) Ooh! A Tails Doll! [Metal Sonic playing poker (Episode 6) ...] MS: (you know) And I need a pathetic mortal as a slave for eternity! [Mephiles speaking to the Darks (Episode 10) ...] Mp: (VA) I am Mephiles. And I have a proposition to make to you. [the others quickly flash on to the screen, the mix ends dramatically] SEASON 5- Sure, It's Not Epic, But At Least It's Back To Its Roots! Episode 37: Prophecy of a Journey [the story begins in the Neutral Garden, camera pans on the waterfall] Chapter 1: We Miss You Chao (not that Chao) (Voice-over): Will I never find happiness again? [camera pans on the waterfall, different angle] Chao (VO): I don't think so. I only found happiness when he was around... [camera pan on the blue sky] Chao (VO): Cham... we ALL miss you... come back to us. [pan on the rocks by the waterfall] Chao (VO): I feel sad to say... the Neutral Garden... has almost fallen. [camera zoom-in on a "teenager" Dark chao (just turned Dark), he's normal with a frown on his face] Chao (VO): The only reason it's still alive is because I'm here... the guardian... of the Neutral Garden. [close-up on his face] Chao (VO): ..I miss my father. I miss my, uh... other father. But, I can't go back. Not now. MSp: Good day to you. [the Dark chao jumps in surprise, turns around, and sees Metal Speedy] Chao: What? Don't I... know you? MSp: I'm afraid we were simply in the same timeline, but we still crave one thing. Chao: What's that? MSp: Attention. Chao: *sigh* Yes... I dearly miss my father(s)... I miss Cham... I miss ALL the chao here. MSp: I understand. You went away just as my time began, correct? Chao: I didn't, actually... I was taken for a walk here, but they left me. Forgot me. I grew up here, and hid from all chao. MSp: Well, I was forgotten, too. By that infuriating Shade! [Metal Speedy takes a look at the chao, who has an uncertain look on his face] MSp: Ah, I know who you are. You... don't HATE Shade, do you? Chao: Of... of course I do. I just... don't... show it. [Metal Speedy realizes what he's doing, and decides to play along] MSp: So, you really HATE Shade, correct? You wish to bring him down? ...doesn't everyone... Chao: Wh...what should I do? MSp: Wait until their 'Uncle' takes him for another walk, then BRING HIM DOWN. Chao: O...okay. By the way... who are you? MSp: I am Metal Speedy, a Cyber chao. DJ invented Cyber and Rebel chao to help the plot, but he forgot BOTH. Chao: Rebel chao... that rings a bell... MSp: Enough about me, tell me YOUR name. Chao: ...I'd...rather...not.... MSp: I understand. Say, do you wish to join the Beta Avengers? [cut to the Dark Garden, Shade is on the laptop (from Episode 11) at the Smash Brothers Dojo] Shade: Whoa... Dark, c'mere! Dark: Yeah? Shade: Were you wondering where Mister Sonic went all this time? Dark: Kinda... Shade: Well, he went to the world of Smash. The lucky hedgehog. Dark: Cool! The world of Smash, the happiest place in Nintendo! [Uncle Shadow comes in] Sh: Hey, Shade! Wanna go for a walk? Shade: Ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy! Yes, please! Dark: Ooh! Ooh! Me! ME! Take me with you! Sh: *chuckle* Okay, Dark. You can come, too. DH: Shade, before you go, I wanna ask you... what happened to your 'son'? Shade: What son? When did I have a son? DH: Season 1. Me: Dark-Hawk, ix-nay, kay-o-ay? DH: Wha? Oh, right. I'll shut up now. [Uncle Shadow takes Shade and Dark to the Neutral Garden] Sh: Pretty nice here, isn't it? Shade: *sigh* Yeah... Dark: Shade, what's wrong? Shade: Oh, it's just what Dark-Hawk said... Dark: About your son? Shade: MY son? He's YOUR son, too. Dark: *sniff* Yeah... I miss him. Chao (not that Chao): You miss me? REALLY? [Shade and Dark look around and see the Teenaged Dark chao] Chapter 2: Family Reunion Shade: Is... is it really you, Shade Junior? SJR: Dad... Shade: Son! [Shade runs up to hug Shade Jr, but he looks nervous] Shade: What's wrong? SJR: Um... Dad... no, SHADE. Shade, this isn't easy to say, but... Shade: Just spill it. I promise I'll understand! SJR: I'm becoming a Beta Avenger. [Shade slaps Shade Jr] SJR: OW! Whaddja do THAT for? Shade: GO TO YOUR ROOM! Dark: And no dessert! SJR: I'm not taking orders from you anymore, Shade. From now on, I am known as... [zoom-in on his face] SJR: Drohendes Unheil! I shall send you to the Perdition in an instant! Shade: Calm down with the other languages, Unheil... DU: I am working with the one you call 'Metal Speedy,' who I call 'Bunuh.' Shade: Wait, so you're Doom, working with Kill to send me to Eternal Damnation? DU: Pretty much, yeah, if you wanna translate. Dark: I hate other languages... DU: By the way, Bunuh taught me how to do THIS... [Unheil points at the ground and lightning strikes it, Shade, Dark, and Uncle Shadow run off] DU: See that, Bunuh? They ran off! I'm scary! MSp: Nice, Drohendes. Say, uh... could you call me Pembunuh from now on? DU: Sure thing! That means 'Murderer,' right? Pm: Yes, it does. Keep this up, and we, the Beta Avengers, will be unstoppable and all have codenames! DU: I've got a codename for the BA! "A Veteran's Beg"! Pm: Ooh, anagrams! I like you, Drohendes. DU: And you'll like me even more when you hear an anagram for 'Metal Speedy'.... 'Sealed Empty'! Pm: That... that's pretty awesome. [Pembunuh communicates somehow with the MILKMAN] MM: Yeah? Pm: Ready. Commence Operation: Garland Lord He Stets Ye. MM: Okay. [cut to the Hero Garden, Chao is sitting in front of the fountain, trying to meditate] Speedy: Chao! Chao! Quick, the Darks are coming! Chao: Grrr.... trying to meditate here... wait, WHAT!? [Chao hops onto his feet and prepares] [Shade and Dark run in] Shade: Listen to me, Chao... we found Shade Jr.... after all these years. Chao: So, why are you not there talking to him? Shade: He joined the Beta Avengers. [Chao spaces out for a second] Chao: That...... is not.... good... Shade: I swear, Chao... those Beta Avengers are up to something. Dark: What makes you say that? Shade: Well, the Daleks, Chao Talk, the factory, Metal Speedy, Echo, and now this! Chao: You may be on to something, Shade... [Pembunuh marches in] Pm: Attention all losers... I, Pembunuh, am announcing the newest member of A Veteran's Beg... Adjoin Usher! [Shade Junior comes in] AU: Adjoin Usher... I like that. An anagram... thanks. Chao: 'A Veteran's Beg'? AU: It's, uh... an anagram for 'Beta Avengers.' Shade: Well, it fits. Chapter 3: Operation Garland Lord He Stets Ye AU: And I am here to announce YOUR DOOM. [the chao start listening] AU: Just like in 'The Ring,' YOU WILL DIE IN SEVEN DAYS. However, this time, it's not because of a girl. Dark: Is it because of a chao? AU: The answer's both yes... AND no. Shade: Enough Mephiles quotes, Shade Jr, just tell us! AU: You may have noticed the deadly Echo flying above this garden. Tail: Yeah, we're all getting tired of him. AU: Well, he won't exactly KILL you all, more or less he'll weaken you. Then... ohhoho! You will die of a more LETHAL cause. Buddy: Out with it, already! SB: Yeah, can't you tell we're getting bored? AU: ...That's it. I'm not saying the lethal cause of death, it's all up to the prophecied one to figure out. Shade: I swear, if he says it's me, I'm gonna-- AU: SHADE is the prophecied one! [Shade screams] Shade: Why can't it ever be SOMEONE ELSE!? It's always ME! Hero Chaos, I am so SICK AND TIRED of being the only one who actually DOES anything around here, while you guys act like the background characters you are! [Shade pouts and rants] AU: ...Aren't you guys gonna do something? Chao: Eh, we zone him out. So, why Shade, anyway? AU: I dunno, something about Chaos driving a car, I didn't catch the specifics. Pm: Okay, FINE, I'll explain the specifics. [Read closely, some things foreshadow others] Pm: First, in order to recieve the Chaos Drives, Shade must traverse through deadly portals to deadlier worlds... Dark: (to Chao) He's gonna go to Aperture Science... Pm: Well, yeah, but not for a while. Anyway, he'll have to do some dangerous things just to get the Chaos Drives. Dark: Like facing Nihilanth? Pm: Yeah, like facing your mother. Heroes: OHHHHHHH!!! Tail: Burn! Pm: Once he has all eight Chaos Drives, he will turn into a Dark/Swim chao like he did while facing the clones, although this time he'll be like that permanently. Dark: He'll be able to beat Chao in swimming races TWICE as fast! Pm: Yeah, just like how I beat your mother. ...PERIOD. Heroes: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Tail: You, good sir, just been served! Pm: Then, he must face MILKMAN. But, it's guaranteed he won't win. Dark: Yeah, just like how I won. ...Your mom. Heroes: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Tail: He shoots... Dark: ...and scored your mom. Tail: AND BURNS! Ohhh!!! Pm: Stop copying me. Anyway, goodbye, losers. [the two leave] Shade: ..and ANOTHER THING-- Chao: Shade, you can calm down now. Shade: ...sorry. What'd I miss? Chao: You have to get eight Chaos Drives from deadly worlds in seven days, then must kill the MILKMAN. [Shade faints] Dark: ... Chao: ... Tail: ...THIS IS BORING! [the chao wonder how Shade will do this as the camera pans the skies, showing Echo flying around] Echo: SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECH!! Chapter 4: A Black Letter Day [later, in the Dark Garden, Shade is worrying when Shadow comes in with a letter] Shadow: Lord Shade! A letter came for you! Shade: Hmm... Dear Shade, Requesting job in Black Mesa Research Facility, New Mexico. We have found a strange little yellow glowing stick. Requesting your services. Come in a few days. From: Doctor Izaac Kleiner Shade: Well, at least we know where a Chaos Drive is. Dark: Wait, we still have three more episodes this season! Me: Don't worry, I'll think of something. [cut to ZIM's lab] ZIM: WHAT!? You want ME, the GREAT and ALL-POWERFUL ZIM, to assist YOU in your puny little chao antics!? Me: Yeah... want to? ZIM: Yeah, sure, why not? Come, GIR! The Dark Garden awaits! GIR: Will they have taquitos? ZIM: ...Yes, GIR. They will have taquitos. GIR: WHEEEEEEE!!! END