Dark Chao Adventures Episode 13: Flight Of the Thursday Players: Chapter 1: A Meeting With the Mets: [the story begins in the Stardust Eggman (Poker bar and abandoned statue)...] [the Poker buddies are sitting around a table, discussing some stuff] DT: So, I suggest that we bet... voodoo dolls! TD: I find that somewhat offensive. MK: He's right, let's not. How about bolts? MS: How about not? TD: But then... what should we bet on tonight? [Mecha Knuckles pulls out a newspaper] MK: I got a crazy idea! What about that one really smart chao... Tail? MS: Yeah! Yeah, that'd be perfect! TD: Yes, excellent! DT: One question... Mecha? What's the newspaper for? MK: Oh, uh... it was a last resort. MS: You wanted to bet newspaper!? MK: NO! I was thinking the winner could whack the losers on the head with a newspaper alot! [Metal snatches the paper and whacks Mecha with it a lot] MS: Like that? MK: Aye, aye... cap-i-tayne... (faint) [the others stare as Mecha faints, then for a few more seconds] MS: Then it's settled. We are betting Tail, and the Narrator again, and Tails again, Eggman again, Mephiles, Zim, and finally, Sonic. All: Sonic? MS: Yep, my nemesis! Let's rock. Chapter 2: Catching the Catch: [Metal is standing outside the Station Square mall, waiting, when Amy comes out. Metal snatches her, being careful not to spill her bags, and jets off. Later, at an old abandoned warehouse somewhere, Amy is tied up and Metal is interrogating her] MS: Where's Sonic? Amy: If I knew, wouldn't I be stalking him now? MS: Good point. Then, I guess I'll have to do Plan B. [cut to Sonic, in Eggman's base somewhere, during Eggman's monolouge] EGG: ...which goes over to the left, as I rule the world! But, it has one flaw which I am not-- [the giant screen behind Eggman turns on, and it's Metal] MS: Sonic the hedgehog. I know you're in Eggman's base. Now, I have kidnapped Amy (and more), and if you really like her (or are jealous), then come get me! I'll be in Stardust Eggman. Sonic: I don't care. She stalks me, and the last time she whacked me with that hammer, I got a massive brain tumor, fell into a coma, and forgot why I liked her. MS: Well, uh... oh, gee... um... I've got Rouge over here. Sonic: (singsongy) Comiiiing! [Sonic runs off] EGG: No way! I'm stuck here by myself now? MS: Eggman. Yes, you. I do have winkwinkstickupmiddlefinger Rouge over here, fingerscrossed. EGG: (singsongy) Comiiiing! [Eggman runs off] [meanwhile, in San Francisco, Mecha Knuckles is looking around for Zim] MK: Oh, man! Where could a little green alien be? Hang on, I've got an idea... [cut to Zim, in Eggman's base somewhere, during Mephiles' monolouge] MP: ...which goes over to the left, as I rule the world! But, it has one flaw which I am not-- [the screen on behind him turns on-- it's Mecha] MK: Zim and/or Mephiles. Come to Stardust Eggman, where all the latest Irken Technology and/or I Hate Irkens T-Shirts are being given away, absoloutely free! It's fly, no lie! MP: BAOLEEN! [silence] MP: Sorry. [Mephiles and Zim run off] [cut to CPAK, where Tail is being given lessons after-school by Tails, and the Tails Doll sneaks into the back of the room] Tails: ...which goes over to the left, as I rule the world! But, it has one flaw which I am not-- [the Tails Doll squeaks, and Tail looks behind himself and squeals] Tail: Ooh! A Tails Doll! I've always wanted one! Tails: Isn't that a Tail Doll? TD: No, I'm Tails. I mean-- (squeak) [Tail picks it up, and Tails touches it, and they both get teleported away to Stardust Eggman, Tails Doll snickers, and teleports] [cut to-- PAUSE! MS: Hello, it's us, the Poker Gang. Dark Tails just sacked DJay into a puny little stocking, so we're gonna narrate for a while! DT: Since I socked him, I should get to narrate, right? Right. Anytime you see [ or ], then I'll explain what happens, and maybe throw a comment or two in. [PLAY! --Stardust Eggman, at 9:00 o'clock. Me and the others are sitting at the table, laughing evilly at the poor saps wrapped up in rope, when I turn to Metal and say,] DT: Um... are we gonna play yet? [he turns back to me and says,] MS: Forget* you, of course! Chapter 3: The Second Weekly Poker Game: [first round:] Hyper Metal Sonic: Ace Ace Ace Ace 2. Traded 2 for Ace. Won= Sonic. Super Mecha Knuckles: King King King King Ace. Traded Ace for 2. The Tails Doll: 2 2 2 2 2. Traded all for 3s. Dark Tails: Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace. Chickened out. [second round:] Super Mecha Knuckles: Ace Ace 2 7 9. Traded 2 for Ace. The Tails Doll: Ace Ace Ace Ace Ace. Won= DJay32. Dark Tails: 2 2 2 2 2. Traded all for 3s. [final round:] Super Mecha Knuckles: Ace Ace Ace Ace 2. Won= Tail. Dark Tails: 2 2 2 2 Ace. Got as consolation= Tails. [all the winners got to choose another guy, and here's who got whom: MS: Sonic and Eggman. MK: Tail and Zim. TD: DJay32 and Mephiles. DT: Tails. [we all went our seperate ways, and I had to deal with Fox Boy again, and the butcher's was closed! Here's how it went] DT: Enjoy the basement, two-tailed freak. Tails: You have two tails, too, you know. DT: (sigh) I know, I know! Just please, leave me alone! (starts to cry, and sits on couch) Tails: C'mon, what's wrong? You can tell me, I'm... oh. Never mind. 8's not old enough. DT: It's about time you knew the truth, Tails. The truth of who made me and all that crap. [flashback to Dr. Wly from Megaman, he is laughing as he brings out his newest invention-- Fox Man, who wakes up] FM: Yes... master? Wily: Fox Man, yes... excellent! I want you to go to the local bank and rob stuff! FM: Okey-dokey, I mean-- yes, sir. [Fox Man goes to the bank, but first sees an entrance to the Chao World, and enters it] FM: ERROR! Where am I? Outer paint turning grey! Growing second tail... getting.... cartoony! [Dark Tails walks in, and screams] DT: AAAHHH! A robot! (destroys Fox Man) Phew, glad that's over with! [Metal barges in and kidnaps Dark Tails] MS: Listen you-- if you want to live, you'll kill Tails and join in on my Poker Gang. [suddenly, Fox Man comes back to life and kills Dark Tails, and Metal mistakes Fox Man for Dark Tails] [back to Present] Tails: So... your real name is Fox Man? DT: Yeah... and yet, I like the name Dark Tails. Mailman: MAIL CALL! DT: I'll get it! Ooh, what's this? A letter from Metal? *Ahem* Dear Fellowship Of the Artificial Poker Players (FOAPP), all FOAPP members must attend to an airship battle that features three acts: traversing the dangerous skies (ACT 1), jumping aboard a humongus airship (ACT 2), and finally, a killer dogfight between the four of us (ACT 3)! Mandatory. Also mandatory to bring your 'Poker Prizes', aside from Dark Tails, who must bring his Consolation Prize. MANDATORY! Hyper Metal Sonic Tails: Come on, we'll take the Tornado III! (ever played Shadow the Hedgehog?) Chapter 4: Sky Fortress Dogfight Chase: [Welcome to Sky Fortress Dogfight Chase Zone Act 1, Mission: Traverse the Dangerous Skies in your plane!] [Metal, Sonic, and Eggman have the Egg Carrier] MS: Can't this thing go any faster? EGG: I'm trying as fast as I can! But, it can't go any faster without losing the shields! Sonic: Metal, we shouldn't lose the shields, without them, we are vulnerable. MS: You're right. Okay, just go as fast as you can. [Mecha, Tail and Zim have the Voot Cruiser] MK: It's a little small, don'tcha think? Tail: Yeah, and tiny! ZIM: QUIET! I am the pilot of this ship, not you! What I say goes! [Doll, DJay and Mephiles are taking the Millenium Falcon] DJ: Uh... are you sure we should be driving this thing? TD: Shut up! Han Solo didn't even know how to drive this piece of junk! MP: If it's a piece of junk, why are you driving it? TD: You're right. Here, Mephy, you drive a deadly battle cruiser through a low atmoshperic area close to a deadly spike-pitted doom! MP: I get it! Sheesh! [and LASTLY, Tails is steering the Tornado III whilst Dark Tails is on its wing] DT: Be careful, Tails! You're not even old enough to dri-- ACK! Bug! Swallowed a bug! Tails: Yeah-ha-ha, I remember when Sonic swallowed a flying cockroach. He threw up and wondered how it got this high up, and it turned out that it snuck here in Sonic's pocket with his month-old Chili Dog. DT: A little too much information there, bucko. [ACT 2, Mission: Traverse the deadly winged fortress!] [Egg Carrier just smashes through it] [the Voot Cruiser flies over it] [the Millenium Falcon and the Tornado III land, and the teams meet up] DT: Uh... hey. TD: Yo. DT: So, uh.... any... mayonaise? We're a little low. TD: We were gonna ask you the same thing. [they just refuel, and fly over it] [ACT 3, Boss: Defeat each other in a deadly dogfight!] [the Egg Carrier instantly crashes, blowing up the Millenium Falcon] [the Egg Carrier comes back up, but is sent to a room with a moose by the Voot Cruiser] [it's just the Voot Cruiser and the Tornado III, now] [they stare, cockpit to cockpit] [they rev up their engines] [CHARGE!] [Mecha jumps out and shoots a minigun at them] [Dark Tails brings out nun-chucks and deflects the bullets] [Tails does a loop, confusing the Voot] [giant rubber piggy attack by the Voot, strikes the Tornado real hard] Tails: We're going down! DT: No... no, we're not! Grab my hand, and hang on tight. [he does that, and they jump, landing on the Voot] Tail: EEEK! BIG BUGS! ZIM: Yes, I know... uck. [Zim uses the windshield wipers, and the two foxes fall off, but Tails flies them back up, and they smash in] DT: There can be only one................. team. MK: True dat, whippasnappa. (pulls out bazooka) [Tails deprograms the bazooka] ZIM: Very good, fox-ican! But, can you deprogrammify Irken technology? [Zim presses the self-destruct button, Irken version] Voot: T-minus one minute until self-destruction. DT: Come on, Tails! You have one minute! THINK! The WORLD'S depending on you! MK: Face it, he'll never do it. [Tails whispers into Dark Tails' ear something inaudible, and Dark Tails grins, then frowns] DT: That won't work, Tails! You need to hurry! THINK! Voot: T-minus thirty seconds until self-destruction. Tails: Gotta think harder! No, we're gonna die! ZIM: Yes, you are going to die! 15 seconds left, foolish pork-brain! [the foxes nod to each other, then yell "JUMP!", and jump off, right before the Voot explodes] [the remains of the Tornado III are below them, and they land safefully on it] Tails: Idiots... they didn't even think of evacuating! DT: Heh, yeah! Morons.