Dark Chao Adventures Episode 10: Attack Of Doctor Phyllis:
[the story begins in the Hero Garden, Chao is pacing around, wondering]
Chapter 1: Oily Tin Can... OF DOOM!:
Chao: (sigh) I wonder if Shade is planning anything evil. Probably not, just something stupid, like always.
[mumbling from nowhere]
[Chao's pupils shrink, then he shakes his head]
Chao: (shiver) Did it get suddenly cold in here, or is it just me?
[mumbling and whispering]
[Chao's pupils shrink more, he shakes it off]
Chao: Y-yeah... the worst Shade could ever do is capture me. He'd probably forget what he captured me for in a minute.
[more mumbling and constant whspering, this time more audible]
?: Hey. Chao.
Chao: (gulp) How did you know my name?
?: (normally) Your name is Chao? I mean-- (whispering) Yes, you. C'mere.
[Chao steps closer to the large fountain, and suddenly, the water turns oily]
[the oil stops and rises to the ground]
?: Chao... I want you, nay, need you...
Chao: Who are you?
?: I am...
[the oil rises up and forms...]
MS: (normally) Metal Sonic. Don't you remember me?
Chao: No. I barely remember hunks of metal that can somehow become oil.
MS: Well, maggot, too bad! I need you to do something for me.
Chao: Well, tin can, what's in it for me?
[the other Hero Chao come in]
Speedy: HEY! It's Metal! What's he want?
[the Hero Chao question Metal's appearance]
MS: Grrr.... SHADDUP! 
MS: Now, listen up and listen well... I will explain everything to you.
Chapter 2: An Irk An' a Funky Hedgehog:
[in the Dark Garden, Shade is resting away on the tiny island]
Shade: (mumbling profanity about Chao)
[mumbling from nowhere]
Shade: Wh-guh-HUH?
[the surrounding red water turns to oil]
Shade: What is it? Is that you, Metal?
?: No, fool. I am neither life form, nor dark matter, nor metal.
[all the dark chao surround the oily water as it rises onto the ground, and morphs into... Shadow?]
MP: No, you fool! I am not Shadow! I am Mephiles. And, I have a proposition to make to you.
Dark: Um... mister Phyllis, sir? How can you make a preposition? I mean... making under or over just sounds ridicu--
MP: A proposition, fool! Anyway, I am willing to give you complete control over all dark matter if you show me where the alien named Zim is.
Shade: Hmm... control over all dar--wait. I already can do that! What about... control over all Hero Chao, or at least Neutral?
MP: Okay, fine, whatever. So... take me to Zim!
Shade: No can do, we're clueless as to where he is, too. BUT, if you give us time, we can find him for you!
MP: This better not take too long.
Shade: I promise, I know this place like the front of my neck!
MP: You don't even have a neck.
Shade: Exactly! Now, let's get started!
[they all stand there for a minute]
Shade: Um... wait, who are you, again?
MP: (sigh) Fine, if you don't want to help me, I'll just look for him myself!
Shade: Well, we could do that, too, I guess.
MP: But, I'll have to send you into a time-rip so you can't interfere at all.
Shade: --We'll help you look for him! Like I said, I know this place like I do San Francisco (quietly) whatever that is.
[they head out into the Chao World and explore]
[in the CPAK, they stop]
MP: (sigh) Now what?
Shade: We have to ask Mister Prower! He's our teacher.
Dark: Mr. Prower, Mr. Prower!
Tails: Hello, kids! Oh, hey Shadow!
Shade: He's not Shadow, he's Doctor Phyllis!
MP: Mephiles!
Shade: Um... Mr. Prower, we were wondering where Zim is.
Tails: Well, from last time I heard, he moved to Earth. He went to San Francisco.
Shade: Where's that?
[Mehpiles glares at Shade]
Shade: Oh, just kidding! (chuckles)
[they all go to San Francisco and look for a bit]
Chapter 3: Zim Returns:
MS: Mephiles...
Shade: Chao!
Chao: Shade!
Dark: What? I don't get a rival?
MS: Kiddo's, this is the bozo-head I told you about.
Knuckle: Doctor Phyllis?
MS: Mephiles. (in case you didn't already know, it's pronounced Meh-phil-lis)
MP: Kiddies, you should know this trash-heap.
Shadow (chao): Santa Clause?
MP: No, Metal Sonic.
[Zim walks out]
Zim: WHAT is with all the ruckus? Can't you see I'm trying to rule all?
MP: Zim! I've finally caught you!
MS: You two know each other?
Zim: Yes, yes, it's a long story. Boring, you don't want to hear it. Now, I must leave quickly!
[Zim runs, and Mephiles glows purple]
Shade: Um... Mephiles, dude? You okay?
MP: Not only did he insult my mother countless times in the past, and steal my money, but... his kind-- Irkens-- entered the god world once and wrecked it all
apart. They destroyed it, trashed it, everything you could ever imagine. Then, they blamed me for it, and as punishment, I was sent to this planet for eternal damnation!
Shade: But... why Zim?
MP: I made a vow to annhialate all Irkens, and I did. Zim is the only one left, now. Plus, we met at the soda shop once and he stole my soda pop.
[Mephiles transforms into a crystally form, as seen in SONIC the Hedgehog, then zips off at fast speeds]
[Zim's scream is heard from miles away]
[the gang whistles casually and slowly steps away]
MP: Oh, no you don't. You foolish chao are now part of our trap.
[Metal Sonic grabs the chao, and Mephiles returns with Zim, half-dead]
[MS creates a force field for the chao, and Mephiles throws Zim inside, then presses a button, and Mecha Knuckles, Dark Tails, and the Tails Doll come]
MP: You punks were friends with Zim once.
Chao: Us Hero chao weren't--
MP: SHUT UP! You're a chao, just like those fools. I also... have a deep hatred for chao.
Chao: Why?
MP: Your very ancestors stole my land and called it for their own, so I'm going to rid the chao world of all chao, and take back what was rightfully mine!
Chao: How did they steal your land?
MP: Actually.. they didn't steal it, they beat me in a knitting contest.
Shade: You knit? (snicker)
[Mephiles punches Shade]
Shade: OW!
Dark: Meyfullip, how are you gonna rid the world of all chao? Will you bore them to death with a monotone log?
MP: No, and it's monologue, I will use an atom bomb that only attacks choa! Of course, you'll be here, watching your friends die! Then, the Poker Gang and I will deal with you.
[Mephiles presses a button and an atom bomb blows up all chao on Chao World]
[Mephiles laughs evilly, and Dark Tails whistles casually]
MP: Uh... that whistle doesn't sound good.
Chapter 4: Dark Tails Saves the Day:
DT: Well, uh... y'see, um... ever since Cham died, no Neutral chao have been in the Neutral Garden.
MP: What about Hero and Dark?
DT: You have them all behind you, in the force field.
MP: B-b-but the News Chao, what about them?
DT: They got promoted to FOX5 news.
[Mephiles stands there, pupils wide, gasping]
MP: So... I wasted a nuke!?
DT: But... I think you might like to know that the News Chao were killed because nobody liked them.
MP: (sigh) Yeah... I guess you're right.
MS: Hang on... there are other chao on the planet, aren't there? Like Rebel Chao and Metal Chao?
DT: They are all artificial. Zim made the Rebels and the Metals are robots.
MP: Ugh... I feel so- wait. I still have these losers.
Shade: I don't like where this is going.
MP: The abraholes who I can still massacre.
Chao: I think we should run.
MP: The stupid POKER GANG! All you guys did was stand around and make my best day ever miserable! Don't you have any respect for a demon's feelings?!
[the chao (and Zim) laugh as Mephiles chases the Poker Gang into the sunset]