HERE'S THE SCOOP ON DCA: Shadow is a green Dark chao. He is now the star. He has to look for seven green chaos drives. One is in Future Europe. To get it, he must assassinate Doctor Eggman, who has taken over the world. He has just reached the Egg Citadel (the stronghold in which Eggman resides), and is about to do some awesome stuff. DARK CHAO ADVENTURES Episode Sixty-Three: Still Waiting for Half-Time part five: Time? [cut to the top of the Egg Citadel] [Shadow is standing on a platform, shooting energy balls into something the camera won't show] [Shade, Future Shade, Dark and Red are watching from in a window behind him] [they are quiet, and watching anxiously] Shadow: I don't think I can do this... ah, here goes nothing... [he shoots one last energy ball] [explosions are heard] [the window behind him breaks open, and the other four chao jump out to him and celebrate] Dark: DUDE! DUUUUDE! DUUUUUUUUUUUE! Red: That was... that was simply... Dark: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! Red: I mean, WOW... you're... Dark: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! Red: You.. you're... ah, screw it! Both: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! Shade: *chuckle* Congratulations, Shadow. You... you passed the final test. You rock. ShadeF: You prolly deserve my shotgun for pulling off a feat like that. Shadow: Was I really that good? Shade: Yeah. ShadeF: Don't get cocky or anything; we need to get the hell outta here while we've still got [BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!] [everything slows to a halt as a HUMONGOUS explosion expands (and freezes, as well)] [pause] [pause] Echo: ...TIME..... Shadow Raid? [Shadow looks around, still frozen in time] Echo: Is it really that... TIME... again? [Echo walks in on the scene, seeming to drift in through time] Echo: It feels as if... you've.. only just.. arrrrIIIVED. [Echo walks over to Shadow and touches him; Shadow is able to move] Echo: You've done a.. great DEal in a small... TIME...span. Shadow: Ugh, what, what? [Echo unfreezes Shade, as well] Echo: You've done SO well, in fact... that I've been offered some.. INteresting offers for your services. Shadow: You're gonna take 'em, aren't you? [Echo unfreezes Dark] Echo: Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them, but... these are extrAORDInary... TIMES... [Echo unfreezes Red next] Echo: Rather than offer you the ilLUSion of free choice, I've taken the liberty of CHOO..SING... FOR..YOU! All: Oh, COME ON. Shade: Typical. [Echo unfreezes Future Shade] Echo: If... and WHEN... your... TIME... comes 'round... again. [Echo sorta... well, he "drifts" them to the endless void] Echo: I must apologize to you for what must seem an.. arbitrary imposition, Shadow Raid. Shadow: Yeah, no, no, 'salright and everything..... seriously, tell me what the **** is going on! Echo: I trust it will all make sense to you in the COUrssse of....... [Echo hesitates for a second] Echo: Wellll... I'm really NOT..... at liberty to SAY. [the chao look at each other in confusion] [Echo begins heading away from them] Echo: In the MEAN...TIME........ this is where I get off. [a door of light opens in the void; Echo walks through; it closes] Shadow: Okay, so hold up. Is it just me... or did he forget to put us in stasis? Red: I.. I think he DID, yeah. Shadow: Great. We're stuck just sitting around for who knows how long. ShadeF: So, while we're here, mind telling me what happened? Like.. how you got through the Egg Citadel without dying? Shadow: I suppose. Alright, gather around. Let's tell him how it happened. Chapter 12: Hour Factors [cut to Shadow in an underground passageway; he has a crowbar and a gravity gun] [he walks to the end of the passage] [he finds himself at a large cliffside, going down for miles; some ledges and footholds surround him] Shadow: Whoa.. this might be a little harder than I thought. least it won't be as tough as what I just went through. [he hops down to a ledge, and walks along the ledges and footholds] [he looks for some sort of entrance to the Egg Citadel (which is on the other side of the cliff)] [he sees some form of metal contraption that he uses as a platform to enter a small opening] Shadow: Sweet, I'm in! [the small opening leads to a humongous room; the ceiling is nowhere in sight, nor is the ground below] Shadow: So.. this is the Egg Citadel. [the room has a "blue" feeling to it, very robotic and lifeless] [Shadow walks along the platforms and eventually finds some form of transport system--] [--some pods are being pulled along a rail system] [Shadow picks a pod and climbs in] Shadow: I probably shouldn't have done that, but.. whatever. [the pod moves along the rails, through a passageway and into a much larger room] [by "much larger," I mean "immensely and impossibly larger"] [contraptions and machinery fill the room; Badniks are repairing other Badniks and Chaobine soldiers are patrolling] [Shadow just gets a free ride, though] [as he's moving along, other pods join the rail] Shade: Whoa, Shadow, is that you? Shadow: Shade?! Dark: Me, too! Shadow: Dark! Who else is here? Red: Yo. Shadow: Oh, you guys made it! How did you get here? Shade: It's not a very long story. This, however, is a very long ride. Allow me to tell the story. [cut to District 1 of Robotnikland 17] [Shade, Dark, Red, Future Red, and a collection of many other chao are there] RedF: Alright, the kid made it! Now, how are WE gonna get in? White: Maybe we could go over the wall? RedF: Nah, that ain't possible. Plus, there's a big trench on the other side. We'd fall and die. Petrucci: Hm. ..well, the Badniks have to get back in there at some point, right? Shade: ..I think John's onto something. Yeah! Let's follow some Badniks and see where they end up. [they find a Chaobine soldier that's missing an arm] [they hide and watch as it goes into a building] RedF: Quick! Follow that soldier! [they run into the building, and follow the soldier into a metallic passageway] [the passageway takes them into an odd little room within the Egg Citadel] Red: Alright, we're in. Now what? Shade: I guess we should look for Shadow. Dark: HEY GUYS LOOK it's a pod! Senoue: What's the Pick of Destiny doing in the Egg Citadel? Gaga: I think he means it's literally a pod. White: Awesome, a pod! Let's climb in! [Jack White hops in; it clamps shut and moves out of the room on a rail system] Shade: Oh, snap! That ain't good. Petrucci: Well, we're not seeing HIM again. Shade: Screw you guys! I'm going in after him. Dark, Red, you guys coming? Dark: Of course! Red: May as well. [the three hop in pods and follow] RedF: .....they're dead. Gaga: Most likely. C'mon, let's look for a SAFER way through the Egg Citadel. Gioeli: You read my mind. [they walk off-screen] [cut back to Shadow, Shade, Dark, and Red in the pods] Shade: And that's pretty much it. Jack White should be somewhere here. So keep an eye open. [the pods take them through rooms where tripods are marching out of the citadel] [rooms where freaky chao/Badnik hybrids are firing lasers out of their eyes to fix broken Badniks] [rooms where razor trains are speeding out with cargo] [eventually, once the pods go high enough, the chao are dropped off in a small room] [White is there] White: ohai. Shade: Well, at least we found White. Shadow: Yeah, but what's up with this room? There's a forcefield barring the exit. ALARM: WARNING! UNAUTHORIZED WEAPONS DETECTED! CONFISCATION FIELD ACTIVATED! All: Uh-oh. [lasers fly through the air and destroy all their weapons] Shade: MY CROWBAR! sadface [suddenly, the lasers strike the gravity gun and spazz out] [the gravity gun turns blue and shakes uncontrollably] ALARM: WARNING! CONFISCATION FIELD MALFUNTION! SHUTTING DOWN! [the forcefield disappears] [Shadow grabs the gravity gun] Shadow: Whoa. This thing is.. highly radiated. Shade: C'mon, the field is down! Let's charge through and kick some tail. [they run out of the room and already Chaobine soldiers have stormed the halls] Shadow: Crap! Outflanked! Shade: It's a million to one, so the numbers are ALMOST even. ...ALMOST. Shadow: What do we do?! Shade: Use your new toy. [Shadow pulls a trigger on the gravity gun, and the immense force from the gun pulls in a whole Chaobine soldier] Shadow: Whoa. I like this new gravity gun. [he shunts the soldier into the others] Red: I think that one was a 7-10 split, dude! Shadow: Haha, let's rock. [they run into the next room and see an elevator] Shadow: Onto the elevator! [they get on; Shadow fights off the surrounding soldiers] [Red hits a button, and the elevator goes up] [at the top of the elevator, they get off and fight off even more soldiers] Shadow: This is a pretty boring chapter. Shade: Sure, it's not as exciting as "Follow Freeman," but.. it's still awesome in its own way. [they reach another room with an elevator] Shadow: *sigh* You know the drill. [on the elevator, hits a button, rise up] [suddenly, the elevator stops moving] Red: What the? White: I think that freaky chao/Badnik hybrid is shutting the power for the elevator. [in the distance is a freaky chao/Badnik hybrid firing a laser at an energy ball] Shadow: Not on my watch. [Shadow grabs a nearby energy ball and fires it at the hybrid; it disintegrates] [he then grabs an energy ball and fires it at the generator; the elevator resumes operation] [as they ride up, Eggman appears on a nearby monitor] Egg: Tell me, Shadow Raid, if you can... you have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? [Shadow ponders] Egg: Can you name even ONE THING? [pause] Egg: ...I thought not. [the monitor switches off] Shade: Don't worry, dude. You'll get to shut him up. [the elevator reaches the top; they walk through some narrow corridors] [eventually, they reach a humongous hallway] [the end of the hallway is too far to be seen] Shade: Alright. This may be one of the coolest parts in any game EVER. We've gotta go through this hallway. Shadow: That's fine. This'll be easy. White: Even though you're the only one with a weapon? Shadow: ..oh, right. ****. [they enter the hallway, and start walking] [in the distance are thousands of Chaobine soldiers (baby, normal, and Chaos)] Shade: Go get 'em, tiger. [Shadow grabs some empty pods that are on the walls, and he tosses them all at the soldiers] Shadow: Steeeee-rike! [the soldiers just keep coming] [in the distance, a giant door opens] [an Egg Tripod steps out (crushing tons of soldiers as it walks)] Shadow: Awwwwww CRAP. Shade: Dude! The orbs! Use the orbs! [there are energy orbs scattered around] Shadow: Of course! [Shadow grabs an orb and fires it] [SMACK!] [and another] [SMACK!] [and one more] [CRASSSHHHHH!!!] [at the sight of the disintegrating tripod, the soldiers all run away] Shadow: Wow, I wasn't expecting that reaction. [the chao finally enter the next room] [a giant monitor rests on the wall; Eggman's face appears on-screen] Egg: It would seem you can topple my greatest creations quite easily. That's not advised, you know. Shadow: Up yours, Doc! Egg: So hostile. Hmph. You know, there ARE consequences to all your actions, right? Shadow: Oh yeah? Like what? [Eggman simply grins, and the monitor switches off] White: Why do I not like the sound of that? [behind them, Metal Sonic lands at the other end of the hallway] MS: I'M GONNA KILL YOU! Shadow: RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!! [they run through some hallways, and find another pod/rail system] Shadow: Quick, quick, get in! [they hop in pods and are taken away] Shadow: *pant* ****! That.. that was close. Shade: *pant* Hoo... tell me about it. [up ahead, pods are stopping as a scanner scans the contents] Shadow: Uh-oh. [their pods reach the scanners; it beeps and takes pictures of them] [their pods go upwards into the ceiling, unlike the rest of the pods] [the pods go up and up] [higher and higher] [the occasional window is seen, showing them miles above Robotnikland 17 (at sunset)] [eventually, everything goes black] Chapter 13: Dark Lord Energy [Shadow's pod reaches a small room with two Chaos Chaobine standing guard] Shadow: Wh..what? [one guard takes his gravity gun] Shadow: Hey! No! Don't! [enter the future Purflee] Shadow: Purflee? Wh..where.. PFF: Shhh. It's no use. Until you're where he wants you, there's nothing you can do. Shadow: But.. where're the others? PFF: They're being taken care of. I am so sorry, Shadow... [a mechanical arm grabs the pod and carries it, following Purflee into Eggman's office] [Eggman is talking with future Cham, who is also in a pod] Egg: ..worlds stretched thin across the membrane where dimensions intersect... impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary! ChamF: What I have seen is ALSO beyond words, Doctor. Genocide! Indescribable evil! [Cham notices Shadow] ChamF: Good Hero Chaos... Egg: Well, well, well.. if it isn't Shadow Raid, at last. [a guard shows Eggman the gravity gun] Egg: What's that? Oh, just.. put it over there. [the guard puts the gravity gun down on Eggman's desk] Egg: You have my gratitude, Shadow Raid. First you lead me straight to the doorstep of the leader of the rebels... Shadow: I didn't lead you there; you followed me! Egg: ..and then you deliver YOURSELF! *chuckle* If I'd have known you'd come here, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place! Shadow: Shut up, you swine. Egg: Having you here insures that I can make whatever bargains I'd like with the Committee. Shadow: You.. you want to BARGAIN with them?! You fool! They don't bargain with people; they RUIN people! Egg: Oh, still your tongue! What would you know about them? You're only their messenger boy! PFF: Doctor Robotnik... Egg: Yes, Purflee? PFF: The bargain we should be making is for Cham's life so he can continue his research! Egg: YOU are more than eligible to continue his work, Purflee. What CHAM should do is convince that.. RABBLE in the streets to give up their efforts! Shadow: Um.. just for the record, their efforts actually worked. I mean, I'm here. Egg: But, he refuses to speak the words that would save them all. ChamF: Save them? For WHAT? Egg: If you refuse to do it for the sake of the people, perhaps you'd do it for ONE of them. [Eggman presses a button, and in comes the future Shade in a pod] ShadeF: Let go of me, fatso! *gasp* Shadow... ChamF: Dammit, Eggman, you let him GO! Egg: That is all up to YOU, my friend. Will you let your shortsightedness doom your entire people...? [future Shade's pod joins the other two] Egg: Or will you allow the ruler of the Dark Garden to continue being exactly that? ShadeF: I swear, if you don't let us go, you're gonna get a face full of fist. Egg: Shade, you have your mother's loving nature, but your father's stubbornness and incompetence. ShadeF: How dare you even MENTION my parents, you.. you ****ing piece of... Egg: Hohohoh! I wonder how well you'd fare on the other side of one of our interdimensional portals? ChamF: Very well, Eggman, if that's the worst you can do, then send us BOTH through your portal. Egg: Oh, it's hardly the worst I can do.. but you might find that hard to believe once you get there. PFF: This isn't necessary! Egg: Ah, I agree, it's a total waste. Fortunately, the rebels have shown they are ready for a NEW leader... [Eggman walks up to Shadow] Egg: And this one has proved to be a fine pawn for those who control him. ShadeF: Don't listen to this ***hat, kid! Egg: What will it be, Shadow? Did you realize that your contract was open to the highest bidder? ShadeF: Shadow'd NEVER make any kind of deal with the likes of you! Egg: I'll send your friends away so we can discuss this in private. [future Shade and Cham are taken away] Egg: Miss Purflee, if you wouldn't mind... I'd like a moment alone with Shadow Raid. PFF: V..very well... [Purflee leaves] Egg: Well, Shadow? Shadow: I must say, I'm impressed, Doc... I never thought you'd actually rule the world. Egg: Oh, I can do much more than rule it. I can destroy it. I can save it. I can just leave it. Shadow: Then why do you keep it in this horrible state? Egg: It's all about timing... I wish to use this power as leverage to get me into the Veteran's Committee. Shadow: Man, everything's about becoming one of them, isn't it? You know, they're trying to end this show, right? Egg: Yes, and frankly, I couldn't care less. This show has done nothing but make me look like a fool. Shadow: What about this serial? You've become an evil dictator! You're one of the most realistic, and yet formidable foes we've faced! Egg: Hmm... you raise an excellent point. Alright, let's cut the crap. I'll give up my power... for a price. Shadow: Name it. Egg: Stop the Veteran's Committee by any means necessary. Shadow: I'm already working on that. Egg: ..alright, I've been reluctant to mention this as of yet, but... Shadow: What is it? Egg: ......*sigh* ....I want you to destroy Metal. Shadow: M..Metal Sonic? The Cremator? Egg: Yes. Compared to him, I'm just a puppet. He's making all the BIG decisions... Shadow: But.. but he's DEADLY! I'm sure he's invincible! Egg: He IS deadly, but far from invincible. You see, he has a switch on his back that shuts off his defenses. Shadow: Wow, why didn't I think of that? Hmm...... I'll do it. Let's shake on it. Egg: Of course. [Eggman sets Shadow free; they shake hands] Shadow: But I'm gonna need my gravity gun. Egg: Oh, of course! [Eggman gives Shadow his gravity gun back] Egg: Do this, and I'll agree to give up all control of the planet. Shadow: So, where is he? Egg: I have absolutely no idea. Shadow: *sigh* Of course. [Shadow heads out of the room] [Purflee is there] PFF: Shadow! He set you free? Shadow: Yeah. Have you seen The Cremator anywhere? PFF: Uh.. yeah, I think he's heading up the many elevators, trying to get up here. Shadow: And where are those? PFF: In that room, right there. Shadow: Thanks. [Shadow heads into the room, and looks down the elevator shaft] [in the very far distance, he sees Metal heading up the elevators] Shadow: Hmm... how to do this? [cut to later on; Metal reaches the top, and sees Shadow standing in front of him] MS: Ready to die, mofo? [Metal attacks him, and rips him in half] [..'cept he's cardboard] [the REAL Shadow snuck up behind him and flipped the switch on his back] MS: Eep! **** **** **** ****! [Shadow grabs Metal with the gravity gun] MS: This is going to hurt. [he shoots him at a wall] [SMASH!] [Metal's motionless body lies still] Shadow: Finally... Metal is destroyed. [Shadow heads back to Eggman's office] [Eggman is not in the office] Shadow: Eggman? You there? I've destroyed Metal for ya! [Shadow looks around and presses some buttons] [Shade, Future Shade, Cham, Red, and Dark drop in from the ceiling] Shade: 'Sup? Shadow: Okay, so I've set you guys free... but where's Eggman? Dark: Maybe he's down that elevator that's in this room? Shadow: Maybe. ChamF: Ugh.. you guys go on ahead. I'm going to find Purflee and.. we're gonna get out of here. ShadeF: Alright, Cham. You do that. See ya. [the chao 'cept Cham head down the elevator] [down the elevator is a room with a giant monitor] [on the monitor is Metal Sonic] Shadow: B..but... but... MS: Shadow. Just as I destroyed a cardboard cut-out of you, you destroyed a fake version of me. Shadow: Dammit! MS: As you were busy trying to destroy "me," I went ahead and kidnapped Eggman. Shadow: You monster! MS: I think you'll find he is having fun inside the Dark Energy Reactor... hahaha! [the monitor switches off, and the wall behind it opens up to reveal the top of the Egg Citadel (at sunset)] [there is a giant machine at the top; in the machine is an orb containing Eggman] [on the very top of the machine, standing on a lightning rod, is Metal Sonic] MS: As soon as that orb reaches the top, I will summon lightning to zap him, and he will be fried. [the chao stand, unimpressed] MS: That's not all! The lightning will combine with the orb, and create a devastating explosion. Shadow: Oh, ****. ShadeF: Kid, you'd better go take care of this. Shadow: C..can't you guys help? Shade: C'mon, Shadow. Think of this as your final test. Shadow: *sigh* Fine... [Shadow heads down another elevator, and exits out to the open air at the top of the Egg Citadel] MS: Shadow Raid... as soon as the orb reaches synapse, this chamber will be bathed in deadly radiation. Shadow: Shutcho mowf! MS: You will be destroyed in every way possible, and even in some ways thought impossible. Your body will be turned to particles that have not yet been scientifically named. Perhaps, if I have the time, I will name some of them after you. ShadeF: Don't listen to him, Shadow! [a pathway opens, leading higher up] [Shadow runs up] [Chaos Chaobine soldiers enter the chamber, but are quickly taken care of] MS: Really, you shouldn't even be attempting this, Shadow. All possibilities point to failure. [Shadow runs through more platforms and climbs onto a contraption that takes him even higher] MS: I could have told you that was futile! ShadeF: Crap, Eggman's begun his ascent! MS: Oh, I forgot to mention... I will be summoning lightning that is not of this world. It's not even made of plasma. [the contraption reaches the top; Shadow hops off, and onto a ledge] [he now has a great view of the top of the spire, and of Metal Sonic] [energy orbs are scattered around] [a humongous portal opens up above the Egg Citadel] ShadeF: ****, the portal's opening... [two gunships fly out of the portal] [in the portal, various humongous citadel-like structures can be seen] Shadow: Oh, boy... ShadeF: The orbs! Use the orbs, Shadow! Shadow: Right! Of course! [Shadow grabs some orbs and fires them at the gunships; they go a-splode] [Eggman is nearing the top; storm clouds are seen swirling in the portal] MS: Are you still with us, Shadow Raid? Not for much longer, I think. Shadow: I don't think I can do this... ah, here goes nothing... [he shoots one last energy orb] [it strikes Metal Sonic, and it miraculously hits his "Defenses Off" switch] MS: Oof! [Metal loses his balance] MS: Oh, no... no... NOOOOO!!! [Metal falls off, and falls off the Egg Citadel entirely] MS: This is gonna be a long drop. CURSE YOU, SHADOW RAIIIIIID! [Eggman reaches the top, and with no lightning to strike it, the orb explodes, freeing Eggman] Egg: Wah! You.. you did it, boy! You did it! YIPPY! [the window behind Shadow breaks open, and the other four chao jump out to him and celebrate] Dark: DUDE! DUUUUDE! DUUUUUUUUUUUE! Red: That was... that was simply... Dark: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! Red: I mean, WOW... you're... Dark: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! Red: You.. you're... ah, screw it! Both: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! Shade: *chuckle* Congratulations, Shadow. You... you passed the final test. You rock. ShadeF: You prolly deserve my shotgun for pulling off a feat like that. Shadow: Was I really that good? Shade: Yeah. [Eggman reaches the platform] Egg: Well, mah boi.. that was very impressive. Shadow: Thank you, Doctor. So.. you're going to stop ruling the world now? Egg: A deal is a deal. ....well.. okay, here, please take this as thanks for ridding the world of Metal Sonic for good. [Eggman hands Shadow a green chaos drive] Shadow: A.. a chaos drive! Thank you! Thank you SOOO much! Egg: It's no problem at all. Shade: Well, Shadow, it looks like you're a true badass now. Shadow: Wow... really? ShadeF: Don't get cocky or anything; we need to get the hell outta here while we've still got [BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!] [everything slows to a halt as a HUMONGOUS explosion expands from the portal (and freezes, as well)] [pause] [pause] Echo: ...TIME..... Shadow Raid? [Shadow looks around, still frozen in time] Echo: Is it really that... TIME... again? [Echo walks in on the scene, seeming to drift in through time] Echo: It feels as if... you've.. only just.. arrrrIIIVED. [Echo walks over to Shadow and touches him; Shadow is able to move] Echo: You've done a.. great DEal in a small... TIME...span. Shadow: Ugh, what, what? [Echo unfreezes Shade, as well] Echo: You've done SO well, in fact... that I've been offered some.. INteresting offers for your services. Shadow: You're gonna take 'em, aren't you? [Echo unfreezes Dark] Echo: Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them, but... these are extrAORDInary... TIMES... [Echo unfreezes Red next] Echo: Rather than offer you the ilLUSion of free choice, I've taken the liberty of CHOO..SING... FOR..YOU! All: Oh, COME ON. Shade: Typical. [Echo unfreezes Future Shade] Echo: If... and WHEN... your... TIME... comes 'round... again. [Echo sorta... well, he "drifts" them to the endless void] Echo: I must apologize to you for what must seem an.. arbitrary imposition, Shadow Raid. Shadow: Yeah, no, no, 'salright and everything..... seriously, tell me what the **** is going on! Echo: I trust it will all make sense to you in the COUrssse of....... [Echo hesitates for a second] Echo: Wellll... I'm really NOT..... at liberty to SAY. [the chao look at each other in confusion] [Echo begins heading away from them] Echo: In the MEAN...TIME........ this is where I get off. [a door of light opens in the void; Echo walks through; it closes] DARK CHAO ADVENTURES "Still Waiting for Half-Time" was written by DJay32 Based on Half-Life 2 by VALVe Corporation And characters by Sonic Team ..and also some of Left 4 Dead, by VALVe And some elements of Rock Band, by Harmonix And some BIG elements of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, by Infinity Ward DARK CHAO ADVENTURES was written en memorium to my chao, who I raised in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. They.. are no longer with us. Not even Shade. Shadow: ....DAMN. Shade: What is it, dude? Shadow: That was one of the most amazing adventures I've ever lived through. Shade: Heh heh... you bet. Dark: Hey, we didn't play a song at the end! Shade: Oh, you're right! We didn't! ****. Whatever! Doesn't matter. Dark: But.. we played Stairway for the first game! Shade: Well, yeah, but the first game had a plain-old boss battle. Half-Life 2 had more of a... final scenario. White: GUYS Shade: AAHH! [White appears] Shade: Oh, Jack! Don't.. don't sneak up on me like that! White: Ah, it's not "Jack White" anymore. I'm Adrian Ruthford. Red: Yeah, but... "White" sounds cooler. White: Ah, screw it, you're right. Fine. I'm either "Adrian," or "White." ShadeF: Guys? Shadow: Yeah? ShadeF: Levity Nite's here. Nite: Hello, fellows. Shadow: Whatchu want? Nite: You have finally obtained your first chaos drive. Shadow: Yeah, it only took us three days... ShadeF: Technically, it took us a week and three days. Shadow: Yes, but technicalities don't matter! Nite: You have six more to go. Shadow: Can't we rest for a bit? Nite: Of course. You'll get to rest when I put you in stasis. For now, any questions you have to ask, I will answer. Shadow: What happened to Eggman? Nite: Don't worry. I have placed him in stasis, as well. Anybody who will help get chaos drives will be saved. Red: Where are we going next? Nite: We, the Veteran's Committee, have been searching for chaos drives. They are not easy to come by. Shadow: Yeah, tell me about it. Nite: We have found a couple of locations where chaos drives have been said to be found. Shadow: Great, and what are they? Nite: One of them is the highway that Shade traversed just prior to his Grey Journey. Shade: Oh, THAT place... Nite: And the other... well... this is somewhat silly, but.. it's said to be somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Dark: Somewhere in the sea... Nite: Yes. We wish to find a bit more exact, precise, and perhaps reliable source for that one, though. ShadeF: So we're going to the highway next? Nite: Correct. While you are searching for that one, we will look for more clues for this one. Shadow: Alright, Levity. We'll look for your chaos drives. Nite: Yes, it is best you do. For now, though.. sleep. We will wake you when it is time. [Levity Nite leaves the room, putting the chao in stasis] [as they sleep, Adrian is taken away from the others] TO BE CONTINUED...