Dark Chao Adventures Episode 16: Shade and Dark's Strange Journey Into the Beyond Part 3: Prisoners Of War:
Chapter 1: Alone On A Silent Hill:
[our story begins in the Dark Garden, 30 Years from now]
ShadeF: (sigh) So... this is what he meant. What he meant by 'welcome to your living hell'. I will never forget those words. How long have I been in this nightmare? 30 years, was it? Yeah, 30 years. What a life. Looks like I'm all alone now, alone on a silent hill. It'd be better if I had Silent Hill. At least then, I'd have something to look at. Even better if I had a Playstation and Silent Hill. And a TV. And an electric generator. And proper electricity. And a controller, plus memory card. Yeah. At least then, I'd have something to do.
ShadeF: There goes that alarm again. What was it for? Something important... oh! Darn, I don't have any oil, or money! Gotta look hard!
[he frantically runs around, then a Hearse pulls up]
?: Do you have my money and oil? DO YOU?
ShadeF: Please, sir, I need more time!
?: NO! I once had a slave like you... name was Mister Miles Prower, a teacher by the name of Tails and Mr. Prower. As you know, hobbies and good memories are not permitted in MY world, so I made him forcefully remove his nickname and last name. He was called Miles for a few months, before he ran out of oil and money. He begged me for a second chance, I gave him one. And a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh! I got sick of him, so now he's filled with Stardust.
ShadeF: The poor guy...
?: He was not poor! He was abusing my kindness, if any. Now, I give no second chances, except for that one time I gave you a second chance 30 years ago... remember? "Go back to the Present, and we'll forget all this ever happened"? Does that ring a bell? You know, he's gone. He is now in a jail cell, about to be filled with Stardust! (Stardust is capitalized for a reason) Anyway, I do believe it is time... you may choose either: Stardust, electric, or Instability.
ShadeF: Um... Stardust.
?: Get in the Hearse, now.
[ShadeF steps into it, and so does Murderous Mechetal, and they drive off to Stardust Eggman]
[at Stardust Eggman, ShadeF and Shade are put next to each other]
Shade: Shade! Are you alright?
ShadeF: Yes... and Shade... it's time you knew the truth. What's going on here, and all that.
Chapter 2: Truth and the Instability:
ShadeF: 30 years ago, I, too took that teleporter. I, too, met Tails, and I, too, heard him get sent away by Murderous Mechetal. I, too, had Dark with me, and pretty much everything that happened to you. In fact, the exact same thing. I mean it, the exact same things that you went through, so did I. Be careful, Shade... for you will be tortured for the next 30 years. You will be sent to the scary Dark Garden to die, but you will live. For, I will give you a shotgun. Do not tell Murderous about this, because it will get you killed before you reach my age, so you can't give the next Shade the shotgun. Shade, that shotgun was given to me by the previous Shade, who went through it a tad differently. He was the first Shade, the very first, who, when time traveling, found that shotgun lying on the floor. Since he took it, we can't. Anyway, I'm pretty sure you'll hear me get killed by Murderous, and you will be told the entire truth about this. You see, the reason those chao are dead in the Dark Garden is because of the fact that Murderous killed them as part of the torture, and... the most shocking truth will be revealed to you when Me-- Murderous talks to you. Good luck!
[Murderous takes ShadeF with him, and a large scream is heard, then Murderous requires Shade]
?: Obviously, you should know that I will tell you the truth. Bare in mind, I'm also about to tell you the truth about the Instability. But, first... did you hear what Shade screamed? Yes? What was it?
Shade: It sounded like, "Metal Sonic"...
?: There was another word in there.
Shade: Uh... "No, Metal Sonic"?
?: Close enough. (takes off dark hood, revealing Neo Metal Sonic)
NMS: You are curious, aren't you? Well, let me explain-- in the dogfight in Episode 13, my ship crashed and underwater, I found a strange darkness- Mephiles. We decided to become allies for once, but I double-crossed him and absorbed his data. I instantly became invincible! Then, I found the 7 Chaos Emeralds and became able to control the fabric of time itself! I devised a plan so genius, it featured Psychological Warfare! I created a sophisticated time loop, in which I placed a time machine in CPAK's basement, knowing you would be eager to use it. Then, I made it so you played Sonic the Hedgehog convieniantly afer you got back! This way, you'd go some random time into the Future! WHatever number it was, I had that many years to do this. You're lucky you didn't choose 200. I messed with the Future to create one of my choosing, it was quite easy with such power. I made sure that after any form of you had gone past this point in time, I'd kill their friends and place them in the pool! But... with every plan, there's a loophole.
Shade: Loophole?
NMS: Yes... it turns out that in my event of looping time from now on, I had made it so that the bodies would stay there for two generations, but it messed up. BIG TIME. Now, the corpses are piling up more and more each generation, Shade! Did you notice that inside the blood pool, there were TWO Darks, TWO SShades, and TWO of the others? This time, there'll be three. Next time, it'll go to four. This is caused by the excess power I'm putting on the time loop, so that part of it became unstable, so the zombies are called The Instability. Eventually, there'll be so many of them that they'll make everyone unstable! You see, these things aren't like regular zombies... they aren't hungry for brains... I don't know what they want, but a recent brain scan shows that these things are giving off too much brain waves, mostly about hunger, and revenge. But... revenge on what, or for what? And, we also noticed that for every generation, they get more brain waves, and the oldest ones just got a new category for brain waves: Pain. These things are hungry, angry, and hurt. So, I've decided to run some more tests on these. For now, you should go to the Dark Garden. Dismissed.
[Shade goes to the Dark Garden]
Shade: The Instability? Hunger? Revenge? Pain? I'm a little bit scared of being here...
NMS: (loudspeaker) Attention Shade, I have noticed something far more worse than I imagined, so I'm calling off the Instability. Consider yourself given a break.
[Dark rises from the ground, then 5 more, then all the Instability]
Shade: Uh... what was that about disabling the zombies?
NMS: Shade, something's wrong! I-I've lost control of the Intability! Plus, a new brain wave: Thirsty. What does it mean?
[Shade shoots a Dark, and a small rip in time is left, where anything that goes near it speeds up triple]
[Shade shoots another, this time leaving a rip where things slow down triple]
Shade: Um... Neo? I found something strange-- little colorless blothces in the air that speed up or slow down time in that area, whenever I shoot a zombie, over!
NMS: Oh, no! Just as I feared! Hang on, Shade, I'll be right there!
[Neo arrives and shoots them all until they're dead]
Chapter 3: Truth and Consequences Of the Living Frozen:
NMS: Shade, listen up and listen well. Whenever an Instability is dead, it's not actually dead, it's frozen in time! You see, I used to be able to control when time pauses and plays for them, but they have broken free of my control. They are hungry for space and thirsty for time, and want revenge on me for trapping them in an unstable time force! Since it's even more unstable now, they broke free of my half-stable grasp and are now roaming free of time itself! They yearn for time... when you shoot one, they lose time, and get thirstier, and start to grow bloodthirsty-- but for me. As for the space part, do you know what Stardust is? It's a code name for my secret project. If you're filled with Stardust, it means I forced this special type of formula down your throat, which, when combined with stomach acids, creates a rip in space! Basically, a black hole. These things are living, breathing Stardust. If you touch one, you'll be sucked in, and if you smell one (I hope you don't), you'll create a black hole. They want time and space, and need to destroy me to get it! But the pain part... I'm pretty sure it means they're getting angry at you.
Shade: And to think they were all once chao.
Shade: RUN! Down to Earth!
NMS: I destroyed the exit, sorry.
Shade: NO! We're stuck here, forever!
NMS: Wait-- there may be a chance at this. But, you're gonna have to be willing to do what I say, Shade.
Shade: Anything!
NMS: We must split up, and make it every man or chao or robot for himself.
Shade: Uh... sure.
[they run as the zombies chase them]
[in CPAK, they hide behind a door as they hear the zombies walk by]
Shade: So... what was that about splitting up?
NMS: When we get the chance, let's split up. For now, we need to stick together. Now, follow me, I know where a secret weapon is.
[Shade follows him to the Principal's Office, where a glowing piece of light is]
NMS: Do NOT touch this thing! I swear-- you'll become their god, or our devil.
Shade: And it's a weapon HOW?
NMS: We can distract them with it.
Shade: How?
NMS: I was thinking we could-- um... good point. Stupid piece of junk!
[Neo accidentally steps on it, the whole place freezes, a bright flash of light, and Metal's gone]
Shade: Metal? METAL?!
[Shade looks up and sees Solaris, the final boss of Sonic the Hedgehog, but metal]
Shade: Metal? You here? OH. MY. GAWD. Solaris is Metal! We're DOOMED!
Metal Solaris: Grrr... snarl!
Shade: What am I gonna do!? What would Sonic and Silver and Shadow do? (snap) Kick its butt.
[Shade grabs the chaos emeralds and tries to go super, but is unable to]
Shade: Darn it! Why can't I go super!?
[Sonic appears out of nowhere]
Sonic: Shade.... use the SUPER Emeralds!
Shade: Of course! But... where are they?
Sonic: I'll take you to them, but be careful!
Chapter 4: The Green Super Emerald-- Mario Kart:
Sonic: In order to get a Super Emerald, you must earn it. For this one, you must win a random GP! Get a kart and race!
It's Shade in the Shoddy Shader, racing through the Egg Grand Prix.  Here's course 1: Nintendo Gamecube. The racers get ready, Shade revving up his engine, then PFFFFT! It stops! A few seconds later, he's in 8th, racing up the side of the cube. The lid has opened, and they have gone inside, racing through the wires! Item time: Shade throws a blue shell, is hit by 5 greens and 2 reds, and screams. They reach the fans and are blown out, race along the side of it and go through the handle, up! The lid's still open and they jump high up, over the finish line and onto the bottom, where the turn right, then left, across the handle, an the other fans suck them in! Items: Shade hits them with a bullet bill, but is blue-shelled. They shoot out of a controller port with Shade in 2nd place at the finish!
Race 2: Tatooine! They start, and Shade starts perfectly! They drive forward forever, then turn around and drive the other way forever, no items at all. Turning around, Shade's in 1st!
Race 3: Figure-8 track. 'Nuff said. Shade's in 1st again, so is in 1st place overall.
Final Track: The White House! They drive alot, catching items and stuff, and whaddya know, Shade is the winner by a mile! Shade won the green, blue, yellow, red, and all the others!
Shade: That was easy. Too easy.
Sonic: Exactly! Now, let's get you back!
Chapter 5: The Run Back-- Through Future City Escape:
[running back, Shade manages to keep up]
[Instability Ninjas come up ahead of them]
[Shade jumps and suddenly smacks their heads]
[he keeps on running down, then suddenly, he has to turn too soon-- SMACK! Street sign]
[more running, then ramp, JUMP-- SMACK! Airplane]
[a giant truck is following them, now! Then, it hits a brick wall]
Shade: Where'd that wall come from?
Sonic: I dunno... but, it's been following me for years, now.
[suddenly-- a giant Instability appears and roars, and jumps]
Sonic: These guys are easy to beat-- just strike their legs and they can't jump anymore!
[he does that, and it can't jump]
[they leave the stage]
Chapter 6: Hyper Sonic VS Metal Solaris:
[a long transformation sequence, and it's Hyper Sonic! He dashes up and prepares for his battle]
HS: Bring it on, blubber butt! Bring it on!
[MS shoots a large laser, which HS avoids]
[HS strikes MS' head]
[MS roars]
[HS strikes MS' head]
[MS roars]
[HS strikes MS' head]
[so on]
[MS blows up]
HS: That's not it... he's still alive!
[MS roars extremely and blows up again]
HS: He's still not dead!
[MS roars and blows up again]
HS: Uh... he's alive!
[MS roars and blows up again]
HS: Okay... um... (pause) he's dead now.
[Neo Metal Sonic crashes down onto the surface]
NMS: Shade... I will be devising an extremely evil plan myself, just you wait! Just you... wait... foul demons.
HS: YOU'RE the foul demon here, machine!
NMS: No, foolish life forms... (turns off, and all the Instabilities blow up, and a time machine appears out of nowhere]
Shade: What the!?
HS: I think God likes you.
Shade: Yeah, sure...
HS: No, seriously.
[Shade warps back to the present]
Chapter 7: The Conclusion:
[in the Dark Garden...]
Dark: I came back to life somehow! It was weird!
Shade: Well, Metal blew up, that's why.
Dark: Heh... 'blew'. 'Up'... 'Metal'... 'why'...
[Shade punches Dark]
Dark: OW!
Shade: Look, I've had a very horrific day, I think I need to sleep.
Devilish: Worst Christmas Special ever!
Me: Don't blame the player, blame the game, foo!

All: See you next time!!!