DARK CHAO ADVENTURES BONUS: Professor (She)Shade-on and the Curious Animals
A Bonus Story by DJay32

JOURNAL (Prologue)

- Tigers invaded the Dark Garden, who sent them? UNSOLVED

- Phantom entered the Lobby with Eggman. Chaosky says he was chased BY Eggman a few moments later! Whom is Eggman? UNSOLVED

Gadgets: PLAYER TRACKER (keeps track of players) {Player 1-- Sonic the Hedgehog} {Player 2-- Doctor Robotnik} {Player 3-- UNKNOWN}

Characters: Shade (Female)- The detective in this case.
Phantom (Male, Third-Party)- Involved in current case. Says Eggman came and picked him up from a bar.
Chaosky (Male, Third-Party)- Involved in current case. Says Eggman chased him from a bar.
Eggman (Male, Human)- Suspect in current case. Says he picked Phantom up, but did not chase Chaosky.
Sonic (Male, Hedgehog)- Possibly involved in current case. Said to have left Phantom and Chaosky at a bar. Location unknown.

CHAPTER 1: Shade-on Rises Again

[the story resumes in the Chao Lobby, (She)Shade is solving the mystery of the Multiple Eggmen]
SShade: So... Phantom, YOU say Eggman picked you up from the bar and took you here?
Egg: And I'm right here, too!
SShade: BUT... Chaosky, YOU say after Phantom left, ANOTHER Eggman chased you holding a gun?
Chy: Strange as it seems, that's what I saw!
SShade: And it couldn't be the SAME Eggman, because he was with Phantom the whole time!
Egg: Yes, I was!
SShade: Then, there's the whole mystery of where Sonic went....
SShade: *snap* I've got it. Guys, this Eggman here is--
[the Chao Transporter rumbles frantically]
SShade: Now, who could that be?
[Sonic charges in super fast]
Sonic: Guys, Eggman's gone crazy! He's-- right.... here!?
Egg: Um... uh.... the one down there's a fake.
SShade: Actually, Sonic's right on the dot.
All: He IS!?
Sonic: I AM!?
SShade: Yes.

Multiple Eggmen (Conclusion)

I've thought it over quite carefully, listening to all the testimonies, and thinking of ALL the possibilities. First, I considered if Phantom was right. This would mean that Eggman came to Phantom at the Chaos Cola bar, and took him here. BUT, that would mean somebody stole an Eggman disguise, and chased Chaosky! So, I wondered, "Why would someone do that?" If it was Mephiles, wouldn't he just chase him by himself? Plus, Chaosky never foiled any of his plans. Chaosky came during the time when the Beta Avengers were attacking, NOT Mephiles.

Then, I considered if Chaosky was telling the truth. This would mean Eggman was chasing Chaosky. BUT, it would also mean somebody stole an Eggman disguise and randomly picked Phantom up from the Chaos Cola bar! Now, doesn't that sound rather bizarre? Yes, but so does Phantom's.

Finally, I decided to add the remaining factor: Sonic. Why would he leave so unexpectedly? Because Amy is in the bar? Amy would never DARE enter a bar. So, why did he? Because he saw Eggman heading to his secret base. He chased Eggman there, and hid somewhere/platformer-ed his way to Eggman while Eggman recieved a call from Phantom.

This is the next strange part: Eggman HATES chao. Why would he choose to help one? Because Phantom was at the place Eggman always wanted to go to-- the Chaos Cola bar. He's jealous, and wants to get him. Suddenly, he sees Sonic, and realizes "Who was it that took the chao to the bar?" Yep, he chases Sonic. He chases him until Sonic runs too fast, so he heads to the Chaos Cola bar.

And who did he see outside the bar? Chaosky. Now, your average joe would be able to tell the difference between Chaosky and Phantom, but is Eggman an average joe? No. Even if he did, he'd realize that Chaosky, too, was at the Chaos Cola bar. So, Chaosky was chased by Eggman.

When Chaosky returned, I was expecting his chaser to bang on the Transporter, hoping to get in. Why didn't he? Because he saw Sonic.

Now, there's just one last mystery to solve....

[everyone looks at the "Eggman" in the Lobby]
SShade: Who the Dark Garden are YOU?
Egg: ....Heh heh heh.... you're smarter than you look, Shade. I wasn't accounting for anyone to use deduction.
["Eggman" reaches for Shade when suddenly, the Transporter rumbles AGAIN]
Egg?: Son of a-- .... who is it NOW!?
[Eggman (the real Eggman) comes out, sticking his rifle out at Sonic]
Egg: Sonic, I've finally-- *notices second Eggman* Wait a-- whoa, huh?
SShade: Doctor Robotnik, there you are. Perhaps you could shed some light as to whom this impostor is.
Egg: Well, now, this is quite odd...
Ph: Just start at when you were in your base, and got a call from me.
Egg: ...ah, yes, of course. Here's how it went...

Robotnik Tells the Story (What Happened)

I had just returned from sitting in front of Chaos Cola with envy when I recieved the call from that chao, there. He told me where he was, and that Sonic took him there. Oh, how jealous I was! Then, he asked me if I could pick him up. I was ready to give him quite the punishment! Suddenly, I realized that something went wrong in my base, and saw Sonic, that dastardly hedgehog, destroying my beautiful badniks.

Sonic managed to escape, but I found Shadow. He told me that the chao were helping Sonic by giving him the schematics to my machines! I was FILLED with rage! So, I headed to Chaos Cola with the sole intent on getting back at you. However, the chao I found ran into the transporter, and I was unaware of how to activate it. Suddenly, I saw Sonic again, gave chase, and eventually got bored so I came in here.

SShade: Hmm... well, I wasn't far off. Doctor, you said SHADOW told you those bad things? UNCLE Shadow? OUR Uncle Shadow?
Egg: I know it's hard to believe, but he did.
Ph: ...*gasp* I just realized something-- Eggman, did Shadow look... odd?
Egg: Now that you mention it... his stripes WERE gray...
All chao: Oh, Eggman, you MORON!
Ph: That wasn't Shadow, that was Mephiles!
Chy: Wait a moment... Doctor, you didn't see Mephiles again, right?
Egg: No.
SShade: That's the last you saw of him?
Egg: Yes.
Chy: Oh..... CRAP.
[the chao turn around, and see the fake Eggman remove his disguise-- guess who?]
Mp: Wassup, kiddos!? Daddy's here to see ya!!
[the chao scream]
[suddenly, Sonic homing attacks the Dark Garden out of Mephiles, until he becomes a small, oily liquid state]
SShade: *sigh* Thank you, Sonic...
Ph: ......*faint*
Egg: Oh, my... I was definitely not expecting that. Looks like Mephiles played us all for fools!
Sonic: All? More like just you, Egg-head!
Egg: ....shut up.
Sonic: Eh, doesn't matter. It's gettin' pretty late; I gotta split.
[Sonic runs into the Transporter]
Egg: I should probably go back to fixing my labs...
SShade: Wait a minute, doctor.
Egg: Ooh, boy. Now what?
SShade: I need to ask you something. Do you have anything to do with the sudden tiger invasion of the gardens?
Egg: *sigh* I always knew this would come up eventually... listen to me, little chao thing.
[Shade listens]
Egg: A long time ago, about yesterday, I was put under arrest by GUN forces.
Chy: No way-- they actually caught you?
Egg: Don't worry, I escaped an hour later. But, while in the jail cell, I heard some of the security guards talking about something peculiar.
SShade: I'd like to hear more of this 'peculiar' thing, please.
Egg: I'm getting there! Sheesh, you're impatient. They talked about how the government is planning on-- OOF!
[Eggman stops, and looks like he just got stabbed in the back]
SShade: Doctor Robotnik!
[slowly, he falls over, revealing that he HAS-- by Mephiles!]
Mp: He knew WAY too much.
[Mephiles becomes liquid again and disappears]
SShade: Hmm.... looks like something bad's happening... REALLY bad.
Chy: I know what you mean. But, what can WE do?
SShade: We can do the only thing we're able to, Chaosky-- ponder.
Chy: Ponder?
SShade: Yes. Ponder! We must try and solve this mystery... the mystery... of the tigers.
Chy: So, the "Curious Tigers." Professor Shade and the Curious Tigers!
SShade: Exactly.
Chy: Now, when you said "we"--
SShade: Yes, WE. You're the only other smart chao who is aware of what's going on!
Chy: ...Okay, sure, why not? I don't have any gardens to go back to; all gardens are tiger-infested.
SShade: So, what shall be our first stop?
[Phantom finally gains consciousness]
Ph: Ugh... what happened?
Chy: Tons of things. Eggman died.
Ph: He died? That's crazy-- *notices Eggman's corpse* --oh... *faint*
Chy: Get up, you're not scared of dead bodies.
Ph: I don't wanna get up.
Chy: Well, then at least give us an idea of where to go next!
Ph: How about to the Poker Gang's big Eggman Statue place?
SShade: ...actually, that's not such a bad idea.
[so, they do, and find the whole gang in an argument]
MS: No way!
MK: That's crazy!
TD: But, it's true!
SShade: What's going on? And where's Dark Tails?
MK: Dark Tails? The nerdy n00b? Pfft. He's out. We got him to jump into a bottomless pit, for all our sakes.
TD: As for what's happening, I said Zim took the poker cards.
Chy: Wait, wait, wait. What's Zim doing here?
MS: We invited him to play some Texas Hold 'Em. Without a cast of four, we haven't had as much fun.
TD: Still, the poker cards are missing! All that's left is this one Joker, and three 2s!
SShade: Hmm... that IS odd.
[Zim comes down the stairs into the basement/game room]
Zim: Huh? What's all the noise for now?
[Tails Doll chases Zim up the stairs]
MS: Hey, wait a second!
[Metal runs back up after them, and comes back down with both in his hands]
MS: Okay, listen up, everyone! SOMEONE STOLE THE CARDS. Apparently, the jack-er left a joker. Heh.
Chy: ...oh, I get it! Heh heh... that's... that's kinda funny.
SShade: Hey, Em Es. I think I can help you.... for a price.
MS: I'm listening.
Chy: (quietly, to Shade) Shade, what are you doing!? You don't wanna play big with these guys... they're good gamblers.
SShade: (quietly, to Chaosky) Don't worry, I know their style.
[Shade steps up, and looks Metal right in the eye]
SShade: I'm good at situations like this. Give me all the details, and I'll find the perp for you.
MS: I see. What's the catch?
SShade: We'll discuss the "fine print" after I get your perp.
MS: *chuckle* I like your style, twerp. All right, everyone! This little girl here says she'll catch the perp for us!
[the gang cheers]
MS: All we need to do is just listen to what she says, and answer her little questions.
[Metal turns around, and crosses his arms]
MS: Think of it as a game of 20 Questions. Except the loser... really LOSES, if you catch my drift.
SShade: So, here's what I need: I need you four to tell me ONE AT A TIME whether or not you took the cards.
MK: Wait... the scum'll lie and say he didn't!
SShade: Oh, trust me... I know what I'm doing.

MYSTERY: One Joker and Three Cards

Metal Sonic: Look, if I took 'em, would I be the one who accepted your help?

Mecha Knuckles: ...no.

Tails Doll: Yeah, sure, I took 'em. And I'd do it again. GET SERIOUS!

Zim: WHAT!? Why am I being quizzed in this... mere quiz!? I AM ZIM! AND I TOOK NO CARDS!

SShade: All right, now tell me who YOU think took the cards.

Metal Sonic: I betcha it was ALL THREE of 'em! Trying to pull a wise one on me... I oughta kick 'em outta the club NOW!

Mecha Knuckles: Oh, it's the Tails Doll, a'ight. Trying to pin the blame on the newcomer... what a jerk!

Tails Doll: I've said it before, and I'll say it again-- ZIM TOOK THEM!

Zim: It must be that... doll thing. Why else would he blame the great ZIM!?

SShade: I see. I think I'm getting the answer. Still, I have one last question for you. Where do you think the cards are?

Metal Sonic: Knowing these guys, they must be under the poker table. They're morons!

Mecha Knuckles: Gee, the Doll knows a ton o' places, but... I'm guessing maybe they're in his room? I suppose.

Tails Doll: Zim? Only one place he CAN put 'em. In his clothes! It's like Lincoln's top hat!


SShade: Hmm... actually, I'm even more messed up than before. I have one last, mind-boggling question!
If I asked the one who stole the cards where YOU hid them, what place would that be?

Metal Sonic: Under my matress.

Mecha Knuckles: The Doll... he'd say, "underneath the floorboards."

Tails Doll: Zim... I don't think he'd even guess.

Zim: He'd probably say, "In my clothes." What a JERK!


SShade: Uh-huh. Yep. I got it, fellas.
MK: You did? Great! Who was it?
SShade: Well, that information is disclosed for the time being, okay? I'm going to reveal it privately, when you least expect it.
Chy: So, how'd you figure it out?
SShade: Believe me, the first three quesions gave me the wrong answer. The fourth one was the one that revealed it to me.

DJ: Now, can YOU figure it out? This one's not so tough, when you think HARD about the questions and answers.

JOURNAL (Chapter 1)

- Tigers invaded the Dark Garden, who sent them? UNSOLVED

- Phantom entered the Lobby with Eggman. Chaosky says he was chased BY Eggman a few moments later! Whom is Eggman? SOLVED

- Someone stole the Poker Gang's poker cards, but left a joker and three 2s. Who stole the deck? UNSOLVED

Gadgets: PLAYER TRACKER (keeps track of players) {No players are playing at the moment}

Characters: Shade (Female)- The detective in this case.
Chaosky (Male, Third-Party)- Shade's partner in detective work.
Metal Sonic (Male, Robot)- Suspect in this case.
Mecha Knuckles (Male, Robot)- Suspect in this case.
Tails Doll (Male, doll)- Suspect in this case.
Zim (Male, Irken)- Suspect in this case.