[Shade brings the chao to the island across the red sea (...of blood)] Shade: Men, report in. Solar: Solar is here, sir. SB: Shadow Bonic is here, sir. Flame: Flame is here, sir. AChao: A bunch of other characters by Eliwood are here, sir. ?: A bunch of random people who joined and DJay forgot about are here, sir. Qz: Quartz is here, sir. Shade: Yes. Of course. Anybody else, I simply forgot. Now, I have gathered you here today to discuss... MISSION 20. Dark Chao Role-Playing Game Mission 20: Seperation Shade: It is time for you to try something new. Seperating. Flame: This talk of... "seperating." How do we... KNOW... that this concept... will not just.. KILL.... us? Shade: Well, William Shatner, I know because I'm Shade. [everyone discusses this with the chao next to them] Flame: .....I see. Shade: Anyway, gang, it would seem that this "Rakshawl" guy is serious business. SB: The guy we met on our last mission? Shade: Yeah. That guy. SB: Ah. ....go on. Shade: Well, he has just called me. He will destroy our garden unless we do as he says. Dark: What does he want? Shade: ...it's... it's... well, he gave me a list. I'll read it to you. "- The Fountain of Salmacis must be drained. (Solar) - Tokyo must be destroyed. (Night) - The development of Guitar Hero: Beyonce must be halted. ...permanently. (Shadow Bonic) - I NEED METALLICA CDZ AND CONCERT TICKETZ! Rob some places! (A. Chao) - Every single alien in Area 51 must be murdalized. (Flame) - Plant some bombs in the White House! (Shadow) - Save the gray wolves! (Silver) - Stop Harold the Barrel from jumping out his window and killing himself! (Sonic) - I need a Master's Degree in shouting "MASTER! MASTER!" So, go to school and get one for me. (Quartz) Then, once all of you are done with that, you must get together in the town of Suffragette City. I will have new missions for you there." Flame: Gee, this sounds hard. Shade: It will be VERY. He has requested that I stay here, and talk to you via these radios. [Shade hands the chao some radios] Shade: All of your destinations can be reached by going through the Dark Forest. I shall walk you through here. Night: Couldn't we just do the missions, one-by-one, by going through the Forest? Shade: Rakshawl has demanded that the missions be done at once. Dark: *sniff* I'll miss you guys! Shade: Aren't you gonna come, and walk them to their destinations with me? Dark: No, I left the oven on. Shade: Oh. Well, c'mon, guys. [Shade starts leading the chao through the Dark Forest-- things are incredibly dark out here] Shade: Be careful. Things are too dark to see anything past five feet. Stick close together. SB: ...Shade? Shade: Yeah, Shadow Bonic? SB: Do you trust Rakshawl to not just destroy the gardens, anyway? Shade: ...I have no choice but to. Just..... focus on your missions. Last break before the REAL mission begins. For now, the chao are in a group with Shade, walking through the woods. Take this time to ask Shade any questions you have about the mission. SB: Hey Shade Shade: Yea? SB: I had a question, could we kill off some characters that are not in DCA that wer introduced a little late? *in an obnoxious tone* Eclipse: Hey, what are you guys talking about *Shade thinks for a moment* Shade: Yes, go right ahead SB: That's good Eclipse: Uh, Shadow Bonic, why are you looking at me with an evil grin? SB: Uh...I was practicing my role at being a villian? Eclipse: ...I believe you! You don't want to kill me at all! I'm so glad you're all so kind SB: You'll find out how kind I am in a second Eclipse: Huh? *You see Shadow Bonic and Eclipse in a dark room...Shadow Bonic has a Chainsaw* SB: HA HA HA HA! PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM *Angel Chao pops out of nowhere* AC: This is PG-13, so, nothing like that here... SB: Ok *You can't see them anymore* Eclipse: WAIT WAIT?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! AAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHH *Eclipse died off screen* SB: That was easy and simple...now for the real questions. Shade, how will this mission play out? solar:yes,i'd like to know as well,sir. as well as give this "rakshawl" a thing to think about. *cracks knuckles* but that can wait-for now. where will we regroup when we finish this mission,sir? (solar has a katana too btw) *he pulls out a katana and starts sharpening it* Shade: Well, this mission will play out rather simply. EXAMPLE! My post will be, "(Shadow Bonic) [Shadow Bonic arrives at a lake and kills himself] What do you do? (Flame) [the giant bananna fights back, and grabs Flame] Flame: HELP! What do you do? (Solar) [Solar is eaten alive by a monkey] [then, he chainsaws his way out] Solar: It's monkey time. [tons of monkeys appear] What do you do?" It'll play out like that. And as for regrouping... Shade: Well, first, we will reach the end of the Dark Forest, and you will seperate. Then, we will go to the part that is like the example I gave. Then, once EVERYONE has done their mission, you will regroup in Suffragette City, where Rakshawl will give you further orders. Solar: Sir! Is it right to trust him? Shade: ..no. But, we have little choice in the matter. So, follow his orders. I will be here to talk to you via radio whenever you need me, and.... good luck. Any more questions? SB: nope, I'm done. Shade: Good. I guess we've just got to walk through these woods now. [they walk for a couple minutes] Qz: Are we THERE yet? Shade: For the love of cheese, Quartz! Can't you go TWO MINUTES without being an idiot?! Qz: ....I can try. Shade: Then, please, for our sake, DO! Qz: Okay. [they walk some more] Qz: Are we there yet? Shade: Actually, yes, we are. [they come across some giant machines] SB: Shade.... when did you get these? Shade: Eh, I got 'em a year or so back, for saving some children from a flaming bus going off a cliff. SB: That wasn't you, though. Nor a flaming bus going off a cliff. It was George Benson, and a whale falling off a pole. Shade: Eh, same thing. Flame: Forget the specifics; what the frigonometry ARE they? Shade: Teleporters. They'll take you CLOSE to where you need to go. Flame: Why aren't they in the garden? Why are they out here, in the Dark Forest? Shade: They are a closely guarded secret of mine, Flame. Probably not even gonna reappear for seven seasons. Solar: Sir! How do we operate them? Shade: Just step inside, and say where you want to go. [Solar steps inside one] Solar: The Fountain of Salmaces, please. Shade: Oh, crap. SB: What? Shade: He said "Salmaces." It's "Salmacis." SB: So........ oh. So, he's being sent somewhere else? Shade: Yes. There's nothing we can do for him now. I'll guide him in the right direction once he gets there, though. [Solar teleports to the Fountain of Salmaces] [then, Shadow Bonic steps inside a teleporter] SB: Neversoft Headquarters. Teleporter: More specific destination required. SB: Uh... Shade: You need to say the city, and stuff. SB: ...Woodland Hills, California. Shade: Good luck, Shadow Bonic. And godspeed. Qz: And may the force be with you! [Shadow Bonic is teleported to Woodland Hills, California] [then, Night steps inside one] Night: Tokyo. Shade: Oh, double crap. Night: What? Shade: The teleporter's first definition of "Tokyo" is "Tokyo Sexwale." Night: WHAT?! Shade: He's this South African politican. I hate to say this, but... you're going to South Africa. Night: Who MADE this teleporter? Shade: Dark did! [Night is teleported to South Africa] [Flame steps inside a teleporter] Flame: Area 51. Shade: ...you know, this won't be an easy mission, right? Flame: I know. But, I think I can handle it. Shade: I hope you can. [Flame is teleported away to Area 51] [Quartz steps into a teleporter] Qz: School! Teleporter: More specific destination required. Shade: Ask for the school of shouting, "MASTA! MASTA!" Qz: Uh... what he said! The school of shouting, "MASTA! MASTA!" Shade: Good luck, Quartz. You're gonna need it. [Quartz is teleported to school] [and the other guys Eliwood made are also teleported to their respectful places] New York City, A. Chao White House, Shadow Canada, Silver England, 1971, Sonic Shade: *sigh* And so begins what might be the most complicated mission ever. [Shade picks up a radio] Shade: May as well check on my troops. (Solar) [Solar wakes up in a lush mountain range; a beautiful fountain is in front of him] Solar: Ugh.... wow.... that is a majestic fountain. Radio: Solar? ....Solar? Pick up! Solar: Shade! I read you! Radio: Good. Now, remember, you are at the Fountain of Salmaces. You want the Fountain of SalmaCIS. Solar: Right. Uh... where is that? Radio: Miles away. Remember, you can actually die out there in the wild. Keep stock of your supplies. Solar: Sir, yes, sir! Now, in which direction must I travel? Radio: North. First of all, I believe you must get past the Plateau of Green Grass and Green Fields Full of Life. Solar: ...where is that? Radio: Above the mountain of human flesh. Solar: ......where is THAT? Radio: RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Solar: Oh. Right, sir. Radio: I recommend you set up a camp on the Plateau, once you get there. Good luck, soldier. solar:*starts to climb up the mountain* *he reaches the top* this is the fun part. *he reaches the end,and in front of him is a pure black fountain* *solar grins* *he reaches in and pulls a plug out* *the fountain is drained* that was easy...TOO easy..*suddenly a bunch of guards appear* knew it. *he pulls out a katana and charges* BATTLE MODE ACTIVATED! final boss:1000 hp 1000 mp solar:500 hp 400 mp solar:katana slash! 100 damage done boss is stunned! solar:double katana slash! 300 damage done boss:LASER BEAM OF DOOM! it missed solar:solar flare! 600 damage done! boss died! solar:RUN LIKE THE WIND! *he runs and jumps off the plateau as a HUGE explosion rocks the plateau,narrowly missing solar* *suddenly a huge roar rocks the place*solar:that did NOT sound like whatever that was wanted to sit over a nice cup of tea and chat! *he starts running* *he reaches the top of the mountain and literally jumps off,fires an arrow with a rope attached to it, grabs the arrow and is hurled into the teleporter* THE DARK GARDEN! Solar: Sir, I'm back! Shade: ...you haven't even done your mission. Solar: Yes, I did! I drained the founain of Salmacis, on the plateau of Green Grass and High Tides! Shade: Green Grass and Green Fields Full of Life. Solar: Whatever! I still drained it. Shade: I told you to set up CAMP on the plateau. The fountain you saw was the Fountain Protected by Guards. Not the Fountain of Salmacis. Solar: Oh. Shade: AND, you were supposed to regroup in Suffragette City afterwards, remember? Solar: Ah. Of course. Shade: If you want, I can get the teleporter to take you back to the plateau. Solar: Can't it just take me to the Fountain of-- Shade: No. Solar: But-- Shade: DON'T ASK ME WHY. I don't know why. [long story short, Solar is teleported back to the Plateau of Green Grass and Green Fields Full of Life] Solar: *sigh* Here we go again. Wandering in the chaos the battle has left, We climb the mountain of human flesh, To a plateau of Green Grass and Green Trees (**** I got it mixed up) Full of Life! A young figure sits still by a pool. He's been stamped "Human Bacon" by some butchering tool... He is YOU. Social Security took care of this lad, We watch in reverence, as Narcissus is turned to a flower... Solar: A flower? [WELCOME TO THE WILLOW FARM!] Solar: Shade, sir, where am I? Radio: I believe you are in the country of Foxtrot. Willow Farm... it's close to Epping Forest. You want to go there. Solar: Yes, sir! solar:*walks into a shop,and there's a convenient free motorcycle there* *he takes it and drives into the forest* *solar zooms by them on his motorcycle on his way to the forest* *solar zooms into the forest* Radio: Solar, what the heck are you DOING? Solar: Zooming through the forest. Radio: WHAT forest? Solar: ...Epping Forest. Radio: Epping Forest isn't a FOREST; it's a section of LONDON! As in, a CITY DISTRICT! Solar: Then, why is it called "forest?" Radio: I DON'T KNOW! [Solar is knocked off his motorcycle by a couple of gangsters] ?: Watch it, buddy! Solar: Hey, what's the big idea? Who are you? John: The name's Little John. And we're fighting for territorial rights of Epping Forest. Solar: Cool. ...where's the Fountain of Salmacis? John: The fountain? It's right there. [in the middle of a park is a big lake] Solar: But... that's a lake. [Little John is gone; in fact, Solar is no longer in Epping Forest, but in a lush meadow] Solar: ...what? [the lake is still in front of him] Radio: Careful, Solar. I sense a creature has been disturbed... [Solar slowly approaches the lake; a fountain appears] ?: Fatigued warrior... drink from my spring. Solar: ....well, I AM kind of thirsty. Radio: NO! [too late; Solar has sipped some water from the fountain] Radio: You fool--*krzt* *static* Solar: Shade? Shade? [no response] ?: O son of chao... Solar: Shade, speak to me... ?: O son of chao... [Solar turns and sees her-- a woman, with eyes as dark as the lake] ?: We shall be one. Solar: Away from me cold blooded woman; your thirst is not mine! ?: Nothing shall cause us to part, hear me o chao! What do you do? Think WISELY about your mission, and your predicament. *solar finds the fountain,and after taking a sample of about 2 liters of the water,he drains the fountain* *solar pulls out his katana and leaps at the woman,misses and then pulls out a plug from the fountian,then leaps and tackles her,and he has a poisened dagger to her throat*solar:back off. Radio: Good job. Next up, you must go to Suffragette City somehow, and regroup with everyone. *solar drains the fountain* *he hops into the teleporter,and it teleports him to suffragette city or whatever it's called* (Shadow Bonic) [Shadow Bonic wakes up in Woodland Hills, California] SB: Hmm... if I remember correctly, I have to halt the production of Guitar Hero: Beyonce. ...permanently. Radio: That's correct. SB: !!! Oh, it's you, Shade. Uh... any idea where the Neversoft HQ is? Radio: Somewhere. Where are YOU? SB: Uh... I'm at a subway station. Radio: Oh. In that case, it's just past the Highway of No Return. SB: How do I get past it? Radio: I dunno. Ask around. [Shadow Bonic asks around, and learns: he needs a car] [there is a car dealership place right next to him] What do you do? SB: Ah, hello car dealer person Car Dealer Person: Who's that, who knew my name SB: Wow, how generic CDP: So, what can I do for ya little man? SB: Uh, I'm a chao, not a little man CDP: Whatever whatever, you came to buy a car right? SB: No, I just decided to come here, so I could by tacos...OF COURSE I CAME FOR A CAR CDP: Baby baby, you don't have to be so rude, so, what kinda car do you want? SB: That red mustang! CDP: That's 999,999,000 dollars SB: Hold on....how does 9,000 pure gold large rings go for you [Car Dealer Person looks at the rings] CDP: We've got a deal! SB: Sweet [Shadow Bonic is driver down the street heading towards the highway of no return] SB: You know, even though it's the highway of no return, I'm not going to be returning...sort of. All I'm doing is heading there....right? [Shadow Bonic is riding through the highway of no return...as a fog rolls in] SB: Ah crap! I can hardly see! [Shadow Bonic tries to see through the fog using his...senses] SB: I can't get through this fog....D***! [Shadow Bonic starts to swerve and almost falls off the highway's bridge] SB: When did I get here...oh well.......huh?! [some thugs drive up in cars and intercept Shadow Bonic who is forced to brake to a stop] Thug: Alright bub, we can't let you take down our latest game, have at it! [the thug pulls out a gun and starts to shoot at Shadow Bonic] SB: Oh crap! [Shadow Bonic rolls over and blocks some of the gun fire from the car door he pulled off] SB: I've got to manage to get through [Shadow Bonic leaps over some car doors and takes some of the objects from the cars] SB: Take this! Thug: huh? [Shadow Bonic throws a couple quarters at high speeds at the first thug] SB: Heh, take that! [Shadow Bonic lands and rolls on the gournd and kicks another thug while attempting to shoot him] SB: You'll never get me! [Shadow Bonic grabs the guns and shoot some of the thugs] Thug: EErrr.... [The thug falls over, then Shadow Bonic throws the guns at the other guys knocking them out] Thugs: No....I......will........ [The thug falls down and dies] SB: There we go, now...what?! [A machine comes out and it starts firing at Shadow Bonic] SB: What the heck? Robot: Anihalate! SB: Now what? [The giant machine fires some lazars at Shadow Bonic who dodges] They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around Here Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear So Beat It, Just Beat SB: Alright you punk, now we'll finish this once and for all [Shadow Bonic runs around dodging a couple lazars while getting near] Robot: Exterminate! [the robot shoots at Shadow Bonic a couple times] SB: ECK! that hurt a bit... You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can Don't Wanna See No Blood, Don't Be A Macho Man You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad [Shadow Bonic now is nearing towards the robot, closing in on it] SB: Alright, now we'll see who comes out in the end! Robot: Counter SB: Oh crap [Shadow Bonic gets blasted back and is now laying on the ground] SB: Err.... Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It No One Wants To Be Defeated Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It SB: Alright, it's time to end this now! [Shadow Bonic runs circles around the robot] Robot: Counter SB: I don't think so! [Shadow Bonic jumps up and punces it in it's head computer system] Robot: N.....o.....o........... [The robot explodes and Shadow Bonic scrurries to the car] SB: Let's do this thing! [Shadow Bonic now drives off into the mistry shadows] SB: RIDE LIKE THE WIND! [Shadow Bonic now turns on his radio, and live and learn just happens to be on] SB: How Ironic, I seem to be needing to do a lot of that latley [He just sits there driving his car and imitates the "What Is Love" music video] SB: Nothing seems to be happening latley [Shadow Bonic is just riding when all of a sudden he falls off the bridge] SB: Oh crap! [Shadow Bonic jumps off the vehicle saving himslef from the fall] SB: Well, there goes my mustang...Taxi! [a taxi cab pulls up] SB: That way please [he points towards where he was originally going] Taxi Driver: Shure thang SB: would you happen to be Gambit from X-Men? TD: No, ah just be from hes countray. Other than that, neh. SB: Oh, okay then [the taxi driver makes it to the location] SB: Stop here TD: Shure thang [Shadow Bonic hops off the taxi] SB: How much do you need? TD: I don need anythin, I did that fo free SB: Oh, thanks then TD: Anaytime [And the Taxi Driver dissapears into the fog] SB: Well, now this is strating to get somewhere [Shadow Bonic notices a club, and assumes it's the best place to get info] SB: Now, let's see if they got any info... [He goes into the place, and all the people are staring at him] SB: Uh...hey guys Alex: Hey there bub, you need to know how to dance to get through here SB: Any way I could prove that I could dance Alex: Yea, right here....let's see what you got? SB: Okay, I will [he searches his mind to find something...a song...that might work] SB: Ah! I got it...let's see here [he pulls out a quarter sized ring] SB: Alrighty then... [the ring is flipped into the nearest jukebox] SB: Let's start this off [The music starts to play] As He Came Into The Window It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo He Came Into Her Apartment [Shadow Bonic kicks his legs in the air, twirls around] SB: Check out these moves [Shadow Bonic starts doing the moonwalk] Alex: Wow, that's amazing, I only know of a few people who could do that! He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet She Ran Underneath The Table He Could See She Was Unable So She Ran Into The Bedroom She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom SB: You ain't never seen this [he does a full forward lean almost touching the gound without his hands, only his heels] Alex: Where'd you learn to do that? SB: I watched one too many music videos Annie Are You Ok So, Annie Are You Ok Are You Ok, Annie Annie Are You Ok So, Annie Are You Ok SB: Will you tell me...what I need to know? Alex: You seem pretty awesome, but can you hurry up, you're making us all look bad SB: Bad? I'm going to do that later Alex: Oh god Are You Ok, Annie Annie Are You Ok So, Annie Are You Ok Are You Ok, Annie Annie Are You Ok So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie SB: HA! [The music ends] SB: So, how were those moves? Alex: That was...spectacular...so, what do you need to know? SB: How to get into Neversoft HQ? Alex: Oh that's easy, to bypass the security, enter the code 555555 SB: No wonder there games suck Alex: Huh? SB: Nothing, well, thanks for the info, I'm outta here [Shadow Bonic leaves the bar] SB: Well, in case you faithful readers haven't figured out, these song/dance sessions only appear in my part...not Sonic's, not Silver's, none of them. [Shadow Bonic is walking on a corner on the sidewalk] SB: You see, I'm imitating the Moonwalker Movie, where as, we will all imitate something, where as right now, it would be easier to write more with these bases. [Shadow Bonic walks on the sidewalk, and you see him walk away] [you come across a road block of police] SB: What's going on? Police: The bridge is out. We don't want people getting hurt. SB: Bridge? This is a foggy highway. Police: Whatever! What do you do? SB: Huh? [Shadow Bonic notices the police blocking the highway] SB: What are you doing? Police Guard: We're keeping everyone safe from this collapsed bridge SB: But this is a foggy highway PG: Whatever SB: You know, if you add a hyphen and thriteen to your abbreviated name, then it becomes PG-13 PG: Hey! That's it, you've done it now! [The police guard now fires around randomly attempting to shoot Shadow Bonic] SB: Woah, hey man, that is unescisary! [Shadoe Bonic kicks up a sewer closing...thing and blocks the in-coming bullets of lead] PG: Where are you? SB: Uh...I'm over there [He points to behind the Police officer, and of course...he looks] SB: Wow, I can't belive he fell for that..in fact, I cna't belive that could've ever worked PG: I DON'T SEE HIM! AUGH! [Now the Police Guard is using his rocket launcher and shooting everything] SB: Oh crap, now how am I gonna get out? ? ? ?: I'll help you out! SB: Is that? No, it can't be...it's [The mist moves to show who it is] SB: Dark Hawk! DH: Hey, now let's see how we can help you out [Dark Hawk pulls out his wand...I know, you probably forgot about that] DH: I use this wand to make you nothing than a mere toad! [Dark Hawk swing his wand and turns the Police Guard into a toad, then decends down to Shadow Bonic] SB: I...I mean...just wow DH: Think you could fill me in on this mission? SB: Uh...sure, okay [Shadow Bonic tells Dark Hawk about stopping NeverSoftHQ from making the next Guitar Hero Game...Permantly] SB: So that's about it DH: Hm, interesting...need my help in taking down NevorsoftHQ? SB: Well, help would be appreciated, but aren't you bound copyright to another person? DH: Well, it's been way too long for that copyright to still be in effect SB: Work's for me! [Shadow Bonic and Dark Hawk are now on their way to NeversoftHQ to find out later than there is more to their challenge than they think] SB: So, Dark Hawk, one question before we make it there DH: Yes? SB: Well, I was wondering, where have you been this entire time? DH: Well, to make things simple...you know that cage up in that tree in the dark garden? SB: Who doesn't know about it? DH: Right, so if one chao were to make it to the top of that tree, we go down into a underground area SB: That's quite interesting... DH: And as I went down, I fell tired, because it was a pretty long slide down SB: Wait, shouldn't it only be a slight fall? DH: No, well, it is, but to me it still seemed like I was falling SB: Huh, and when I ask how long you slept... DH: Two years, Since 2007, and I awaken again in 2009. But I also made a really short cameo during one of your role-plays SB: Huh, I remember that DH: But aside from that, we're here SB: Okay, well, what a pleasant conversation DH: Yes, but until the plot moves, we'd better do what we're supposed to do SB: No, that shows up next plot advance, as of right now, we don't do that DH: Wait...what is that over there? SB: That's strange, it's all of a sudden midnight DH: This isn't no ordinary Highway [Hands pop up from the ground] SB: It appears to be zombies DH: That makes no sense, those things don't exist It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes You're paralyzed SB: I think that's why this is the Highway of no return, Neversoft's defense [More hands pop up, now bringin themselves up] DH: Maybe I can use my wand to take these things out! SB: Good, any chance we have to get rid of them, the better [Dark Hawk waves his wand] 'Cause this is thriller, thriller night And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike You know it's thriller, thriller night You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight SB: Hey Dark Hawk... DH: Yes? SB: You do realize that that did nothing DH: There goes our chance to take them out [A hand appears under Dark Hawk and grabs his leg] SB: Oh no! Dark Hawk! You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination, girl! But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind You're out of time DH: Shadow Bonic, get out of here while you cam SB: No! Not without you! [Shadow Bonic pulls out his sword and slashes the zombie's arm] DH: Thanks Bonic... SB: You need one too, summon one up DH: Got it 'Cause this is thriller, thriller night There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl Thriller, thriller night You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight [Dark Hawk waves his wand and summons up two daggers] DH: I can use these to protect myself! [Zombies are now out of the ground completley closing in on the two chao] SB: Now what? DH: Anything logic, slice and dice! [Dark Hawk goes through a few zombies slicing their heads off] SB: You have to stab their brain to stop them! Night creatures calling, the dead start to walk in their masquerade There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time (They're open wide) This is the end of your life DH: Oh crap [A couple zombies grab Dark Hawk, attempting to drag them down] SB: No! Not now! [Shadow Bonic dashes towards the zombies grabbing Dark Hawk] SB: No way am I letting you take him down under! [Shadow Bonic stabs the zombies brains..causing the grabbing zombies to fall and collapse] DH: Thanks Bonic, you saved my life They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side They will possess you unless you change that number on your dial Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together, yeah All through the night I'll save you from the terror on the screen I'll make you see SB: Oh no! DH: What is it? [Shadow Bonic's legs are both held in place, along with his arms] SB: Can't...Move...Dark Hawk! DH: I'm on it! [Dark Hawk goes to the zombies and slices their wrists off] SB: Ugh...That still doesn't stop this onslaught DH: Down to the sewers, that's where we need to go! That this is thriller, thriller night 'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try Thriller, thriller night So let me hold you tight and share a Killer, diller, chiller, thriller here tonight [Shadow Bonic and Dark Hawk go down into the sewers, looking at the surronding zombies] SB: Look at that! [A huge zombie pod is in their main focus] SB: Dark Hawk, we've got to take that thing out! DH: I understand! [The two chao take out the zombies, heading towards the mother Zombie] SB: We're almost there....ugh! [Hands are grabbing Shadow Bonic and Dark Hawk still] DH: How are we going to get out of this? SB: Quick, Dark Hawk, summon up some rifles! [Dark Hawk Summons up the rifles] SB: Now shoot them at the zombie queen 'Cause this is thriller, thriller night Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try Thriller, thriller night So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller, ow! [Shadow Bonic and Dark Hawk start Firing at the Zombie Queen] SB: More bullets...more lead, take it out DH: I know I know SB: Couldn't you have summoned up a rocket launcher? DH: It was your Idea! SB: Oh yea, and we can't carry it alone DH: Alone... (I'm gonna thrill ya tonight) Darkness falls across the land The midnight hour is close at hand Creatures crawl in search of blood To terrorize y'alls neighborhood [Dark Hawk Summons up a rocket launcher] DH: Now, shadow Bonic, let's carry this thing! you pull the trigger! SB: Got it! [Shadow Bonic pulls the trigger and a rocket flies at the zombie queen] DH: Alright! [The zombie queen explodes and dies...the hands dissapear] SB: Whew...that was close... [Dark Hawk helps Shadow Bonic up the Sewer hole] SB: Thanks back there DH: No, it was all you [in front of you is Neversoft HQ] SB: Hmm... that is one big building. Radio: Shadow Bonic, something's wrong. SB: What? Radio: I've lost contact with Solar. SB: You have? Should I come back? Radio: No, stick with your mission. I'll try to regain communication. [no guards; you enter the building with little resistance] [inside, it is a maze of doors] [Blood on the Dance Floor starts playing] SB: I've got ya Shade, finish the mission DH: I don't know Bonic, something seems a little strange [The two walk in and it turns out there were no guards] SB: It seems a little suspicious DH: I don't know about it [The floor is a total maze, not knowing which door leads where] She got your number She know your game She put you under It's so insane SB: This door? [Shadow Bonic opens the door to find no one in it] SB: That seems strange DH: I'm telling you Shadow Bonic, we shouldn't do this SB: We have to, it's the only way we can take this out DH: Whatever you say [The two walk down the hallway] Since you seduced her How does it feel To know that woman Is out to kill DH: I think this place is only a diversion SB: It can't be, they wouldn't create a whole place to distract us DH: True [Shadow Bonic opens a door, with a computer on] SB: Dark Hawk, take a look at this? DH: What is it? Every night stance is like takin' a chance It's not about love and romance And now you're gonna get it [The look at the computer screen] SB: Apparently, they desserted this place, and left an assasian to kill us DH: More like you, they didn't expect me SB: They had to of...because it says "them" DH: But what could this mean? SB: That this place is a trap.. Every hot man is out takin' a chance It's not about love and romance And now you do regret it DH: A trap? No way! We've got to get out of here SB: We can't, it's where the information is...and we need to take it out DH: Seriously? SB: Yeah, that's why I was sent here DH: I only thought you were joking SB: Well, now you know better To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance And it seemed that everything was on my side (Blood on my side) [Shadow Bonic and Dark Hawk hear noises coming from the other room] SB: What is that? [Shadow Bonic puts his ear to the wall] SB: Get back1 DH: Why? [Shadow Bonic pushes Dark Hawk out of the way and the wall collapses] ? ? ?: Hey, it's what I came to exterminate She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance And now she's out to get me And I just can't take it Just can't break it [The debree shuffels out of the way, and you see a woman in her mid 20's wearing leather with katana in hand] Janet: Hey there, you can call me Janet, not that it will matter to you later SB: Dark Hawk, this isn't good DH: You're telling me! Let's get out of here Janet: I don't think so! [Janet leaps at the chao, slicing down with her blade] Susie got your number And Susie ain't your friend Look who took you under With seven inches in Blood is on the dance floor Blood is on the knife Susie's got your number And Susie says its right SB: EEP! [Shadow Bonic rolls out of the way] SB: Dark Hawk, are you alright? DH: Coudln't be better Janet: I can't believe I missed SB: Now! [Shadow Bonic kicks Janet and sends her to the wall] SB: Let's get out of here! DH: Gotcha! She got your number How does it feel To know this stranger Is out to kill Janet: Don't think I can't hear your footsteps! This place was abandoned so you couldn't hide SB: Yeah, but since it's empty, we've got multiple places to hide Janet: That's what you think! [Janet dashes at them with full speed] SB: Dark Hawk! Skateboards! DH: No! Better, Electric Scooters! [They get Electric scooters from Dark Hawk's wand] SB: Heh! Sucker She got your baby It happened fast If you could only Erase the past Janet: That's what you think! [Janet is right infront of Shadow Bonic running backwards] SB: Holy Crap! DH: Shadow Bonic, jump off SB: Right! [Shadow Bonic sets the thing to full speed and jumps off] SB: EAT THIS! [Janet gets struck by the vehichle and flies out of the building] SB: That should end it now Every night stance is like takin a chances It's not about love and romance And now you're gonna get it DH: Shadow Bonic! Look! [You see Janet's hand grabbing on the edge of the building crash] SB: Quick, knock her off before she gets- [Janet already gets up, and grabs Shadow Bonic] Janet: I've got you know you little runt! DH: I don't think so! LUMINARE! Janet: What? Every hot man is out takin' a chance It's not about love and romance And now you do regret it [A flash of light comes and knocks Janet down] SB: Quick, while she's blinded [Shadow Bonic grabs Janet, only to find her to be alot heavier than thought to be] DH: Must be her- SB: Think of the children! DH: But- Janet: That's because I'm holding onto the ground To escape the world I got to enjoy this simple dance And it seemed that everything was on my side (Blood on my side) [The two chao are kicked back] Janet: You honestly thought you two small chao could take me down? An assasian? SB: I've got to have some sort of chance, I took down some police officers! DH: And I took down zombies SB: With my help Janet: That doesn't compare to me, those things were pushovers! SB: NO! We can still take you down! It seemed sincere like it was love and true romance And now she's out to get me And I just can't take it Just can't break it Janet: Don't be foolish silly chao! SB: Oh yea? [Shadow Bonic spins around JAnet and kicks her in the back] SB: I'm not done yet [Shadow Bonic picks up Janet and throws her at a wall] DH: Let me have some fun! SB: No, she's all mine Susie got your number And Susie ain't your friend Look who took you under With seven inches in Blood is on the dance floor Blood is on the knife Susie got your number You know Susie says its right Janet: Heh [Janet wipes the blood off her face] Janet: You are really something, aren't you? SB: You'd better believe it! Janet: Did you ever consider that I'm much bigger compared to you? SB: That's not going to help you...and something you'll hear a lot is..size doesn't matter! Susie's got your number Susie ain't your friend Look who took you under She put seven inches in Blood is on the dance floor Blood is on the knife Susie's got your number Susie says its right [Shadow Bonic confuses Janet by circling Janet multiple times] SB: Try to keep up [Shadow Bonic slides into Janet and send her near the side of the building] Janet: uh... [He kicks Janet off the building, but she grabs on] SB: Had enough yet? It was blood on the dance floor (blood on the dance floor) It was blood on the dance floor (blood on the dance floor) It was blood on the dance floor (blood on the dance floor) It was blood on the dance floor (blood on the dance floor) DH: Isn't that a little overboard? SB: no, it's just enough! [He starts stepping on her hand] SB: Now, tell me where all the information is, and I won't kill you Janet: I don't know anything! [He crushes her hand, leaving her on one hand] And I just can't take it The girl won't break it Ooo... SB: Now, are we gonig to tell me now? Janet: I already said- [He pulls one of her fingers off] SB: Again? Janet: I said I don't- [Pulls all except the last one] SB: Let's try this one last time shall we? Janet: Okay...okay...It's upstairs at the top floor, take 3 lefts and 7 rights and you'll be there SB: That's all I needed to know [He prys her last finger] Janet: Augh! [She sees that he's holding her finger] SB: Now now...it's not right to end other's life now is there? Janet: ....no... SB: Good [pulls her up, and sets her down on the floor] SB: Come on Dark Hawk, we've got other things to do DH: Right [The two walk towards the staris] Janet: Maybe I should rethink my job stratedgey [you find a large computer, unguarded, with all the information about Guitar Hero: Beyonce] SB: This must be it. [you see a Recycle Bin on the CPU, and all the GHB data is in one place] SB: Hm.... DH: You're going to delete it right? SB: ...nnnnoooo.... DH: What? Thn what'd we come this whole way for [Shadow Bonic pulls out a flash drive out of his invisible pocket] SB: This will go under my list of games that were never released [Shadow Bonic drags the files to his 100 GB flashdrive] SB: Okay...uh huh [The transfer complete....leaving the files on the desktop] DH: Come on, finish it already SB: I know I know [Shadow Bonic deletes the file off of the Computer] SB: *in a whisper* Now, it's my game DH: Oh great SB: I hope this don't get in the wat og my reading DCA09...that's some good stuff DH: Hm? SB: Don't you know? DCA09 is out! [Shadow Bonic goes to Chao Talk(The site) And starts reading DCA09] DH: Dang man! That's gonna take you hours to read SB: I know...I know...but it will be all the worth while... [Saves the whole text file on his flashdrive] SB: I'll read that later, at the Dark garden DH: So what of me? SB: Who you? You can tag along, me and DJay use ya in our role-plays DH: Sweet! SB: Except for when Paper Bowser comes back to claim ya, I won't be able to include you that much! DH: You do realize you broke the 4th wall many times right now? SB: Meh...who cares... SB: Alright Dark Hawk, let's get out of here DH: Whatever you say [The two go down the elevator....since they're at the top] SB: How long is this anyways? DH: Only a couple minutes [They make it to the bottom] SB: I feel a song coming on! DH: Huh...that's strange...because I DON'T! SB: Aw.... DH: Know that I think about it...how DID your name become Shadow Bonic? SB: Well [Boring explanation here] DH: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOoooo! Explain to the readers too! SB: Eck! fine... You see, my father, Bonic, was a green emerald chao...or jewel chao as others call him DH: Pretty rare SB: And his wife...Silvrery DH: Sounds like the mother of Silver SB: Had both married, to create a clear green chao DH: You? SB: Yes, and as I had been raised, I became stronger...and stronger, Till my owner felt it's time for an improvment DH: To become immortal? SB: In a sense...yeah, but it might not be a curse to you...but it's not to me either DH: Why not? Wouldn't it suck that your life would never end? SB: That's a good thing, see, now I don't have to be weak over and over again! DH: Good point SB: Oh and look DH: What? SB: We're already here! DH: I blame the writers for making this short SB: Short? Maybe I should extend it! DH: Oh Cr- [Billie Jean starts to play] She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one Who will dance on the floor in the round She said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round DH: I can't belive you did this... SB: Yeah, well, you're going to have to deal with it DH: That's it, I'm finding the guy who's playing this [Dark Hawk leaves] SB: Yeah! You go do that! She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one Who will dance on th........ [Billie Jean dies out] SB: What is this?! DH: Uh, I stopped it! SB: But...but DH: No buts about it, we came and did our mission, now we just leave... SB: Com- DH: No, we're leaving and finishing this mission, and ending it right here right now SB: *whispers* That's what he thinks DH: Without music...I'll have none of it! [Bad starts playing] DH: What is this now? Your word is min....... [Bad dyes out] DH: I SAID NO! SB: You know something? You're no fun DH: What did you expect? You're doing it lazily by just covering up your short role-playing by posting song lyrics SB: Buut I promised I would- DH: NO! You're not going to do this! Even if you did promise Alex: Hey! How come Bad isn't playing SB: Here he comes! DH: Because I don't want to hear it! No one likes Michael Jackson, except a few lonly people out there! SB: Now hold it right there, that's a little steryotypical there! Alex: Have you even heard his music? DH: CAN WE GET OFF THE SUBJECT! THAT'S FOR REAL PEOPLE TO DISCUSS! NOT ROLE-PLAY CHARACTERS LED BY ONE PERSON! [everyone is silent] [the wind blows] [a tumbleweed passes by] [Shadow Bonic stands there] [Alex walks away] [step] [by] [step] [it happens for quite a while] [the two chao sit there...] DH: Will you quit it already?! Flame (Me): Sorry! DH: Sigh...roll the film [A title card shows up, saying THE END] (Night) [Night does his mission unevenfully] (Flame) [Flame wakes up in Area 51] [or, rather, OUTSIDE Area 51] Flame: So, I gotta get in there? Radio: Good luck. Flame: What? Radio: I said, "good luck." [some guards are standing by the front door] What do you do? Flame: I might need a reminder! Radio: You're supposed to infiltrate area 51 Flame: Oh yeah that's right! *sigh* [Flame runs straight towards the opening of the place] [Flame encounters two guards] Guard1: Halt! Flame: Why? G1: You are violating Peace Code 39043323402=493523312-323u2931244948qu34914917. Flame: And what is that? G2: "No people other than government officials may enter Area 51." Flame: Uh... hang on a second. [Flame walks off for a bit, and talks to Shade] Flame: What should I do? Should I kill them? Radio: No. That will set off an alarm. And there are no ways to sneak in. You'll have to decieve them somehow. Flame: I see, so all we have to do is decieve them Radio: That's right Flame: But how will I do it? [Flame gets an idea] [Flame suits himself up] [he gets all of the official stuff] [it looks so good that it would fool you] Flame: Okay, now I walk through G1: Halt! Identify yourself! Flame: Okay [Flame calmly pulls out his ID] G1: Go right away then [Flame walks in] [he walks past a couple guards] [he goes to the bathroom] Flame: Hey...Shade? What was I supposed to do again? Flame: Aha! I knew that! [Flame puts the radio away] Flame: Hey, excuse me, I was at the bathroom when they announced where the Aliens were...could you redirect me please? G1: Oh sure! What a nice guy....It's that way Flame: Thanks! [Flame runs towards the aliens] Flame: Okay, let's see now [Flame blows up the aliens and an alarm goes off] Flame: Oh crap, what have I done? (Angel) [Angel wakes up in New York] Radio: If you remember, you must get some Metallica stuff. Rob some stores, if you have to. [in front of you is a giant mall] *Bleep* A: A little strange don't you think? [Angel looks around, and sees her enviroment] A: So I'm suppossed to rob stores and whatnot... [out of nowhere] SB: I thought you were sticking to the whole AC thing? A: With the whole Chao part out, there's no reason to keep it SB: Yes, but it confuses the readers... AC: Okay, I've changed it back, but my name remains the same SB: Whatever [Shadow Bonic dissapears] A: I swear [Comes back] SB: What did I say? AC: Okay Okay! [leaves again] AC: Now, let's complete this mission...like crazy [Angel bursts through the store, knocking people down, stealing all the metalica stuff] AC: Easy easy! Mall Cop: Stop where you are...put the items down [Angel slowly turns her head to them] AC: Who....is going....to make me? MC: I will! AC: I DON'T THINK SO! BANZAI! [Angel starts blowing everthing up in pure rage, rocket launchers out of nowhere, grenades] AC: Quick quick quick! [Angel is now sucsesfully out of the mall] AC: Okay Shade, now where to? Radio: Now, just go to Suffragette City and regroup with everybody. C: Welp, now it's time to leave, and regroup with the others [Angel makes it somehow and regroups] AC: So uh...Shadow Bonic, how did you get to me instantly? SB: Uh..I did it [somehow] SB: Waoh woah waoh! Did the action text talk? [um....no] SB: Oh okay then... [It's good you know so!] DH: Wait a sec SB: What? DH: That means he can start the music again! [Oh yeah!] DH: Oh crap! [Bad starts to play] Your Butt Is Mine Gonna Take You Right Just Show Your Face In Broad Daylight I'm Telling You On How I Feel Gonna Hurt Your Mind Don't Shoot To Kill Come On, Come On, Lay It On Me All Right... DH: Your butt is mine? SB: Gonna Hurt your mind dude I'm Giving You On Count Of Three To Show Your Stuff Or Let It Be . . . I'm Telling You Just Watch Your Mouth I Know Your Game What You're About AC: 1...2...3.... SB: So far, nothing has happened AC: That's because we let it be Well They Say The Sky's The Limit And To Me That's Really True But My Friend You Have Seen Nothing Just Wait 'Til I Get Through . . . SB: IT'S THE HULK! AC: That's when you get mad...tch, and I thought you knew your marvel charcacters Because I'm Bad, I'm Bad- Come On (Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad) You Know I'm Bad, I'm Bad- You Know It (Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad) You Know I'm Bad, I'm Bad- Come On, You Know (Bad Bad-Really, Really Bad) And The Whole World Has To Answer Right Now Just To Tell You Once Again, Who's Bad . . . DH: What kinda "bad" are we talking about here? SB: Wait I just realized something AC: What's that? The Word Is Out You're Doin' Wrong Gonna Lock You Up Before Too Long, Your Lyin' Eyes Gonna Take You Right So Listen Up Don't Make A Fight, Your Talk Is Ch.... SB: STOP! [what? what?] SB: Uh, this is a role-play, not lyrics posting! [Crap! You've figured me out!] SB: End it already! (Shadow) [Shadow wakes up inside a closet] Shadow: Ugh... where... where am I? [he opens the closet door, and finds himself in the White House] Shadow: ....crap. Radio: Remember, Shadow. You have to plant bombs in there. Shadow: But, where in here? Radio: Find some blueprints, and they'll tell you the weak points of the building. You can go to the Library, Oval Office, Lobby, and Computer Room (you are in the Hallway) [Shadow's Mission start] [Shadow wakes up] Shadow: Ow...my head Radio: Hey Shadow, you there? Shadow: There? Where? Radio: I can't believ you forgot, you're in the white house! Shadow: Oh yeah! I remember now Radio: Yes, and now you have to bomb the whole place Shadow: Okay, now I understand [Shadow Gets up] [he creeks open the door] [he is in the president's room] [he notices the Obama and Bush are talking] [he listens in on their conversation] Bush: ...the others were all like 'YEEHAW' and I was all like 'BLOW EM UP BLOW EM UP YEEHAW' Obama: [ugh] I can't believe I have to put up with this Radio: Shadow, you're in the wrong white house Shadow: Oh whoops [Shadow Warps back tothe teleportation devices] Shadow: Okay, let's get this right now Shade: Don't screw up Shadow Shadow: Got it [Shadow wakes up in the closet] Shadow: well, I'm here now...wait [he creeks open the door] Mr. President: ...bout some sorta spy sent here to blow us up Secretary: I see your point (Secretary is a lady) but O just think you are doing this to avoid our date Mr. President: At O'charlies? Why O'Charlies? Why not "Fancy Resturant"? Secretary: Oh please Mr. President, that place is lame Mr. President: Fine, O'charlies it is then [Mr. President puts on his suit and walks out of the room] Secretary: [sigh] it's always like this [the Secretary gets up and leaves] Shadow: Okay [Shadow Waits a minute] Shadow: Time to sta- Mr. President: Forgot the keys [The president leaves] Shadow: ... [He waits another minute] Shadow: Now I'll- Secretary: Forgot my purse! [Secretary leaves] Shadow: ... [He waits a minute] Shadow: Okay, NOW It's time to go [He rolls out of the closet] Narrator: Look who finally got out of the closest Shadow: Shut up Narrator, now [He plants one under his desk] Shadow: This is a good start [Shadow does his mission uneventfully] (Silver) [Silver does his mission uneventfully] (Sonic) [Sonic does his mission uneventfully] (Quartz) [Quartz does his mission uneventfully] (Aftermath) [cut to Suffragette City; everybody is there] Solar: Where is Rakshawl? Does he not have further orders? DH: Eh, who needs him? We can do our OWN evil stuff! All: YEAH! Rks: Calm down, you freaks. I'm here. [Rakshawl approaches the chao] Rks: I have gathered you here today to assign you a VERY important mission! Night: About freaking time! Rks: Yes... do you see the bank behind me? SB: Depends. Was that a rhetorical question? Rks: OF COURSE IT WAS! SB: In that case, yes. Rks: Well, I want you to rob that bank. I need EXACTLY, no more, no less, seven million Quackers. Flame: "Quackers?" Rks: It's the... national currency. Anyway, I have the plans for the bank right here... [Rakshawl lays out some blueprints of the bank] Rks: This will be your final mission. Accomplish this, and I will leave your gardens alone. Solar: Is that a promise? Rks: It is a pinky promise. All: GASP! SB: He means it. I can tell. He means it. Flame: Yeah, he definitely means it. Solar: Very well. Any conditions that need to be met? Rks: Only one. I want ALL of you inside the bank. Solar: ...uh... okay. Rks: Do you accept? Solar: I don't see why not. Rks: Then, that is all. Once you have the money, meet me at this spot. SB: Don't you mean make us wake up? Flame: Of course [Shadow Bonic and his group go into the bank] SB: I brought this huge...thing...and it carries quakers... Flame: K...but we need everyone in here SB: Oh... [Rakshawl is heard laughing evilly] Flame: Uh... do you hear-- SB: I know. Flame: Maybe we should... SB: Shut up! Let's pretend he's NOT. Flame: But-- SB: SHUT UP. SB: Quick Doc, what's the Theory? [Flame slaps Shadow Bonic] Flame: We still have to wait, remember? SB: Oh yeah... Flame: Also, what happened to the rest of your group? Silver: We're still here! Flame: Meh...it's only Silver Shadow: And Shadow Sonic: And Sonic Angel: And Angel Flame: Aaaand? SB: That's it Flame: Seriously? Let me make roll call... [Flame coughs] Flame: Ahem! Shadow Bonic? SB: Here! Flame: Sonic? Sonic: Here! Flame: Angel? Angel: Here! Flame: Silver? Silver: Here! Flame: Shadow? Shadow: Here! Flame: Me? Here! That sums it all up... SB: Explain the point of that? [Flame impersonates Top Cat's voice] Flame: Well Shadow Bonic boy, it was filler of course *solar appears with gymm* solar:yo. gymm:yo. [BOOOOOOM!] [the lights in the bank go out] SB: Stay alert, team. DH: "Team?" Where are we, Scooby-Doo? Radio (Shade): Guys, what's going on? Report in! Solar: Sir, the lights have gone out. Radio: I see. What is Rakshawl doing? [Flame looks out the window] Flame: Uh... I don't see Rakshawl. Radio: Say that again? Flame: Rakshawl isn't at the meeting spot. Solar: AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Radio: Solar, report! SB: It would seem that Solar is no longer with us. DH: HOLY... SB: And Dark-Hawk is gone, too. [they all stop responding] [the lights turn back on] [only the radio is there, and Rakshawl] Radio: Shadow Bonic, respond. Respond! [Rakshawl picks up the radio] Rks: Sorry, but... your soldiers have taken a retirement. A... PERMANENT... retirement. Radio: Rakshawl? What have you done? Rks: I have merely summoned some portal storms. Radio: What are portal storms? Rks: (chuckle) They are basically... teleporters, in weather format. Radio: Teleporters?! Rks: Indeed. You will not see your soldiers ever again. On the upside, I will not attack your gardens, as I promised. Radio: You.... (radio turns off) [Rakshawl starts laughing evilly] /////////// [cut to a beach somewhere] [Solar is lying in the sand, unconscious] [he wakes up] Solar: Ugh... what happened? [Solar looks around, and sees nothing but endless sand behind him, and endless ocean in front] Solar: Flame? Shadow Bonic? Dark-Hawk? ...Shade? ?: Solar! [he sees the other Freelance chao] Flame: Solar, do you know where we are? Solar: Uh... I believe we are on a beach. SB: It would seem that you do not. Okay. DH: Hey, guys, do you hear something? Flame: I hear your annoying voice! DH: No, I mean... a machine, or something. [they look around, and see nothing but sand and ocean] DH: ...maybe it's just my imagination. Solar: Maybe we should do some exploration. [so, they do] [they find an army of giant crabs! zomg] *solar pulls out a bow and arrow and fires an arrow that goes through five of the crabs,pulls out his katana and starts slicing and dicing the crabs* *he tosses swords to the other chao* Flame: Alright, giant crabs SB: *whisper whisper whisper* Flame: Say what? SB: *whisper* Flame: Ok, we fight normal sized crabs SB: *whisper whisper* Flame: You're the leader SB: Alright guys...DISTRACT THEM! Sonic: What for? SB: Just do it! I got to prepare something! Sonic: Whatever... [They ditract the crabs] [Shadow Bonic comes back, with a fire and a rotating stick] SB: Throw them on this! Angel: Okay! [They throw them on the stick] [The get cooked crab] SB: Mm..mm good! Shadow: This is good! [They eat the crabs] Silver: Problem solved! [they keep movin' on, and, uh.......... hmm.....] [................] Solar: What's going on? SB: It would seem that DJay has ran out of ideas. DH: No way! What about the whole "machine" stuff? SB: Hmm... maybe we have simply lost contact with him. [.............................] ROAAAAAAAR! Flame: Great. So, DJay can't tell us when something happens anymore? SB: Apparently not. [.............] Angel: OWIE! What just happened? Phantom: **** just got real, THAT'S what just happened. ROAAAAAAAR! Solar: I think we're fighting something. So... let's fight it. SB: Wait.... Flame: What is it? *ROAAAAAAR!* SB: I know what it is, it's my stomach Flame: How can you tell? *ROAAAAAAR!* Flame: Yeah, that was definitley from your stomach [Shadow Bonic pulls out a giant sub and eats it] [The roaring stops] [AAAAHHH, I have returned! :D] All: YAY! SB: I saved us from my stomach! All: YAY! [so, they keep a-walkin' along] ///////////////// [cut to Shade, entering Suffragette City] [he dramatically enters the bank] [Rakshawl is there] Rks: Ah, Shade... how nice to see you. Muahahahahahaaaa! Shade: Can the schematics, ya big lug! I'm here for my army. Rks: I'm afraid your army is no more, Shade... at least, they're no longer in this immediate area. Shade: Screw you! (charges forward) [Shade kicks Rakshawl's butt! ...literally] Rks: Ow, my butt! Why, you... [Rakshawl fights back] [DRAMATIC FIGHT SCENE] [Shade grabs some sort of sharp object, and scars Rakshawl's face] Rks: Ragh, my face! I will return, Shade. I! WILL! RETURN! [Rakshawl looks around, and then casually walks away] ///////////////// [the chao are walkin' along... and they encounter...] ?: ROAR, I'M THE TELEPORT MONSTER! DH: The TELEPORT monster? (sigh) Great. ?: ROAR, IMMA... uh... IMMA GUNNA KILL YA WITH TELEPORT ABILITIES! Flame: Let's get this over with... um... let's.. get this with.. over... uh... DH: What? Flame: I.. I'm trying to figure out how to NOT end that sentence in a preposition. DH: "Let's get over with this?" Flame: .......oh. Thanks. LET'S GET OVER WITH THIS! *solar gets the shoop da woop face* solar:IMMA FIREN MAH LAZOR! BLARRGG! *he fires his lazor* Monster: RAAAWR, YOU BARELY EVEN HURT ME WITH YOUR SHOOP DA WHOOP THING ROAR SB: CRAP! Solar: I've failed! Monster: BRAO NOW ITS TIME FOR YOU TO BE TELEPORTED TO THE SUN BROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO [the monster teleports them somewhere] ///////////////// [cut to Shade, on the island in the Dark Garden, crying] Shade: They're gone...... they're gone, and they're not coming back, EVER, no matter how much I want them to... Flame: We're back! [the freelance chao walk in] Shade: Um... good, you've... accomplished your mission! I'm proud of you guys! Dark: What G.I. Joe over here is trying to say is "we were worried about you." Solar: SIR, nothing will ever stop us, sir! Rks: o rly [Rakshawl is standing right next to them, pointing a shotgun at Solar's head] Rks: Because, I could have sworn that I'm just about to stop you... [Shade gets up] Rks: Stop moving, or he gets it. [Shade stops] Rks: Now... you see that humongous GBA over there? [they all look over at the giant GBA in the corner of the garden] DH: Huh. Would ya look at that? Rks: Forgot it was there, didn't you? Flame: A lil' bit. Rks: Well, now we're going to go over there and play it. Dark: OOH, can we play WarioWare?! I LOVE that game! Rks: No, we're going to play the "Goodbye" game. Flame: How do you play that? [Rakshawl leads them over to the GBA, making sure that nobody else moves] Rks: It's simple.... just stand on this big button.... [the freelance chao all stand on the button] Rks: Now, hang on while I work out the preferences... hmm... "default media browser..." yes, I would like to save......... no, I'm not gonna register............. "remind me later..." there. All done. [the weird machine in front of the GBA opens up] Rks: Now, GET IN. Solar: But-- [Rakshawl cocks the shotgun] DH: So, how about that GBA? [they all get into the machine] [the machine closes] [Rakshawl operates it, and presses "Goodbye"] Rks: Yes.... goodbye, Dark Army... now you can never foil my plans again! Muahahahahahahaha.... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA-- [Shade charges into him] [they fight for a bit, and then....] [GUNSHOT!] [Rakshawl stands with a surprised look on his face, and then slowly reaches his hand to his stomach..... of which there IS none!] [he turns around, and sees Dark, wielding his shotgun] [Shade kicks Rakshawl, and he falls into the blood pool lake thing] [the camera shows him slowly floating away as the sun sets] Shade (Voice-Over): That was the last time I ever saw the Dark Army, or the Freelance chao. Rakshawl had gone and done his thing; he said "Goodbye" to them while I couldn't do anything to save them. I've never felt more guilty about anything in my life... Okay, so I lied in that previous statement. That was NOT the last time I ever saw them, and later, I would be able to save them from an even bigger threat. However, that did not come for a while... life, you see, still had plans for this old Dark chao... the former war hero, now reduced to a war veteran who is craving for one last war... .....and, boy, did I get one. Not until MUCH, MUUUUUUCH later, mind you, but I still got one. Against some enemies about whom I'll tell you later..... called the Beta Avengers. But, that's a story for another day.... [the camera zooms out, revealing that this was the last page in a dusty old scrapbook, which is closed by Shade's hand] [Shade's hand flips the book over, revealing the cover, which reads "Shade's Scrapbook"] Shade (VO): So, I have told you the story of my days in the army... at least, my days in the REAL army... none of that "Chao in Space" crap you hear about these days. I hope you enjoyed hearing about those twenty missions as much as I did going through them.... ?: Actually, dad.... [the camera turns, revealing Shade Junior, sitting on the ground] [the camera switches, showing that Shade is sitting on a stool, holding the book, and all the younger, newer chao are gathered around him (STORY TIME! :D)] SJR: That was the most boring story ever written. END! "Where are they now?" =Chao Action News Start= SB: And we're back with another exciting episode of Dark Chao Role-playing Game Flame: If you're wondering about this little segment, don't worry, we're only putting the 4th wall to sleep SB: We're actually here today to talk about some issues about DCRPG, so, let's start with an ealier member of out group...Sonic Sonic: Yes? SB: Many years ago, back when DCRPG was popular, how would you have described it? Sonic: Well, there were multiple stories to read, much better than ours, but fun to read nontheless SB: So, how do you feel about Djay's post a long while back saying it was never gonna make it to mission 20? Sonic: I felt a little sad inside, knowing that what I had worked hard for was abruptly coming to an end....luckily, it will finished to the end SB: So, how do you feel about common Role-players today? Sonic: Well, I grew up in a different style a role-play, so my opinion might be a little different... SB: Could we hear it though? Sonic: Huh? Oh yea, sure...you see, I sorta feel people are not posting enough in their roleplays, it's usually just a one liner and it goes on from there SB: Do you have any other comments? Sonic: Uh, yea, I think some of the Role-play's titles are a little misleading...not picking out on any, but I expected a little more from "Stuck on Earth" SB: What did you think about when you heard about it? Sonic: I imagined maybe something like, a made up character has ripped a hole through his universe and our universe, and this character cannot seem to find his way back, and they spend their time trying to actually figure out how to get back SB: Didn't that happen though? Sonic: Meh, I didn't have time to read it, so I wouldn't know SB: eh...moving on, let's go to a newer generation of Role-players...Flame Flame: Uh, yea? SB: How do you veiw our current role-playing status? Flame: I don't know about Sonic, but I think tat our sense of Role-Playing and their sense of Role-playing is different, it's just who we are, we can't change it SB: That seems reasonable, but, if they were to come to DCRPG right now... Flame: Nope, unless they can try to make posts as long as we do, I don't want any one liners on here, I mean, I don't care if it happens anywhere else...but this place is special, and deserves lengthened posts SB: You mean, with more than 500 characters in a single post? Flame: Well, 500 should be a standard, but that's another thing that I don't want the newer ones on here for...mainly because our writers use other characters a good deal of time...like Shade, I've seen you use Shade quite abit, including Dark, and that newer one Solar SB: Any other comments you'd like to add? Flame: Yea, posting style does not matter in a role-play, though in here, it is prefered you use our style, it makes it easier for the readers to understand what's going on a little better SB: now, over to Angel...so Angel, any comments you could add to this segment? AC: Well, now that you mention it, I don't mind having one person doing all of the main posting on here SB: How so? AC: Well, when one person posts at a time, it is slightly easier to follow along...see, if there's more than one story going on and you're not on the official DCA site, than following a certain story would be a little hard SB: So, if you wanted to teach some new members how to role-play in this style, would you do it? AC: Oh yes, definetly SB: Would you mind telling them now? AC: no, that will be in something else SB: Oh, okay, well, that concludes DCRPG News updates and more, bye! =Chao Action News Ends=