Dark Chao Role-Playing Game Mission 17: Darkness [cut to Shade, dreaming of running away from something in a dark forest] ["it's not a DARK forest, it's SHADED, heavily SHADED," drifts through his mind] [Shade looks behind him, trips, and watches in horror as something approaches him] [as he screams, he wakes up] Shade: *pant* Holy.... crap... Dark: What is it, Shade? Solar: Did someone kill you? Shade: No.... I had the most horrible dream... I was being chased by something. Dark: Waffles? Shade: No. But, whatever it was, I'm sure it was a sign that I'm gonna die soon... Dark: I know! Why don't we go inside your head, and you dream and stuff, and we stop the bad thing? Shade: You nimrod! That wouldn't work! Solar: Yeah, you can't go inside his head! Shade: No, we have machines for that. It won't work because... last time we did it... the soldiers didn't come back. Solar: Sir, I am extremely loyal to you. I would DIE for you. Shade: Good point. Okay, let's try that, then. [let's skip the complicated machine sequence] [cut to the soldiers, and Dark, inside Shade's dream] You are in a heavily shaded forest. The sky is completely gray. Dark gray. The trees are dull and faded. There is a path in front of you that extends as far as Shade's brain can think, in two directions. SB: I...go backwards! To see what was chasing you. *solar takes out his bow,strings it,and nocks an arrow*solar:i will follow the right hand path and see what i can find. anyone with me? SB: tsk tsk tsk Solar, the whole point of this dream was to figure out just "What was following him AC: Thus, meaning is we went backards, we'd see what was chasing me him. Sonic: And learn the grammer Solar, you're giving us Dark Chaos chaos bad names. *Flame smacks Sonic* Flame: No backseat modding you dolt SB: I liked it when I was the only Chaos chao... Gymm: well, I geuss you're just gonna have to deal with it! Silver: well, this mission might just go down the plopper Shadow: C'mon already, we're a group of 6 chaos, we can go backwards without Gymm and Solar! SB: Good point *SB and the gang go backwards* *30 minutes have passed now* Flame: Hey Silver Silver: Ya? Flame: If that thing was chasing us, then why haven't we met it yet? Silver: Well, I have two educated guesses, the first one, would be that our Shade's dream does not know what it is and thus cannot show us what is. Flame: I see what you're getting at, but what about the second guess. Silver: The second one was that the chaser had tripped or something happened that he/she'd have to sit there waiting to heal back up or rest. Flame I think either one of them might just be correct *At the same time Silver and Flame, Shadow Bonic and Angel Chao are talking* AC: Hey Shadow Bonic? SB: Yea? AC: I don't think we've done much of *that* latley SB: Oh yes, *that*, I remember it, why do you speak of it so suddenly? AC: well, we've kinda not been having any progress on our relationship recently SB: so that's why you want me to do that? AC: yes, exactly SB: Okay, hold still! *Shadow Bonic picks up Angel Chao* SB: Be back soon guys Shadow: Don't be too long! *Shadow Bonic starts jumping arounf trees* *the conv. between Shadow and Sonic commence* Sonic: Shadow, you know what they do? Shadow: Of course I do, it happens everytime we go near a forest Sonic: Then what do they do? Shadow: They jump towards the tallest trees and see all the high heights because Angel Chao can't do it herself because she likes high views. Sonic: that explains a lot. Shadow: Hey Sonic, I wanna know, why were you named after a great hero but was made into a devil chao? Sonic: Because I just was, and if you were named after the dark hero, how come you ain't so dark, emotional and whatnot? Shadow: ...because I don't feel like it Sonic: Thank goodness the author takes time to really explain things *the screen cuts to Shadow Bonic and Angel Chao* SB: Aren't the sightsees great Angel? AC: They are quite beautiful, you can see all of the birds and fruits and the fields of flowers...just good to look at, soo...thi...ng..... *AC falls asleep in Shadow Bonic's arms* SB: Ah, just like every other time we do this *Shadow Bonic notices a figure, he later looks closer and inspects it* SB: THAT'S- an arrow flies above the and it has a rope attached to it* *it hits a tree dead center,and a note is attached to it* gymm(who was with them at the time and is also solars brother):yep,definitely the handiwork of solar.(it had come from a cliff) *gymm reads the note* gymm:solar should drop in momentarily. *at that moment,solar slides down the rope with his hands* * the story continues in Drag- I mean Dark Chao Role-playing game * SB: It's - * And now back to the show * Silver: something's not right here Shadow: Don't be ridiculous, how could anything BE right Sonic: We ARE in a dream ya know Silver: But...it's something else is out there Flame: Besides us? Silver: there seens to be, and...and...it's near Shadow Bonic! *All gasp realising what Silver just said* Silver: Now I've got to "Go back to the Future!" Flame: Did he just make two references to two different things at the exact same time? Shadow: heh, at the same time? Impossible! Sonic: He said "Go back to the Future" Referening the movie, and the Future part refers to the actual Silver the Hedgehog who can go through time! Shadow: No, I won't beleive it! Silver: Yea, well you're gonna have to take it like a...um...chao! Flame: For someone with ESP, you sure do stink at comebacks Silver: That's what she said Shadow: No Silver, you've got it all wrong *Shadow shifts as he gets ready for a comeback* Shadow: NO YOU STINK! Sonic: pffft HA HA HA HA HA HA Shadow: ergh.... Sonic: That's all you got? Shadow: That's what she said *Sonic just realized what he just said and what Shadow said* Sonic: You planned this all along didn't you? Shadow: I don't plan, I know Flame: That's what you wished you said right befo- All: Flame! This is a young adult's Roleplay! Flame: All right all right, I get your point *Flame looks around* Flame: So what was it anyways? Silver: It's none other than... * Who could this person be? why do we keep from telling you who this person is, Find out, on the next episode of Naru- I mean Dark Chao Role-playing Game* *solar drops in,quite literally* Temple Guard:WE WILL MEET AGAIN! SB: That quote up there is right! I know who you are now! Temple Guard: Yes you little filthy chao, I'm back, and also with better writing skills, I will have a better battle with the so called chaos chao AC: Who's this guy? SB: A long time ago, back when the author's writing skills were crap Me: Hey! SB: We were sent on a mission to conquer a mountian, and we met up with this wretched guard protecting the place! *The camera Cuts to Shadow* Shadow: Well Silver, who is it? You left us on a cliffhanger with the last post Silver: ...Sonic, you know this guy Shadow Bonic is fighting Sonic: Huh? Silver: let me show you some Images *Sonic goes back in time back to when the author's writing was crap* Me: I get insulted by the effects too, *sarcasm* nice. *as Sonic goes back in time, he looks back to the writing being redone for sense's sake* /Back in the Past/ Past Sonic: You killed my Father! Past Nights: Sonic what's wrong? PSonic: You've humiliated me PNights: I don't like what's going on. PSonic: And you've sent evil sand creatures to destroy us... *A dark aura forms around Past Sonic* Sonic: I remember this part PDarkSonic: It's time you recive what you deserve PDemonGuard: Ha! you think your punyness can stop me? PDarkSonic: Trust me, it will! *PDarkSonic zooms foward attempting to hit the jems on his chest* PDemonGuard: You can't foolisly belive that this is going to effect me? *PDemonGuard Shoots a beem At PDarkSonic as he gets knocked back by it* PDSonic: ergh! I know how to get past you though! PDGuard: Oh really now? I'd like to see you try! *PDSonic Blasts a beam at the boulders above and knock them down to distract PDGuard* PDSonic: It's time to end this! Sonic: heh heh, he said time *PDSonic goes to all the jewels at once using ultra speed and break them all* PDGuard: Noooo! Sonic: now I know! /Back in the present/ *Sonic wakes up realising who it was* Sonic: Now I know who it Is! but before I go, can I ask you a question? Silver: Sure, fire away. Sonic: Why couldn't you have just told me it was the Palace Guard? Silver: Because the writer was too lazy to write a real fight between Angel Chao And Shadow Bonic Shadow: And obviously because he needed to fill in plot for those who were here long enough to remember that to brong back a memor for them Sonic: But the memory was nothing like the origional fight Silver: That's because he was revising it to look better, in the origional, all you did was use Chaos Blast to kill him. Sonic: Oh yeah... *the camera cuts over to Shadow Bonic and Angel Chao* Palace Guard: Surley you want to know how exactly I got in Shade's Dream don't you? SB: Sure why not, It's not like we're going to fight in this post! Palace Guard: Really? Ah crap, thanks a lot, but I'll tell you anyways *The screen shows still images of what he did as he spoke* Palace Guard: You see, Shade has been haunted for a while by me, with the same occuring dream of someone chasing him. I had been chasing him because he was the cause of my demise by sending you two there to conquer a mountain. Well, using the remains of my energy before I had died, I grabbed a staff and used my last energy to enter Shade's Dream! SB: no way! Palace Guard: But that's not all, not only did I die, but I was fully healed and functional in Shade's Mind, because I feed off of his energy source! AC: So that's why he was always getting weaker by the "Week!" SB: *sarcasm* Yes people, she just made a rhyming joke, laugh and clap *Canned Laughter starts playing* SB: I thought we had finished you Chapters ago! *You hear cricket noises* SB: I swear, this whole thing is like all the old things piled into the last bit because of the palace guard *Canned Laughter is even louder now* *Shadow Bonic then does a face palm* *solar sees the temple guard* solar:the temple guard! shade told me about him! *shoots a arrow with a rope attached and it hits the tree dead center* *he grabs onto the rope as it flies past him* *he is hurled into the tree in front of the guard* *SB turns to Solar* SB: Sorry Sollar, you might be good, you won't do good here! AC: He speaks the truth, this battle won't end good for you if you choose tp help us Palace Guard: Your skills are of no compare to these punks, but they still won't win! SB: What choice do you make Solar? Palace Guard: It seems your little friend hasn't replied yet! This is my chance to take him out NOW! SB: Solar Look Out! *Solar snaps awake* Solar: Hnuh? What? *Shadow Bonic jumps over to push Solar out of the way, getting himself hurt in the proccess* SB: A little pain won't damage me that bad! Palace Guard: Oh, is that so? I pretty much control this dream world SB: Dang, he's right, but there's always a weakness to creeps like you! Palace Guard: I don't think so, not in this game you don't! SB: Oh yeah, I'd like to see you prove that statment! SB: Eat this *Shadow Bonic Uppercts the Palace guard sending him a little distance* Palace Guard: heh heh heh...AAH HA HA HA HA HA HAAA! SB: hnuh? *The dust goes away and we see that the Palace Guard is unscathed* Palace Guard: Did you really think, that a simple attack like that could defeat me? SB: No Way! At this rate, I'll never defeat him! *The Palace Guard dashes towrads Shadow Bonic* Palace Guard: And what kinda phrase is "Eat this" Anyways? *Shadow Bonic is punched up into the air, with no defense he turns to make some* SB: I won't let you get away that easy! *The Palace Guard yawns as Shadow Bonic flies towards him like a meteor* Palace Guard: Heh, Now! *In a split second, the Palace Guard grabs Shadow Bonic by the leg and throws him at a tree* Palace Guard: First thing's forest *The Palace Guard revs up a punch after the lame pun* Shadow: Is there any way we could get there any faster? Silver: Negative, this is the only speed we can go Sonic: But Shadow Bonic's in trouble! Shadow: Speaking of Shadow Bonic, where'd the "Bonic" part come from anyways? Flame: ... Shadow: Do you know anything Flame? Flame: The name "Bonic" came from one of his old crappy fan characters, having no use for that name anymore, "He" came up with the name "Shadow Bonic" as in reference to an unused character, shadow meaning, not really there. Shadow: That sums things up...a little. -we go back to Shadow Bonic and the guard- Palace Guard: Is there anyway that you might give up? I'm giving you last words! SB: You want to know my last words? Well here they are, go to h- *Shadow Bonic gets punched in the face* Palace Guard: Anything else? SB: Yea, you suck! *Shadow Bonic's punched again, but now he's bleeding a little* Palace Guard: We can keep this up all day little chao SB: HA, like you have the brain capacity! *He gets kicked this time* Palace Guard: You must really enjoy this, don't you? SB: Just Like you'll enjoy this! *Shadow Bonic breaks free instantly and kicks him and the private parts* Palace Guard: You've got to be kidding me *the Palace Guard starts to lean on the staff he mentioned earlier* Palace Guard: Remember, this is my world, my rules! SB: Let us see about that! *Shadow Bonic runs over and steals the staff* SB: HA! Where's your magic now? Palace Guard: Heh Heh...HA HA HA HA! That was nothing more than an illusion, a fake, because I knew you'd go for it. Cheap writing isn't going to save you this time green chao! SB: There's got to be a way that I can beat him, but how? AC: Shadow Bonic, you need to try to find his real staff, it's the only way you can win this! *Dark Hawk Swoops down* DH: It seems there is something going on without me, but...Oh, well, don't matter now! *Dark Hawk Leaves* Sonic: So much for a helpful geust star... *back to Shadow Bonic and the Palace Guard* SB: If you had the staff, where would you put it? Palace Guard: You think I'm that stupid? SB: If you weren't, then you'd tell me Palace Guard: I'm not an Idiot, It's right behind that tree! SB: Sucker *Shadow Bonic walks over to the tree* SB: Huh? It's not here! I've been- Palace Guard: Sucker Punched! SB: What? *The Palace Guard sucker punches Shadow Bonic and send him flying* SB: Dang, he's tough, too tough, he's gotta have some weakness *Palace Guard appears up right behind Shadow Bonic* Palace Guard: Nope, none! *He does a meteor smash and sends Shadow Bonic towards the Earth* SB: Oh crap! *Shadow Bonic hits the ground like a rock* SB: ugh...I've got to think of something...That's It! *The Palace Guard comes down softly* SB: Hah! I know how to get it! *Shadow Bonic jumps over to the Palace Guard and pulls his clothes off* SB: Huh? It's not here Either! *The guard flicks Shadow Bonic into a tree* Palace Guard: Don't you get it by now foolish Chao, I AM THE STAFF! I CANNOT BE KILLED! *Shadow Bonic Shifts through the rubble* SB: No wonder he's so tough...erk...There's got to be a way to defeat him! *To be continued in the next chapter of Shadow Bonic's Story to take down the Palace Guard* solar:*notices a glimmer* SHADOW BONIC! AIM FOR HIS EYES! *backflips off the tree,and in mid-air fires an arrow that causes a bird to fall onto the guard* temple guard:(distracted)HUH??!!*that reveals something-his eyes are jewels,and the bird pecks one* temple guard:ACK! *solar tosses his bow to sb* solar:aim for his eyes,while he's distracted! *Shadow Bonic Turns to Solar and gives him a nod* SB: I hope this works! *Shadow Bonic pulls the bow getting ready to fire* SB: Get a load of this! *Shadow Bonic fires an arrow at his eye* Palace Guard: ARGH! erg...heh heh heh... SB And Solar: Huh? Palace Guards: You fools *Palace Guard picks up the two eyeball jewels* Palace Guard: You want to know how I always beat you down? SB: ... Palace Guard: I used sound, I could never see in the first place! You see, those gems were wedged into my eyes because I cannot pull my wyes ot these gems out of my eye sockets, what these gems do however, is transform me into the demon that I origionaly was! *The Palace Guard holds the jewels and transforms into something huge* Solar: No way, I thought that this finished it SB: apparently not Solar, but there's got to be a real way to take him out *Silver and Co. Finally arrive* Silver: Woah! What the front door is that? Shadow: It could be none other... Flame: Than That foul demon... Sonic: Black Doom! Black Doom: That's right you little chaos, since my defeat from Shadow the Hedgehog, I had to try and heal myself and hide on earth, and thus, I became the Palace Guard! SB: Then how come there have been no black arms? Black Doom: Remember when you were tring to kill the milkman? Well, his minions were disguised black arms creatures, I had been marveled at how easily you beat me and them, but we were weakend, so thus, we couldn't SB: But how did you do the palace guard act so well? Black Doom: Don't you know, I am the real ultimate life form, Shadow's my technical child, except I gave him my blood so he could be ultimate, but he managed to go super, which I couldn't SB: And that's what the jewels were for huh? Black Doom: Precisley, but enough jibber jabber, time for my real final form! *Black Doom grasps the other jewel and becomes Ultimate Black Doom* UBD: There's no way you can stop me this time chaos ???: Of course not, because we will! *Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog Jump out* S: So, it seems that this is happening all over again! SH: Apparently so Sonic, but now we're going to have to fight that thing! *The 7 chaos emeralds form around the two hedgehogs* SS: Ha, there's no way that you can take us both out, we're an unstoppable team! SSH: If you can survive this, then we have a way to beat you none still! *A golden burst of light appear as the Golden and Silver Hedgehogs burst towards Ultimate Black Doom* SS: Eat this you monster! *Super Sonic uses a super punch towards him but does little* SSH: You call that an attack? Ha! Chaos BLAST! *A red aura forms around Shadow as he explodes into a red barage of energy* *The attack does some, but still little damage* UBD: That's all you got? Chaos Sonic Wind! *Both hedgehogs get hurt from severe damage* SSH: Dang, I don't want to die, I haven't even gotten Rouge's number yet! SS: I thought you forgot about that! SSH: yea, well, If we manage to survive this, than you owe me big time Shade! UBD: It's time you remember who's going to win! SS: Yea! US! SSH: This time, I'll make sure to kill you off! *Live and learn starts to play as background music* SS: let's end this once and for all! *Sonic Summons up the Super Emeralds* Super Sonic: I'll show you not to mess with anyone that's close to me! Super Shadow: It's Time you finally got the beating you deserve! *The Super Emeralds transform Sonic and Shadow into their Hyper forms* Hyper Sonic: You will get owned double the Power! Hyper Shadow: let's do this! Hyper Sonic and Shadow: Hyper Chaos Sonic Wind Spear! *Ultimate Black Doom gets assulted!* UBD: Why did- Black Doom: I get beaten- Palace Guard: by cheap writing! I thought It would be on my side Me: Too bad! "Epilogue?" *You hear the Music Live Life from Sonic and the Black Knight* SB: And so ends the last adventure of the units of the dark garden Silver: Tis' a shame really, not much going on Shadow: Sure there was, you just missed alot of it. Flame: Same here, lucky thing we got in long enough for the last mission Sonic: But the question is...was this the last mission? Or is this only the beggining for a new saga SB: I don't know, but at least I was in there since the 7th mission, this was a good mission, and things were more realistic AC: I came in after Sonic, but, this will always hold a soft spot for my memories SB: this will be the thing I will always remember Shadow: It's good though, coming in at times like this SB: Not many people get to experince something like this everyday Sonic: Yes well, It's time we say good-bye to our fellow chao buddies SB: Nah, Sonic, this is not the end, it's only the end of the beggining Sonic: Don't you mean Beggining of the end? SB: No, End of the Beggining, meaning that this was only the beggining Sonic: These, are some true words coming from a very experienced chao SB: Well, it's time we get out of Shade's dream now, we've taken down Black Doom, who was the palace guard from my first mission AC: It's time we hold a little silence of peace for this one and true moment All chaos: ... *You hear the music just softly fade away as they come out of the dream* SB: We've held our silence, now, it's time we leave, and find new adventure *You see Shade get up* Shade: You've got three more missions punks, it's not over yet! SB: You serious? *This is where DJay finishes Shade's final comments for the epilouge of this mission* *solar comes out of the dream and faceplants**he gets back up,and starts standing at attention* Shade: Job well done, my soldiers. But... Black Doom? What could this mean? Solar: Sir, they were obviously just making things up. Did you not see them keep going, not awaiting further orders? Shade: No, Solar, that was part of the test. They passed. Solar: Passed what test? Shade: They have proven that they can, indeed, improvise. But, they jumped to the conclusion that this mission would be over when the dream was over. SB: You mean... it's not over? Shade: No, Shadow Bonic. It'll never be over. Because.... [dramatic pause] Shade: We're all stuck in my dream. SB: WHAT?! But, we killed Black Doom, and got out! Shade: Got out of me dreaming myself dreaming. As it turns out, those machines I mentioned at the start? Flame: The ones you didn't show? Shade: The very same. They malfunctioned, sending us ALL into my own dream. Solar: But, we exited the dream! Shade: You exited my dream of me dreaming. SB: Couldn't you just... wake up? Shade: It's not that simple. In order for me to wake up, we're gonna need to find some way to wake me up. Long story short, Shade's consciousness is in his dream right now, so he can't wake himself up. This means the Freelance chao (third-party) will have to find some way to get someone ELSE to wake Shade up. SB: But... how? We're in your dream! Shade: I'm sure if we venture deep enough, we can find some way to make me sleepwalk. ["Sleepwalker" by Megadeth starts playing] Solar: What the? Shade: I'm dreaming, remember? If I think of something, it'll probably pop up. SB: So, think of some way to sleepwalk! Shade: I can't just make myself sleepwalk like that! *sigh* How can I say this simply? [Shade thinks] ["How?" appears above his head] Shade: That's it! If I think of what I'm trying to say, I won't even have to talk! [Shade thinks, and the following words appear above his head] Simply put-- get me (the REAL me) to sleepwalk. According to my caluculations, and my thoughts, my dreams should look like this: Dream Dark Garden (You are here) Dream Dark Forest (this is where Shade was chased) Dream stage (Shade dreams of Rubber Goose here) Dream flower field (Shade dreams of romance here-- I mean, killer bees. Yeah.) Dreamland (Shade dreams of Kirby here) Dream Orange Box (Shade dreams of Half-Life and Portal here) Dream Theater (Shade dreams of movies, and progressive rock bands, here) Dream Musical Box (Shade dreams of Genesis here) Understand? SB: Yeah, I guess. Solar: Yes, sir! But, uh... any ideas on how to get you to sleepwalk? Well, if my mind is thinking of something, I'm sure my body will move accordingly. Flame: Well, gang, let's think of a way out of here. solar:very well. WAIT,did one of those areas mention killer bees?! AC: Don't you feel like an idiot now Shadow Bonic? SB: um...yeah, I think so AC: And your idiocy got us trapped in here SB: Me? AC: Yea, if you hadn't imagined an epilogue, this never would've happened! SB: Oh yea, of course, there's no way the could be an epilogue! I mean, how else could so many references appear! Sonic: Like the canned laughter *Ha Ha Ha* Sonic: The Palace Guard Palace Guard: I'm not dead- *he gets shot* Sonic: acting like you made this mission SB: Yea, that tournament sucked! Sonic: Spraypainting the Hero Garden SB: I don't remember doing that *They're both cut-off as Shadow yells at them* Shadow: Top pretending and move, we're going to popstar...I mean Dreamland SB: You can go there, I want to go to the romance dream, with me and Angel Chao Silver: I'll go over to the Genisis because I have nothing better to do Flame: I'll tag along with Shadow and Sonic Sonic, Shadow, and Flame: Cya'll later AC and SB: Buy guys, we're going to the feild of flowers Silver: ...I don't need them anyways, I've got the genisis! *Silver starts playing Sonic 2...* Silver: AH C'MON! He can't even remember Sonic 2? @#%$ this place! solar:*starts walking along with gymm* *they arrive in dreamland* *gymm jumps on a random warp star* *Super Sonic (the Chao), Hiya, Solaris, Eclipse, jump in* *Hiya looks like a regular Hero chao, but is really undercover like Angel Chao, she is naive* Hiya's Stats Power: C Speed: C Swim: C Flight: D Stamina: C *Solaris is another undercover Hero chao, with a fireball on his head, he is naive like Hiya* Solaris' Stats Power: D Speed: B Swim: D Flight: D Stamina: B *Super Sonic(S. Sonic) looks like a shiny light blue Sonic Chao with a chao medal, has a mix of all personalities* S. Sonic's stats Power: D Speed: B Swim: D Flight: D Stamina: C *Eclipse looks like a black swim type with a dark allignment with yellow wings, somewhat of a crybaby* Elclipse's Stats Power: B Speed: C Swim: C Flight: C Stamina: C *We cut to Shadow Bonic as he's in the romance area* SB: I sense a disturbance in the force AC: Isn't that star wars? SB: yea, but who cares...anyways I feel, more chao are here AC: You must be getting paranoid SB: I'm telling you, four more chao got added into our group *S.Sonic comes out from behind the bushes* S.Sonic: You mean, my group *Shadow Bonic recognises S.Sonic* SB: It's you, the very first chao! S.Sonic: from our owner SB: Whatever, so, why didn't you ever come out from the beggining? S.Sonic: Because I was getting old, but after reincarnation, I'm back. AC: Okay...so? S.Sonic: Basically AC: anyone else you bring? S.Sonic: Yea, I brought 3 others, only 2 of them being new, making 4 of us SB: I told you, my gut feeling is always right AC: Yea, like this episode's epilouge SB: Besides that S.Sonic: Ahem! SB: Oh sorry, continue S.Sonic: The Second chao owned was Hiya, was orginally yellow with green tips, but got reincarnated into this Hiya: Hiya! what's up? SB: Yea, nothing much S.Sonic: Eclipse, a black chao Eclipse: Yea, don't listen to that description, I'm not a crybaby. S.Sonic: We'll see about that Eclipse: Meanie! *Eclipse cries a little* S.Sonic: And Solaris, a Naive little chao Solaris: I don't even know what that means S.Sonic: You will later SB: Yea, think you could've come in a little sooner in this Storyline? S.Sonic: Someone else did, your chao Silver, he came in loads before we did when we told him not to. Silver: Well, I couldn't play Sonic 2...oh, hey guys, who are they? S.Sonic: We're your "friends" Silver: Oh yea, I remember you *Shadow Jumps in* Shadow: Think you guys could shut-up and help us wake Shade up! *Sonic Jumps in* Sonic: For confusion purposes, we'll call you SS for S.Sonic SS: Okay *Flame jumps in* Flame: That makes...10 of us now? SB: We need to start firing other chaos *solar parks the warp star in front of them,along with enough for the rest of the chao* solar:well,this should be fast. SB and SS: Sorry, I'd rather run *S.Sonic looks at Shadow Bonic* SS: So it's a race you want eh? SB: Yea? What's it to ya? SS: All right, let's walk first as a start *The other chaos get on their respective warp stars and are on their way* SS: So, what are you anyway? SB: I'm just a guy who's swift as the wind and loves adventure, Shadow Bonic! SS: So, there's more to you than meets the eye SB: You'd better believe it SS: Well, you'd better know, your leaderin days are coming to an end *They start jogging* SB: I think thas all depends on who wins the race, loser *They start running* SS: We'll see about that *Shadow Bonic jumps over a log as S.Sonic quickly rolls under fallen logs that he can't jump over* SB: Let's make another bet *Shadow Bonic hits the side of a ledge and starts climbing* SS: Hm? *S.Sonic jumps and makes it to the top before Shadow Bonic* SB: Whoever wins this race will stay in the Dark Garden army, if you win, I leave *A cliff comes before them as S.Sonic Jumps first but falls into the water and starts swimming forward* SS: and If you win, I leave? I'll take that bet *Shadow Bonic makes the jump and grabs the ledge of the cliff as S.Sonic makes it to the top, bith neck to neck* SB: Good, you better have, because if you declined, that would mean I'm more Leader material, only leaders can always agree on bets SS: Yea, but I'm sure you shouldn't have made that bet, because you'll lose SB: Oh yea? How's that? *S.Sonic trips Shadow Bonic as he rolls down and hits a tree* SS: Sucker, that's how you win in my book *S.Sonic rests down after a couple minutes of running* SS: Whoo! can really get a guy tired..hnuh? *A shadowy figure is jumping the trees* SS: Shadow Bonic! SB: It seems that the hare has made his rest! SS: Ergh! I better activate a speed boost and jump up there with him! *S.Sonic boosts forward and catches with Shadow Bonic* SB: We're halfway through this 50 mile course, you ready for defeat? SS: You better believe it! *What will happen next? Find out next time* *solar,high above,is videotaping the entire thing,sound included* SS: It's time we take this to the extreme! SB: Oh, what I thought you were doing was extreme! SS: Ha ha, very funny *Shadow Bonic jumps down and grabs a vine and swings on a couple logs towards a cliff* SS: Oh yea? What do you think you're doing? *Shadow Bonic picks up a long stone* SB: What you should be doing SS: ? *Shadow Bonic jumps off the cliff S.Sonic didn't see* SB: Let's see you survive this! *Shadow Bonic shoves the stone into the side of the cliff to slow his descend* SB: Erk! *the rocks collapse as Shadow Bonic falls and large rocks come out of the cliff along with the trees on the edge* SS: Ha! You just made it easy for me to reach the bottom SB: I don't know what to say to that, I'm afraid I'll say something Cliche' SS: You think so? SB: like that *Shadow Bonic grabs a rock and gets up* SB: This will be a pretty long fall, get read to "rumble" SS: Very funny SB: Makes me the leader SS: Oh does it? *Shadow Bonic gives S.Sonic a punch in the face* *S.Sonic uppercuts Shadow Bonic* SS: You're good SB: And you're not *Shadow Bonic kicks S.Sonic, he falls off towards the next rock over* SB: I'm afraid your fighting moves have been "crumbled" SS: Yea? Well about to get "stoned" SB: You'd better "Granite" this defeat to your loser book SS: I'm afraid you're just gonna "crack" at all these bad puns SB: You'd better "quartz" now before you lose SS: You'd better "Gabboro" the nearst object SB: you're going to "Diamond" after this is over SS: ... SB: HA! out of puns! *S.Sonic comes up and punches Shadow Bonic* SS: Take a "crack" at that SB: You'd better start biting the "dust" then, because you're going down! *Shadow Bonic comes over and sucker punches him* SB: our battle has been "Fracture'd" *Shadow Bonic jumps off of the rock* *Then the stones crash towards the ground* SB: Seems he did bite the "Dust" and get "Stoned" at the same time" *some ruble starts to shift* SS: This "Igneous" over yet! *Shadow Bonic is running at full speed now* SB: I can't- SS: Let him catch up? SB: YOU! SS: Yes, it is I, and now, your downfall is coming SB: It's time you get owned, this is the final fight, no more running! Bring it on! SS: Let's see you try *Shadow Bonic summons up his power to become Super* SSB: Now you'll know what it's to get beaten! SS: Heh heh, you thought this was that easy? Then you've got another thing coming! *S.Sonic summons up all of his strength to become Hyper Sonic* HS: Well, I was always super, now let's see if you cam take me on now! SSB: HA! I'll make sure you will be the one hitting the floor! *Super Shadow Bonic flies up along with Hyper Sonic* SSB: Now let us see the true extent of your power! *Super Shadow Bonic goes over and punches H.Sonic, he doesn't even flinch* HS: Is that all? *Hyper Sonic grabs Super Shadow Bonic's leg and throws him to the ground* HS: Who's the one who'll be hitting the floor now? SSB: It'll be you later *Super Shadow Bonic goes up towards H.Sonic and Uppercuts him* HS: alright, now I'm seeing some anger from you SSB: Anger? You want anger? I'll GIVE YOU ANGER! *Super Shadow Bonic grabs Hyper Sonic and throws him down* SSB: It's time you feel my flow of anger! *Super Shadow Bonic continuosly punches Hyper Sonic* HS: Heh, you can't beat me! no matter how hard you try, and since I'm not true evil, cheap writing *Hyper Sonic punches Super Shadow Bonic, kicks him, throws him around* HS: There's no way you can win now! SSB: You wanna bet! Have you checked your ring count yet? HS: Hah! Your failure at introducing chap writing makes me laugh! We don't use rings! SSB: But we have stamina, and I'm afraid you're just about to run out! *Hyper Sonic starts weakening* HS: Heh, that little weakness won't affect me! SSB: Wanna bet? *Super Shadow Bonic punches Hyper Sonic in the nose area as flies back* HS: Dang! He's either gotting stonger, or I'm getting stronger! Come at me you fool! *What will happen next, will there be another bad cliffhanger? Or will it actually end next time? Probably not...* *solar is still filming* solar:gotta send this to the movie company once i get the chance. *You start to hear it doesn't matter from Sonic adventure* SSB: You know H.Sonic, it doesn't matter what happens to me, as long as my crew lives HS: ? SSB: But I will never give up the fight, no matter what happens HS: It seems your boost of courage will defeat SSB: When I look back? No, I really don't need, I just need to always looks ahead, I won't give up til the very end! HS: Let's see if this will help you out at all! SSB: You'd better believe it! *Super Shadow Bonic goes up towards Hyper Sonic, grabs his legs and slams him down* SSB: Let's see if you cam survive this! *He charges towards Hyper Sonic* SSB: EAT THIS YOU PIECE OF- *You hear sephiroth's theme from advent children as Hyper Sonic grabs him by the throat area* HS: Now that there is enough time, there is no way that I will get defeated by your everlasting cheapness! *Hyper Sonic summons a Katana from the ground* HS: Let's see if this will finally slice you into pieces *Hyper Sonic charges towards Super Shadow Bonic* SSB: No, I can't...get defeated...*cough*...this easily *Super S.Bonic grabs his kantana in the center where it doesn't cut him* HS: Really good attempt Shadow Bonic, but how long do you think this will last? SSB: Enough for you! *Super Shadow Bonic rolls out of the way just barley avoiding the swing* SSB: Oh crap! I'm running out of energy! I've got to conserve, before I run out! HS: Feeling a little sapped there Shadow Bonic? SSB: Not the least bit! I'll take you down in a flash! *Super S.Bonic rolls out of the way to attempt an uppercut* HS: Really now, you think that'll work? *Hyper Sonic grabs Super S.Bonic's arm and throws him to the side, dorectly into a tree* HS: Let's play adam's apple SSB: Heh heh... *Shadow Bonic reverts back to normal* SB: I don't even think that's the right name for it HS: You're right, it's called Shadow Bonic's Apple! SB: !!! *Hyper Sonic dashes forward as an apple hits him on the head, midly distracing him* SB: I'll take a bite of this! *Shadow Bonic bites into the apple to find that it is slightly rotted* SB: Eck, disgusting! HS: Not as bad as this battle is going to end up! SB: It's not over til the fat chao sings *A really fat chao walks over with a mike and prepares to sing* SB: DON'T EVEN START! *An immense glow starts to form around Shadow Bonic's Peridot* *Knight of the Wind plays over advent children* HS: What is this? *Hyper Sonic back-flips back* SB: Could it be? The one and all...Magneous blade? All right creep, let's finish this once and for all! HS: Well, let's see if that blade will even help you out even slightly! SB: This balde will do more to you than you could imagine! *Shadow Bonic Stabs the sword into the ground and summons magma from around and fills the whole floor with it as he goes back to being super* SSB: Now, this will be the battle that will finish it off! HS: You take this as if it were a little game, ok then, bring it on! *Live and Learn now plays as the battle begins* SSB: Alright you monster, here's to my real skill! *Super Shadow Bonic goes over towards Hyper Sonic as they both sword cash continuously, striking and missing one another until they get interlocked* SSB: So, I see you're a pretty good sword fighter! HS: You think so? I thought you were pretty weak so I went easy on you SSB: Oh, you haven't seen my true power yet! *They go back to more sword clashing, except this time they do more damage, swing harder, faster, swifter, nimbler....you get the point, and then they get interlocked again* SSB: For a katana, that's pretty powerful, usually they break due to their slim factor HS: I'm a little bit suprised your able to carry that thing SSB: I'm suprised you haven't give up! FIAGRA 3! *Shadow Bonic's Sword glows red and slices right through Hyper Bonic's Blade* HS: Ha! YOu thought that was all? I have more where those came from *Hyper Sonic Summons up 100 total katanas and starts fling them towards Super Shadow Bonic* SSB: This is the first time a battle has become slightly epic *Super Shadow Bonic blocks a few of the katans as well as dodging them and getting hit by a couple* SSB: I think that I've finally learnt the only open spot *Super Shadow Bonic dashes through the only spot open as fast as he could as-* *the screen flashes red...all music stops* SSB: ... HS: So...Shadow Bonic, have you learned this new slice of information? I know where you would have gone through, so I decided to make a false opening. SSB: ... HS: Enjoying the new look Shadow Bonic? *You see a sword sticking right through Shadow Bonic as he sits there...floating in mid space* HS: Now you know what it's like to take the fall! *You hear With me(Sonic and the Black Knight) start to play* SSB: Heh, there's one thing you forgot about Hyper Sonic HS: hm? SSB: We chaos chao don't live off blood! HS: Oh yea, I probably shou- *Super Shadow Bonic Punches Hyper Sonic directly in the face forcing to fly towards a little rock in the lava feild* HS: Urk *Hyper Sonic reverts back to Super Sonic due to loss of energy* SS: Ugh, I can still take you on! *Super Shadow Bonic slowly floats down to the rock S.Sonic is on* SSB: How did you suppose you did that hm? *Shadow Bonic reverts back to normal to conserve energy* SB: You can't even stand up, so how could you do any of this? *Shadow Bonic kicks S.Sonic* SB: How do like getting kicked around now huh? SS: I don't...like it, but for the sake of leaving everyone on a cli- *Shadow Bonic grabs S.Sonic and pins him down to stop him from doing anything* SB: No, not this time, no more cliffhangers *Shadow Bonic uses the surrounding lava and rock to keep S.Sonic stuck on the rock* SB: Now, you can stay here! *Shadow Bonic goes bakc to Super* SSB: Ah revoir S.Sonic! I'll see you whenever you get free of that imprisoment! *Super Shadow Bonic flies off towards the rest* SSB: I think this battle went a little too long *You now hear Bently Jones version of Seven Rings in Hand* Silver: Don't you think you might have gone a little too hard, he was the start of it all SSB: Yea, but he didn't start his role as a major Dark Chao Role-play reqruit, that's where I major soldier! Shadow: Don't you get the feeling that he might just come back at some point? He can't just stay in Shade's dream forever SSB: Yea, but we don't even know if the new guys are even real, this could just be all apart of our improvising, to thicken plot AC: That doesn't explain why they wouldn't just wake Shade up SSB: Exactly why this couldv'e been staged Flame: What if he wanted to come to you in here so you two wouldn't cause as much destruction in real life like you did here SSB: Possibly, hey Solar! Solar: Yea? SSB: Get me another warp star would'ja? Solar: Yea yea whatever *A warp star comes and picks up Super Shadow Bonic* SSB: Now I can rest *He reverts back to normal* *The Song ends* *The camera cuts to the floating rock* *You hear a muffled noise* SS: I will be back...sometime later, but not again in this mission, I'm done getting owned *So, it seems this little race has been complete...any plot advances yet?* *solar is now surfing on the warp star* SB: Yea, you just keep surfing on your warp star, I'm gonna relax here, until something happens, or some real plot comes in. *solar finds a control panel* solar:holy crap! this is...the control panel for shade's body! *he grabs a control and makes shade's body run into a brick wall* oops...*he makes shade walk over to the hero garden,and Chao throws a toilet paper roll at his head* *shade wakes up* *Shadow Bonic slaps Solar and wakes him up* SB: Daydream after daydream, it's not that easy Solar Silver: All know that, hey, I had an Idea, but it requires Shadow Bonic's power SB: Sure whatever Silver: I'll use my telecenetics to make my shape look scary SB: And where do I come in Silver: You're the power who allows me to use that much energy SB: What could possibly be THAT enormous Silver: Not enormous... SB: No...you can't mean Silver: Yes...the Tails Doll *You hear thunder and a horse neigh* SB: Heh heh, references Silver: You ready? SB: Alright....here we go! Tails Doll: My energy feeds off this! I will eat the rest of this so you can't continue! SB: What have I done? [Shade slaps Shadow Bonic and makes HIM wake up] Shade: Solar just woke me up. It looks like you were sleeping on the job a bit there, dude. SB: Huh? No, I was just trying to wake YOU-- Shade: Nontheless, we have one last problem. SB: Yes? Shade: Now that I'm awake, I've found some creepy shadows in here, and the word, "Rakshawl" painted on my wall in blood. Dark: YOUR wall? It's everybody's-- Shade: Shut up. Either way, it's not right. Solar: Sir! What was that about "creepy shadows?" Shade: Walking shadows. SB: And usually I who wake the others AC: Well, you've been made into an idiot twice this mission SB: Yea, well...says you! AC: We all know it was you all along SB: Don't have to play it like that Sonic: Guys, are you forgetting something? Shadow: Hm...I remember it having to do something with Shadowy creatures... Flame: I can pull the cheapest trick in the book! Silver: Don't tell me, that flashlight from the mission with the milkman? Flame: ...You sure it was from that episode? Silver: I'm pretty sure that it was that one...at least I think Flame: So...uh...what about those new guys from Shade's dream Silver: They were useless Flame: Figures generic shadowy figure: are we going to fight or what? Flame: Yea, we're going to fight *Turns on the flashlight...nothing shines* Flame: Freakin duracell, need some AA batteries Silver: No, those run on double D's SB: That's what she said! Silver: No that's what I said SB: Way to ruin a bad joke...here, take these Silver: What are they? SB: They're double D's Silver: That's what she said! SB: Wow...my plan backfired *Flame inserts the double D batteris* Flame: Take this! HA! *Nothing happens* Flame: Whoops! Wrong direction...lemme see here... AC: Ah...Shining Light! SB: That's a crappy attack AC: So, it gets the job done SB: That would help if you had MP left AC: We don't use MP SB: Darnit, my plan to lengthen this plot backfired! AC: By the way, that's 4 failures Silver: No, it's 5, he tried a "That's what she said" Joke and that failed SB: Just end it already solar:*fires a arrow at the last remaining shadow creature and it kills it* Shade: *pant* Oh, good... they're all dead. Solar: Sir, I fear the worst is yet to come. Flame: I know how you feel. Shade: I'm gonna have to agree with you guys, this time. DH: Hey, Shade! We got mail! [Shade opens an envelope] Shade: "Get out." SB: From whom is it? Shade: The same person who wrote "Rakshawl" on this wall. SB: How can you tell? Shade: Because, in the corner of the envelope, it says, "From the desk of Rakshawl." SB: Oh. Shade: Still, you guys should prepare yourselves. Whoever this guy is, he is willing to kill us. [close-up of Shade's face] Shade: And I think he CAN. SEE YOU NEXT MISSION?