Dark Chao Role-Playing Game Mission 9: The Dream World shade: )wakes up( where are we DH:)just wakes up to( I don't know Dark: )same ^ ( we should wake every one up... *does that* Hmm... ah, whatever. EVERYONE WHO IS PARTICIPATING, READ THIS POST! Episode 9 will be the Dream World, this time with PaperMaster acting as me (the one who assigns the missions), as long as you don't make the episode too long. Episode 10 will be made by Multichao when this one's over. Episode 11- BlackPheonix Episode 12- Flamesonicchao Episode 13- Nights Then, after that, please, no more tricks. I'm gonna go back to being the narrator starting with Episode 14, when we get there. For now, enjoy your temporary reigns as honorary DJs! For now, though, PaperMaster is the DJ. For the rest, look at the chart. Shade: Dark. DARK. DARK! Yo, DORK, wake up! Dark: *yawn* ....what'd I miss? [Dark looks around] Dark: ...and why are we in My Little Pony land? [Shade slaps Dark] Shade: We're NOT. I don't know WHERE we are, though, but c'mon, help us wake everyone up! dh: yawn... just wanna lety you know that this is the dream worl...)falls asleep again( shade: dark wake him up! and why isn't the text capitalized? dark: )shrugs( I'll fix it *5 minutes later* Dark: MuCh BeTtTer... [ChAoSkY wAkEs Up] ChAoSkY: wHaT'd DaRk Do ThIs TiMe? JeSsIcA: uGh... ShUdDuP i'M sLeEpInG... dArK: wAkE uP! cHaOsKy: FiX tHe TeXt FiRsT! dArK: fInE! mAyBe I wIlL! [fIX] cHAOSKY: nOPE. [FIX] JESSICA: DARK!! DO IT RIGHT!!! [Fix] Dark: There...Hey how'd I do that? Shade: You didn't. Dark: Oh, didn't I? Shade: No, I did. Dark: ...Right. Chaosky: Would one of you just tell me where we are!? Shade: Of course! We're...where are we? PH: Dark-Hawk, get us out of here! DH: How? PH: I don't know! Come up with something! Me: Calm down, Phantom! PH: Wha...? Where'd you come from? Me: From behind you. PH: Why are you here? Me: That's a good question. I was playing Sonic and the Secret Rings, wishing that annoying Sharah would shut up, and then found myself here holding my Wii Remote. PH: Wanna leave this place? Me: Yeah. PH: Dark-Hawk, get us out of here! NOW! DH: I cant no one in the dream world can wake us up only people outside can PH: what!?! DH: Augh all this yelling is making me need an asprin *asprin appears out of thin air (omigosh)O.O* chaosky: Oh, crap! DH: water? *poof* DH: WOW! )thinks( *lightbulb* oh yeah now I remember! my mom was former king of DW! she granted me the power to wish for anything I wanted! wow I cant believe I can still do that! Dark: )excited( wow I wish for... 100 rings! *nothing* Dark: huh? Shade: It only works on DH remember dufus!? Dark: oh yeah... *dark falls on text button* Dark: darn et! -aLl tHE chAo-:DaRk!!1! ShAdE: DaRk< PrEsS ThE BuTtOn aGaIn! {dArK dOeS] Shade: Ah, thanks. Dark-Hawk, wish for three pizzas, and for a megaphone! [DH does] DH: Okay, but... why did you want them? [Shade starts eating the pizzas, and Dark reaches for one] Shade: (megaphone) HANDS OFF, MORON! DH: hey, let me try it! i wish for a megaphone! *megaphone appears in his hands* *sneaks up to dark* DH: )megaphone voice( BOOGIDY-BOO!! dark: *jumps up about 10 feet* DH: i forgot to mention that the laws of physics don't apply to this world. watch! *does a triple backflip* PH: Lemme try! [Kicks Dark] Sweet! Even with no legs I can kick stuff! I like it here! Dark: That hurt. PH: Too bad. Me: Dark-Hawk, wish me a TV, a Wii, and a copy of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. DH: Yes, Mr. Human. Me: Sweet! Let's stay here! PH: I agree! [Kicks Dark] SWEET! DH: hey who made me say that!? *unwishes all that stuff* say please next time! you: fine. please. DH: okay *poof* okay but seriously we need to get outta here we can only be here for 3 hours until we are in deep sleep time (depe*slepe*tyme) : when one goes into a deep sleep that keeps us from waking up at night for all you rookies out there... after 3 hours the exit in pillow mountains will DISAPPEAR for 5 hours then open again DH: who knows what chao are doing out there! ~outside~ Chao: *just finishing on drawing on shades face* I'm happy now! tail: *finishing phantom and dark-hawk* yeah! knuckle: *finishing chaosky and jessica* yeah! Nights finaly snaps awake. N:Would you all can it I'm trying to sleep! All the chao jump. Dark:Nights we almost forgot about you! N:Ya ya you guys completle forgot about me. Ok we are the land of dreams now what. Shade:I don't know why sould I know. N:Well your the leader you should know. DH:Nights no need to get angery now lets move! Yeah, Dark-Hawk. You're the one who is now assigning the missions for this episode, YOU tell US what to do. HOWEVER: Only I can promote people. In fact, I am promoting EVERYONE for no reason! Whatever your previous rank is (check a few pages back), add a rank! Here is the list of ranks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparative_military_ranks (Check bottom of page) Okay? So, honorary DJ Dark-Hawk, where do you want us to go? -A chao wearing a hat that has a picture of Dora the Explorer on it- Dora Chao: How will we get to pillow mountains? Who will show us the way? The Map! The Map! -suddenly flips to a screen with the map on it- Map chao: I know the way to Pillow Mountains! ~If there's a place you need to go! I'm the one you need to know! I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map! If there's a place ya gotta get! I can get you there I bet! I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map! I'M THE MAP!~ Dora Chao need to know how to get to Pillow Mountains. First, you go over the river of happy super fun time, then you go under the giant turtle of Cazoomakoo, then you through the mysterious-- Shade: STOP! PLEASE! Just tell us the way! Map Chao: I am!~ First you go over the river of Happ-- Shade: -falls on knees- Stop, please! GAH! Map Chao:.....Here's a map! -tosses a map- DH: -catches it- Why, thank you. Map Chao: Just make sure ya go through the river of Happy Super Fun Time! =D Shade: You have got to be kidding me.... Map Chao: Nope! Have fun! -BOOMF- *is gone* PH:.....Weird.... DH: Well, it seems we go through the Mysterious Forest of Nightmarish Toes after this. Shade: Nightmarish, what? Toes? WHY?! DH: -shrug- It's the map. We have to follow it. Shade:...Fine. -grunt- [Chaosky screams like a little girl] Jessica: OH. MY. HERO. CHAOS. What's your problem!?!? Chaosky: I'm deathly terrified of...*whispers* toes. Jessica: Yeah, I could tell by the way you SCREAMED in my EAR!!! Chaosky: Oh, right, sorry... Cloud: So we have to go through the... *looks at map* ...Mysterious Forest of Nightmarish Toes? What kind of name is that? [Chaosky screams again] Jessica: Chaosky, shut up. Cloud, when the Dark Garden did you get here? Cloud: I've been here the whole time. Chaosky: Really? Because we never heard you. Cloud: Because I never said anything. Jessica: Whatever. Where's the forest? Shade: Ugh. Why'd you have to ask that? [An arrow shows up and clicks on the forest behind them] Jessica: ...Okay could somebody stop the Dora thing? This is going to make some people eager to injure some other people... [Everyone takes a step back from Jessica] Jessica: What? [The whole group enters the forest while Chaosky points and screams at all the toes] *the nightmarish toes look like there trying to claw the chao in with there nails* DH: okay I have an Idea*wishes for A toe truck* LOL. but seriously I do have an Idea...run! [all the chao run through the forest of nightmarish toes] the toes emerge into two giant feet! [all the chao scream except jessica] jessica: shut up! )roar!!( [feet emerge into a giant!] [all the chao scream again and so does jessica] shade: run for your life! [all the chao run out of the foresst and fall into the river of happy super fun time] (alot of ] &[ huh?) N:Ok Dark Hawk what are we the unimportant chao do? DH:I have no clue? N:Well while you think I'll beat up Dora Chao. Nights walks over to Dora Chao. N:DIE demonic one! DC:Hello do you want to play with me? Nights jumps at her. ¤We now have this important anoncement.¤ Zim:Hello earth worms I the almighty Zim will rule this planet! Gir:Weeeeeee! ¤Back to your thing.¤ Nights slaped her across the face. DC:Owwwwwie! N:That should teach you a lesson. [we all splash] Dark: Help me! I can't swim! Shade: Yes you can. Remember? Dark: NO! [Shade hops up onto Dark and rides him like a surfboard] Shade: Where to next, Dark-Hawk? DH: well for one we should get get outta this river it acts like the fountain of youth and it works on chao or chao that used to live here so im vulnerable! *screams and turns into a baby chao but is still in dark alignment. [hooray!] * shade: lets jump outta here! [all the chao jump outta the river DH crawls out] me: DH speak to me, speak to me! baby DH: *takes paccifire outta mouth* gugh. (im just young not dead...and since when did I have a paccifire?) *throws paccifire behind back and hits dark in the face* Dark: GAHH! me: oh...right -sweatdrop- BDH: Im surprised none of you turned into Baby chao. Baby jessica: speak for yourself. BShade: Lookee here! I have this magical... *slowly, towards Dark-Hawk* POTION...! BDH: Wha? Oh, right. I wish for a magical potion! [they all turn to normal] Shade: Phew. Where to next? DH: All we need Is to climb the 5 mile high Pillow Mountain! Dark: 5 mile? thats high! DH: I know, it sucks. shade: lets go! Shade: *sigh* ...let's start. [Shade grabs Dark, throws him up, and uses a rope attached to him to climb up] [climbs all the way to the top] DH: gahh..so tired SHADE: notices sign that says: escalator. DH: -look to the other side and theres a moving escalator- [all]:@$%$@%#! Shade: Okay, we're here at the top of the Pillow Mountains, isn't this where we wake up? What now? Really, you gotta help us progress, Dark-Hawk. DH: there should be A button that makes you wake up,but here is the thing the button is where you least expect it. every body fan out and see what you can find! [everyone does that... ] )later( PH: I found baseball! jessica: I found a cat! (cat growls and scratches her) OW! shade: I found a check for 2,000,000 rings! w00t! Dark: I found a sweater that buttons up! Q: I found nothing? DH: um... jello? DH: [notices dark's button sweater] hey why is one button red and the rest are green? Dark: -shrugs- DH: hmm... [presses button LOL] |what they here as they pass through the dream portal to the real world|: VOOP-NEEP-BUNCH-OF-NOISES-AND-SOUNDS-KROOP-FLOP-DOOPITY-POO! [<--lol] VVVVVVOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Shade: we are here! )END OF CHAPTER( *end of chapter song on super paper mario plays*