Dark Chao Role-Playing Game Mission 8: Alt and F4 [this mission begins in the Hero Garden, Shade and his army are doing a stake-out on the Heroes] Shade: Shh! You all know your mission, right? Expose Chao and his STUPID Hero Chao, but don't make yourselves known! And, by "expose," I mean "ridicule." You all have: A can of red spray paint A hero chao halo (fake) and "Hero Chao for Dummies" the book. S.Bonic:Sonic You have remembered the mission right? Sonic:We CAN'T really go, you know that right? A.Chao:If only we had a chao that was normal. S.Bonic:WAIT! Aren't you already "falsley" on their side? A.Chao: Yeah, but I AM already a Hero Chao Sonic:That means a CERTIAN leader will have to give us some hero choa eye contacts Shade:Uh...Right away! *moments Later* Shade: Here are your Fake Hero Eyes S.Bonic:Nevermind that, I'll go fetch another Chao Mine...SHADOW! Shadow: Yes sir? S.Bonic:Put these on and go Ruin their garden Shadow:Why don't you do it S.Bonic:Because their are no hero chao that look like a Chaos Chao. Shadow:Good point, alright, but I'd like my friend Nights(Chao) to help me on this one...NIGHTS! Nights:No I don't want to go out for you! I'm going out on my own Shade:There is only ONE can of spraypaint You HAVE to go with him or you won't be able to go at ALL! S.Bonic:He's telling the Truth! Sonic *pulls out the ONLY can of spraypaint there is*:Here you go, have a nice time! Nights throws a spray can at S.Bonic puts on the fake hero chao halo and runs for it. S.Bonic:Nights get back hear so I can kill you. Nights:Ha Ha Nights runs into Chao Chao:Oh hello haven't seen you around here before whats your name. Nights:Uh....... Knuckle,Tail and Speedy run up. Knuckle:Hay Chao whats up who is the new guy. Chao:He was about to tell me. What is your name? Nights:Uh.............Butz! The four morons:Butz? Nights: Ya Butz. Chao:Well um...... welcome to the garden Butz. Butz:Well I guess I'll check out my new home. Chao:How about Speedy show you around. Butz:Um .......... no thanks I'll check around by myself. Chao: No no no no I insist. Butz:Um.....I'm ok Chao:sure? Butz:sure. Butz(Nights) ran to a cliff pulls out the hero chao for dummies. Butz:Um.........ok it says here that hero chao treat other chaos nicely.I'm not doing that! Knuckle:Not doing what. Butz:Um........(quikly puts the book away.)Nothing. Knuckle: Okey if you need any thing talk to us. Butz:Ok. Butz runs away. Knuckle:weird. Butz runs behind a chapel Butz: okey none here. Butz pulls out his spray can. Tail: hay Butz what are you hiding for. Butz puts the spray can away quickly. Butz: I'm playing hide and seek. Tail: with whom. Butz:Um.....with myself. Tail:Um......ok bye. Butz:so long. Butz: ok now to get the job done and get out of this place. Chao:Hay Butz! How are you doing. Butz:Find. Chao:Ok well see you later. Butz:Will these morons leave me alone. Butz quickly sprays Hero Chao Stink Like Vinegar. Butz: Time to run. Butz runs to the exit. Speedy: Hay Butz where are you going? Butz: I'm going to the kindergarden. Speedy:Why? Its not time to go. Butz: I'm going to meet the teacher. Speedy:Okey see ya later. Nights runs out takes of the halo and goes to the Dark garden. Shade:Nights your back how did it go? Nights:Perfect. Shade: Nice, Nights! Nicely done... how are the others doing? Nights: Tangled up in one big mess... Dark pretended he was a girl named Yvonne. Shade: (face-palm) Well, I'll get them back. [he does that] Shade: All of you, listen up! Nights did so well in that mission, he is now a Corporal! Now, I want you all to run to the store and-- who's that in the back? [the Dark chao all look at a strange chao in the far back] ?: (monotone) What? Me? What are you talking about? Shade: Hmm... what's your name, soldier? ?: Seaman Meta-Tail, sir. Shade: A navy officer... in my army? Finally; someone with class! Folks, you should all listen to Emtee here. He has the guts to join the navy! You know... the marines. The cool guys who battle, awaiting death by sea. MT: That is correct, Field Marshal Shade, sir. Shade: Oh, did you hear that? He referred to me by my proper rank! And by "sir!" I like you, seaman. Just enough to promote you to Leading Rate. MT: Thank you, oh better-than-me, sir. Shade: (grin) ...I like this guy already. Uh... Quartz, guess what? You're the new Dark. You are considered a Dalit, and will clean up EVERYTHING. You are not allowed to speak to anyone above you, nor even LOOK at them. They will feel disgusted to even walk in the same STREET as you! PS: Cows are allowed to walk the streets freely. [a cow moos] Q: Wha--? Oh, Hero Chaos! [Quartz goes to clean up the, uh... "scat"] Shade: By the way, you're not allowed to use a mop, sponge, broom, rake, or ANYTHING clean-related. Not even saliva. Q: --Ugh... [everyone (besides Quartz) laughs] Shade: Say, Leading Rate... how would you like to prove to me your loyalty? MT: Definitely, great sir. Shade: Battle Nights. N: What!? Shade: NOW! To the death! ....or at least until I get bored. Meta Tail:Ha Ha Shade I'll kill this fool now. Nights:I can't be held respanseable for what happens to you. MT:You won't be able to harm me. N:Your all talk. MT:Your just a normal chao. N:Grrr... metal mouth! MT:Normal Chao! They jump at each other. Nights:5000 Meta-Tail:5000 Nights:Ha I get the first attack. Meta-Tail:It won't help you. N:spin attack MT:4500 MT:death beam N:4000 N:Meteor Mash MT:3500 MT:Dark Eruption N:3000 N:Star Rain MT:2500 MT:destrucion N:1000 N:Black Hole end for now Shade decides! QEwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww........................... Now my hands are all scat covered ........................................................................................................................ ................................................................ Ive got an idea! (tags dark ) Q:Your it! S.Bonic:Nights is gonna wish he did NOT throw that at me *walks torward Nights* N:Can't you see, I'm in a Battle? SB:I know... N:wait, you're not gonna SB:I AM *S.Bonic completely Knocks Nights out of the Garden* SB:That should teach him, CHAOS BOMB *the robot exploded* SB:I do have to admit, He DID weaken him... *later inthe dark Garden* Shade:WHAT DID YOU DO S.BONIC?! N (with broken bones):who am I? Where am I? Shade:HE'S LOST HIS MEMORY! SB:Why should I care? Shade:Because you can Heal him! SB;Fine but I'm changing one thing *after the healing* N:Would you like a hug and some cookies? Shade:At least he's not a crazy Angry freak...Right? (Everyone except for nights):Thank goodness! :3 [Phantom and I walk into the Hero Garden, Phantom wearing the Hero chao halo.] Me: You know what to do, right? PH: Yup! Gain the idiot's trust, terorize thier garden, and run out. Me: Good, good. Well, bye. PH: Where you going? Aren't you gonna stay? Me: No! This is your mission, not mine. My mission is to lay on my butt and watch TV. Bye. [I leave] PH: Lay on my butt and watch TV... that lazy arse. Better go talk to them Heroes. [Phantom walks over to Chao, Tail, and the like.] PH: Hi, guys! I'm... um... uh... Opposer! Chao: Opposer? PH: Yeah! I'm named that because I oppose Darks! The Heroes: Welcome, Opposer! PH/OP: Yeah, hi. I'm gonna look around. Chao: How 'bout Tails, Knuckle, Speedy, or I show you around? PH/OP: No thanks. [Phantom/Opposer walks over to the shine-looking thing, pulls out the red spray paint, and makes sure no one's watching.] PH/OP: Perfect! Chao: What's perfect? [Phantom quickly puts the spray paint away.] PH/OP: Um... the garden is. Chao: OK. See ya. [Chao leaves.] PH/OP: Stupid Hero chao. [Phantom spray paints "Darks rule all!" on the wall.] PH/OP: Let's see what them Heroes think of that. [Phantom quickly leaves the garden unnoticed, enters the Dark Garden, and takes off the halo.] PH: Mission acomplished... I hope. Jessica: I have to do this one alone? Dang... [She puts on the fake halo but realizes that it doesn't make a difference] Jessica: Ugh. CLOUD! GET IN HERE! Cloud: Ack! Okay, YOU'RE paying for my hearing aids. Jessica: Whatever. I need you to put on this halo and go screw up the Hero Garden. Cloud: And why can't you do it? Jessica: Because I'm a dark Chao and the halo doesn't make me look anything like a hero Chao. Cloud: Then go get something from Shade that'll make you look more... hero... Chaoy... Jessica: Why would I do that when I have you? Cloud: There's no getting out of this, is there? Jessica: Nope. [at the entrance of the Hero Garden...] Jessica: You know what to do, right? Cloud: Yeah, yeah. I take the spray paint, say something like "Dark Chao rule, Hero Chao drool" and then run away. Jessica: Excellent. *pulls out Hero Chao for Dummies* You know how Hero Chao act, right? Cloud: I'm a freaking baby hero Chao. I think I know how to act. Wait...why am I always in the dark Garden if I'm a baby HERO? Jessica: I dunno. Jeez, don't throw logic at me, just DO IT! Cloud: Fine, be that way. [Cloud steps into the Hero Garden and is instantly greeted] Speedy: Hi! I'm Speedy! Welcome to the Hero Garden! What's your name? Cloud: I'm...Pudgy! Speedy: What? Pudgy: My name! Speedy: Oh. Hi! Chao: Hello! How are you? Pudgy: I'm good. Knuckle: Hey, who's the new kid...again? Pudgy: I'm Pudgy! Knuckle: What? Pudgy: My name...... Knuckle: Oh...do you wont any of us to show you around, uh, Pudgy? Pudgy: No, I'm okay. Chao: You sure? Pudgy: Yeah. Speedy: Well, okay. See ya! [Clo-- Pudgy... walks under the bridge and pulls out the can of spray paint] Tail: Hi! Pudgy: Whaha!? Oh, hi. Tail: You need anything? Pudgy: No... Tail: Okay. Ask any of us if you do! Pudgy: Alright... [Pudgy nervously walks behind a pillar and checks for any Heroes] Pudgy: Sheesh, these guys are everywhere! They're like...stalkers... [He quickly writes "Stupid Hero Chao are stupid!" and runs like mad out the door and falls down the stairs] Pud--I mean...Cloud: Oww... Jessica: How'd it go? Cloud: Well, I was Pudgy and-- Jessica: What? Cloud: MY NAME! Jessica: Oh...proceed. Cloud: And they kept stalking me... I saw a bunch of other graffiti around though. Jessica: Makes sense... I think we're one of the last groups to do this mission. Cloud: Yeah, just, don't make me do that again. Jessica: Yeah, yeah. We'll see. Cloud: Huh? Jessica: Nothing... S.Bonic:Well, Since on the other memory card- Sonic:MEMORY CARD?! SB:Yea, Isn't this on the memory card? S:No way, That would be impossible.Why?Because we wouldn't have been able to go to the Desert SB:Good Point, This will be my loner mis- Silver(Chao/my chao):Hello S.Bonic, Remember me? Especially my stats Swim:D Fly:S Run:C Power:A Stamina:C SB:Yes, the chao Representing Silver the Hedgehog(Don't Believe me go to http://chao.hippotank.com/sa2/hero.php and look at Hero/Flying/Flying) Sonic:GET GOING ALREADY SB:Right away *entering the hero Garden* Chao:Who are you? SB:I'm Chaos Chao:and you? Silver:I'm E.T. Yea my owner is bad... Chao:I see *Tail and Knuckle come by* Tail:Who are they? Chao:*points at S.Bonic* That's Chaos *then points at Silver* And that's E.T. Knuckle:Didn't they already end the Neutral War? SB:Uh...Yeah, I'm just here to plant(By the way, A.Chao Is still spying on the Heroes) Silver:Exactly Tail:Whatever, I need that area Planted over there *points behind a wall* SB:Alright *Behind the wall, S.Bonic pulls out the Spraypaint* SB:This is easier than I thought *Starts Spraying the wall* Tail: Hey Chaos how are yo- WHAT?! Silver:S.Bonic, Look up *S.Bonic looks up* SB:OH CRAP! *They dash of into the Dark Garden before anyone else saw them Run away* SB:That was CLOSE Silver:At least mission Acomplished! You aren't either! Q:well since i'm a neutral the I could go in without any cstume paint it up and return by flying. (he goes in) Chao:hey aren't you working wiith shade?!? Q:Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh........Who? C:oh good then I'll show you around Q:thanks (1 hour later) C:thats pretty muc it ecept for that bell tower that only flyers like yourself can reach. Q:Interesting C:ok bye Q:see ya (5 hours of using the leftover spraypaint to paint the entire rest of the garden including the bell tower with phrases such as HERO CHAO SUCK etc. while the chao were asleep later) Q: (returning to Dark Garden) Sup! Shade:we thought you were dead or something!!!!!!!! Q:I might be when they see how much painting I did S:how much? Q: The entire garden including the bell tower that only fling types can reach is covered with heckling phrases, SIR! (Say that sir with emphasis) S:PERFECT!!! Shade: Okay, end the fight! N: But... neither of us are dead. Shade: I know, but I'm bored. MT: Field Marshal, sir, what is our next mission? Shade: Your next mission? Uh... [CRASH!] [a giant badnik entered, followed by many others] Dark: Look! Eggman's robots! Shade: Shut up, Dark. You're the new you. Quartz is back to normal, plus double promoted to Warrant Officer. [many chao make whining remarks] Shade: Me and him had a talk, okay? Anyway, your next mission is to destroy those badniks! S.Bonic:ALRIGHT, A MISSION WORTH WHILE! Sonic:Let's Go A.Chao:Agreed Silver:Let's get them S.Bonic: Alright, It's time for Sonic Heroes Silver:But, We're chao, not Sonic Sonic:And we don't even have enough teams SB:Oh...Well, we can get them anyways! *later in the base* Eggman:WHAT?! Chao are going to help us? SB:That's Right Egg(eggman's short name):Prove it! SB Sonic and AC:Chaos Bomb! *50 Robots in the next room were destroyed* Robots:GET THEM SB:Quick Strike! *S.Bonic Quickly does a dash attack and 25 Destroyed* Sonic:Demon Uppercut! *Sonic does a Dark Uppercut and destroyed 50* AC:Holy Rain of Death *It rains Yellow bright Stars and Kills them* SB:too much Chaos Explosion! *It all blows up* Egg:Now I have to build it all over again! Drat! SB:Sucks to be you Egg:This is why I don't like Chao Sonic:Oh well... AC:Chaos Ultimate SPEED! *He fixes the base* Silver:There are 1,000 more Robots, MIND DESTRUCTION *The Rest blow up* SB Sonic AC and Silver:Bye, and we're gone! The Robots in the dark garden Nights:1000 N:dang it I'm hert! Thats it my one it hit kill all my opponets move. BIG BANG! 100 of the 1000 robots see the galixy in frout of them. Robots: What is this? Nights:DIE! The Robots start getting crashed into the size of a egg. Then the egg exploded killing all of them. Nights: That is my power! Eggy:Um....If I could capture that chao Nights I could have ultamate glaltic power. We will meet again! Q:This is simple S:how? Q:let them do the work! S:ohhh! [CRASH!] Shade: What was that? Random chao: Sir! Billions of robots appeared throughout the gardens! Shade: Oh, boy... listen, I have a mission for you. A big mission. All of you guys will be split up into seperate missions. Quartz and Phantom will go to CPAK and each of you will search half the building. Quartz- the West side, Phatom- the East. "Wait! The chao don't go to CPAK until DCA 4, which takes place after the RPG!" Yeah, well, they're not IN the class, they're just in the building. S.Bonic and Shade will stand guard in the Dark Garden in case more robots come. Dark-Hawk and Nights will check out the Netural and Hero Gardens. Dark-Hawk will guard the Neutral Garden in case robots go in there, and Nights will make sure the Heroes are okay. Now, for my "mission log." [Shade waits a few minutes after the others start] Shade: *yawn* Man, I'm bored! SB: Be patient Shade, what if robots break in and go bezerk while our guard is down? Shade: *imagines that situation* ...I don't wanna lose my legs. [eventually, a robot comes in] Shade: S.Bonic, Dark Smash formation Alpha! [they form some crazy formation and destroy it] The rest of the Dark Garden part will be continued by S.Bonic. You guys do yours. Q:Lets go! (Later in CPAK) Q:OK checkin the school just my body and me. Hmmmmmmm......... a locker.?.?.? Q:(opens black market locker) ahhh fugitives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B-mart owner:no wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (too late quartz has already knocked him and the sea monster out) Q:Now-Hey look items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (takes all items) Q:(looks at hero fruit/seeds)Gross,these are useless.(throws them away) ??????????:helllllllllllllppppppppppppp Q:what the?!?!? (In the classroom) Tails: help!!!!!!!!!!!!(he's surrounded) Q:I got it! (later robots are scattered) T:how did you do that Q:I just rerouted it's circuts to the outcooped circut board so it woud swiftly annihalate all others T:wwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttt????????????? Q: I messed with it so it'd kill 'em. T:OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! (you do your half Phantom.) P.S. (If you are really hurt you can come to my half to rest and heal.) PH: Allright, to the fortune teller's or the docter's room first? [Thinks] Fortune teller's, for sure. [Phantom goes into the fortune teller's room] PH: Hello, anyone home? : HEEEEELLLLLPPPP! [Phantom sees the fortune teller surrounded by three robots] PH: Got it! [Phantom jumps onto one of the robots and punches it in the back. He backflips onto another one right before the first blows up and a Chaos Drive pops out. The third one tries to shoot Phantom, who jumps onto the third robot, making it blow up the second robot and a Chaos Drive pop out. Phantom punches the third robot in the back and jumps off. The robot blows up and another Chaos Drive pops out. Phantom absorbs all the Chaos Drives.] FT: Thank you. Would you like a fortume? PH: No thanks. I like my name. [Phantom leaves the room] PH: Uhg... better check the doctor's room. [Phantom walks in and sees a malfunctioned robot] PH: Might as well blow it up. [Phantom punches it and it blows up. Another Chaos Drive pops out and Phantom absorbs it.] PH: I don't feel like checking on the docter. [Phantom leaves the room.] PH: I'll peek in the principal's office. [Phantom peeks behind the door, but sees nothing. He closes the door.] PH: Well, my job is done. N:Still not healed and Dark Hole would have killed that Meta-Tail. Oh well to the Heroes. Nights goes to heroes and hears the theme. Nights sceams like Zim. N:Change the music! It changes to Zim theme. N:Ok time to move. S:AHHH!!! N:Speedy what are you doing? S:Running from that! Nights looks to see a big robot lifting its arm. N:Oh you got to be kidding me. N:Whow!! Nights rolls out of the way and runs for it screaming like Zim the robot gives chase.(funny chase music starts)They run all around the garden. N:Ahhhhhh!!!!! BR:target locked! Nights runs into the water. N:Ah! Water it burns! BR:O no. The robot falls into the water starts sparking and blows up. N:Uh? !!! Oh ya I rule the robots dead. I'm done hear Q: Okay i better get those ultima drives those robots dropped. (he does) P: ultima drives? Q: I got the design in the desert P: you weren't there!!! Q: I didn't do the mission because i was to busy looking for the design. By the way...two of those you got were ultima drives! P: Cool! Wait...why did the robots have them?? Q: I slipped the design to Eggman's base while you were fighting the boss. He claimed it as his own and mass equipped them to his robots. P: What is the point of giving them to his robots if it just makes them profitable to desroy. Q: Its Eggman. P: Oh yeah! SB:Man, guarding the Dark Garden is boring, Can I call up my buddies Shade? Shade:Sure *beep* *boop* *beep* *Beep* *boop* *boop* Sonic:Hello? SB:Hey, do you want to play some volley ball? Sonic:Sure *they come to play* SB:Welcome, let's play *they play* *the robots come* Robot 1:They don't seem to care Robot 2:Is that so? Robot 3:Since they don't care, let's leave and forget destroying the Dark Garden Q:Ok thats it the neutral garden needs help! (runs into the neutral garden trips on a grey eggshell and falls into the water,the eggshell lands on his head) Q:(looking through two convieniently placed holes) Hey nobody is here! (he returns to the dark garden) Q: No one seems to care about the neutral garden... S: Duh its neutral and lame. Now get that grey off your head(Hits the eggshell off Quartz' head) S: (under his breath) it's my color. [explosions are heard coming from the Neutral Garden] [a ferocious roar is heard from CPAK] [and the same with the other gardens] [everyone runs into the Neutral Garden, and they all see a large robot version of Metal Soni-- wait a minute...] [Well, a large version of Metal Sonic. Much more powerful.] N:Something doesn't seem right here. That roar... l've herd it before.... Lavos! Nights starts saking in fear. N:Thats impossable it can't be Lavos not now! (A Twist in the plot.) S:Nights get up and help us fight now! Nights snaps back to reality. N:Yes sir. Nights starts to fight. All during the fight. N: (sensed Lavos's energy but why now?) Nights douges a punch.(Lavos sould be dead why is he alive?) Nights blasts Giga MS in the face.(All these qestions and no anwser. Oh well I'll find out later.) [Metal whatsisname summons scorpions] Shade: Oh, crap! He used summon! Dark: QUICK! Go all WoW on him! [the robot knocks Shade out] PH: I'm going. [Phantom uses his awesome phantom-like powers to float in front of the giant Metal Sonic's face.] PH: Hi! GMS (Giant Metal Sonic): Roooooooooooooaaaaaarrrrrrr! PH: Ya gotta yell? GMS: Roooooooooooooaaaaaarrrrrrr! PH: You wanna play that way? Fine. But I like playing this way. [Phantom zooms around GMS's head. It starts to get confused and accidently calls back the scorpions.] PH: Someone else fight his thing while I take Shade behind the waterfall and try to wake him up! [Phantom picks up Shade and carries him behind the waterfall.] Dark: OMG, he killed Shade. SShade: The retard Q: Hey look the sword of 1000 truths! S: (Gets out of coma) WHAT! Q: World of warcraft joke... (he stabs the MS head) Q: That lifeless robot is dead [the giant robot reactivates, and switches to "Anti-Quartz mode"] Q: CRAP! (He runs to CPAK dashesinto the black market knocks the owner out hugs the sea monster{to get a fire emotaball}Then dives into the white eggshell in the back of the black market to hide) Q: Please don't see me! Please don't see me! Please don't see me! S: Why'd I have to wake up!?!?!? N:Ha that mode dosen't stop me!¤Nights blasts GMS while flying around. GMS:You pest stand still so I can hit you and kill Quartz. Q:Don't get hit! ¤Nights flys staright at GMS. N:Spin attack! Nights blasts right though GMS killing him. GMS:No not again! N:ha ha in you face starts to sing the DOOM SONG. N:doom doom doom doom doom doom...... Congrats! The giant robot is DEAD! Then... [what looks like Eggman is seen sneaking away in the rubble] Shade: AFTER HIM! [it's not Eggman, it's the Egg Robo!] Dark: Whuh? Shade: OPEN ALL FIRE ONTO THE EGG ROBO! *waves magic wand* )egg robo turns into a frog!( DH: aww crap, I wanted fries...my wand needs a tune-up. lH: *dressed like a cheerleader* LETS GO HAWK RA RA RA!!! DH: get outta that uniform...*sweatdrop* N:¤sweatdrops¤ ummm..... A big cat runs in. B:Froggy!!! The cat takes the frog away. N:Ummmm this is akword. Nights goes back to dark garden. )all the chao agree( *all starts going to the chao garden* noticing something DH: whats tha- *it hits his head and he gets knocked out* shade:what was that? Dark:it was a roc- *another rock hits darks head and he also passes* shade: hu-... *samething...* >.> )after 5 seconds all the chao are hit with rocks and they all pass out(