DARK CHAO ADVENTURES Season Six: The Gray Journey Episode 48: Shade's End Part One: The MILKMAN and Friends [the story resumes in the remains of the Dark Garden] Chapter 1: The Father, the Son, and the HOLY CRAP! [Shade is slowly walking through the ashes] Shade: The Beta Avengers destroyed my garden.... my home.... my kingdom. Worst of all... the MILKMAN is still alive. [Shade reaches down to a pile of ashes, and grabs some of it] [it slips through his hand] Shade: JOE, ECHO, and TAGLIARE.... I managed to defeat them. But the MILKMAN.... he is still planning. [Shade continues walking, and looks at the drained pool] Shade: And worst of all... I'm all alone! ?: No, you're not, dad. [Shade turns around, and sees Shade Junior by a tombstone] Shade: Junior? SJR: You're not alone. [Shade thinks for a moment, before turning around, shrugging, and sitting down] Shade: Great, you're here. Now we can die as family. SJR: Who said anything about death? We can beat the MILKMAN. Shade: How? We don't know where he is! We don't even know what he's planning... SJR: Well... let's try to think it over. What have the Betas been doing so far? Shade: Hmm.... let's see.... - They sent us to the Chao World, and ran Chao Talk to the ground. - They sent me to Aperture Science so our gardens would be defenseless. - While I was gone, they bombed our gardens. - They ambushed us on the subway, so we wouldn't get to ZIM's house. - I'm pretty sure they caused the resonance cascade at Black Mesa. - Then, JOE dressed up as Marty to give us that time bomb. - They sent some people to hijack CPAK, turn it into a nuclear weapons facility to house Metal Gear, and kidnap the faculty. - They kidnapped us, and made us duke it out in a stadium, while their time bomb was set to go off. - JOE managed to poison our water supply at the Station Square hotel. - The MILKMAN hijacked Halo, and threatened to set it off. - Finally, the MILKMAN managed to escape while sending me here. SJR: Hmm... something doesn't add up here. Shade: Really? SJR: Yeah. I mean, the MILKMAN tried to make some video game events happen, right? Shade: Right. SJR: But, everything JOE did never happened in those corresponding games. Shade: Huh? - JOE dressed up as Marty and gave you that bomb, right? Since when did somebody do that in GTA? - JOE's time bomb screwed up the events of Mario & Sonic. - And I don't remember the water being poisonous in Sonic Adventure. Shade: Yeah, you're right! But, what about the actual plan? It sounded more like they were trying to get rid of us. SJR: Hmm... what were they REALLY doing? I think I have an idea. - They sent you to these video game places... just so they could destroy the REAL world without you stopping them. - Obviously the MILKMAN believes you are strong enough to stop him. ...I wonder why, though. Shade: Hey, uh... why are we speaking in bulletins? SJR: I dunno. Shade: Also, I think I know why the MILKMAN believes I'm strong enough... SJR: Really? What do you think? Shade: ....it's the secret. SJR: You mean... it's A secret. Shade: No, it's THE secret. The secret that the MILKMAN told me long ago. SJR: What is the secret? Shade: I can't tell you; it's a secret! SJR: Oh. Well, when will the readers learn it? Shade: *sigh* It's been said before, but I'll say it again-- THE MILKMAN WILL TELL DARK AROUND THE END OF THIS SEASON. SJR: Okay. No need to yell... Shade: Now that we have done all the re-capping, and reuniting... let the episode resume! [lights flash, sparkle, and shine, and the episode resumes] SJR: How'd you do that? Shade: It's a secret. Chapter 2: Chaos is Power.... Power Enriched by the Heart SJR: Now what are you gonna do? Shade: *sigh* Junior, I haven't wanted to do this, but I suppose I'll have to. SJR: What do you mean? Shade: I'm about to do something I have been purposefully ignoring, and avoiding the whole season. SJR: !!! I know! Shade: Right. I'm gonna use the seven Chaos Drives. But, according to ancient prophecy, I must free my mind of all negative emotions towards the drives. SJR: Go on. Shade: All this time, I've been trying to convince myself that I don't NEED these Drives... that I could plan stuff that would defeat the Avengers WITHOUT them... like finding ZIM so we could live at CPAK. But....... I was wrong. ["HALLELUJA" is heard] SJR: Now say the magic words! [Shade spreads the seven Chaos Drives in front of him] Shade: The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power... power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos. Only you can do this; GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT! [more bright lights; the seven yellow Chaos Drives spin around Shade, and transform him] [the back of his head becomes like the back of Metal Sonic's] [his emotiball turns light blue] [he becomes a DARK/SWIM CHAO] [the drives disappear; a small fanfare is heard] Shade: I'm ready. [pause] SJR: Ready for WHAT? We don't even know where the MILKMAN IS! Shade: No, we DON'T. ...but Dark DOES. SJR: Dark? I thought he was dead! Shade: If the MILKMAN is gonna tell him the secret soon, I don't think he'd tell him it in the afterlife. SJR: Good point. But, how do you know where Dark is? Shade: Codec. I never got rid of it! [BEEP BEEP!] Shade: Dark. Dark. Come in, Dark. Dark: *static* .......Shade? Is that you? Shade: HEY, Dark! How are you? Or, rather, WHERE are you? Dark: Uh... lemme check....... I see blue screens. Shade: That's all I need to know. See ya soon, buddy! [SHEEEOSH!] SJR: You got the location? Shade: I don't know how I didn't realize this before, son. [close-up on Shade's face] Shade: The Beta Avengers have been in the TV Room the whole time! [cut to the Earth; Shade and Junior come to a run-down building] Shade: Way back in Season 3, the Daleks took us here. It has a ton of TVs that show the gardens, and one that shows whatever I'm doing! [Shade's pupils widen] Shade: Wait. SJR: Yeah. [the two look around frantically] Shade: Do you see a camera? SJR: No, it's weird. [cut to the two being watched on a TV by the MILKMAN] MM: *deep sigh* I always knew this day would come.... the day my identity is revealed. [he steps away from the TV, and walks towards Dark's cell] MM: Dark... I believe it is time I told you..... [the room gets dark] MM: The secret. Chapter 3: The Secret is Revealed! Dark: Will you kill me right after? MM: No. Dark: Oh, good. MM: Let me just make some room for this secret to be told in. Betas... when Betas are thrown away, they end up stored in the land of the real. The place... BEYOND that fourth wall. Beyond it, I studied the works of DJay. I discovered exactly HOW to mess around with everything. In fact, it is rather simple, really. Have you not yet realized HOW I was stored? I was stored in DJay's MIND! However, as he remembered me more and more... I managed to break free, and enter this series again. You see, in order to mess around with everything, you must first find a plot hole. These plot holes act as holes in the fourth wall, allowing you to PULL this series apart. For instance, there is the fact that Shade and Dark gave birth to Shade Junior. BUT... later on, the female Shade stated that she was Shade Junior's BROTHER! And yet Shade and the female Shade are in LOVE!? That would mean that they are commiting some early form of INCEST! This, itself, is either a retcon, or a plot hole. Using this single thing, you can make it apparent that this show is a SHOW, and NOT really happening. Another example is that, in Season 4, when it was revealed that Phantom was lost underground, it was stated that Quartz went down there with him, and ran away. However, in the following episode, it was stated that DARK-HAWK went down, instead! And the next part requires a high level of philosophy. If it is obvious that this is a SHOW, and NOT real... then you can pull the rest of the show apart. In its place, you can place whatever you like. Did you ever notice how this show is more of a Meta-Show than it is anything else? You know... a show that constantly breaks the fourth wall. This makes it EVEN EASIER to pull things apart. MM: And THAT... is the secret. [Dark is staring, eyes wide, jaw on the ground] Dark: Dude.... that is SO COOL! THAT IS SO ****ING COOOOOL! But, how is it a very deep secret? MM: It is the source of my power! It's like rumpelstiltskin; the monster is invincible unless you know its name. I am incredibly powerful unless you know my source. Dark: But... what about the paper? MM: Ah, yes... the paper. This paper is not actually a paper at all; it is a portable, physical form of Microsoft Notepad. After all, DJay writes most of his eppies in Notepad. All I do is look to it whenever I need to know what's happening. That is also what powers these TVs. Whatever DJay types in Notepad appears on these screens. Also shockingly, this Notepad is an EXACT copy of the one DJay is using. And somehow, using some kind of psychic power, I can connect with DJay's brain with this to learn of future events he is planning. Dark: Um... okay, I sort of understood that. Still, IT IS SO COOL! MM: Indeed. But, now that you know the secret, you must not tell anyone. [the MILKMAN turns towards the screen] MM: And YOU, TOO, reader. Do not mention this secret... you can talk to yourself about it, or type about it, but you MUSTN'T MENTION IT. Dark: You have my word, MILKMAN. By the way... why are you called "MILKMAN," anyway? Were you one, or something? MM: It is nothing more than a code name, like "JOE," "ECHO," and "TAGLIAR--," well... Tagliare is actually his name. Dark: ...thinking about it... Tagliare seemed weird. MM: Indeed... he was the only one whom we knew all about. The only one who had no deep secrets, or anything. Dark: Strange. MM: Quite. Dark: ....when will this episode move on? MM: Oh, you want it to move on? All right. [the episode resumes] [Shade and Shade Junior run into the room] Both: MILKMAN!!! MM: Good day, Shade. Good day.... Shade Junior. Shade: Let Dark go... NOW. MM: Mmkay. [his cell opens, and Dark runs to the others] SJR: Who ARE you? MM: Of course, how rude of me... all this time, and you do not even know what my robot form looks like. Allow me to shed some light on this. [the MILKMAN claps twice, and the lights turn on, revealing...] [a weird, red and black robot that looks like a cross between Shadow, Metal Sonic, Tails, and he also has bat wings] Shade: Dude, that is just plain freaky. SJR: What did you mean, "robot form?" MM: Now THAT... is a secret you will have learned by the end of this episode. Shade: Don't you mean, "this season?" MM: ...that's another secret. Shade: Enough talk! WE MUST KUNG-FU FIGHT! MM: AGREED! Chapter 4: Super Duper Hokey Pokey Brown Cow Kung-Fu Battle BGM: Shotgun Kiss (F-Zero GX) (NOTE: For convenience, and this scene, the MILKMAN will be called "Milk") [Shade and Milk run at each other] [Shade karate-chops him] [Milk kicks hard] [chop] [kick] [punch] [charge] [they backflip some distance away] [dramatic face-down] [Milk grabs a large keyboard] [Shade grabs a pole] [charge] [SMACK!] [WHACK!] [POW!] [CRASH!] [WIN95ERROR] [Milk snaps the pole in half with his keyboard] [Shade uses the two pole pieces as nunchucks of some kind, and whacks Milk's head quadrice] [Milk kicks him off, and chucks the keyboard right into his face] [Shade throws the pole pieces at him, pinning him to the wall] [Milk breaks free, and punches him in the gut] [Shade finds a watermelon on the ground, and smashes Milk with it] [Milk looks around, and finds nothing] [Shade runs out of items, too] [they charge at each other, and start fighting with their bare hands] [CRASH] [CHOP] [SMACK] [SMACK] [SMACK] [CRASH!!! Shade is kicked into a computer] [Milk follows with a SUPER ULTRA MEGA SHROOM KICK] [Shade starts headbutting Milk] [Milk headbutts him back] [they start another fistfight] [PUNCH] [SHOVE] [WHACK] [ZOINK] [DOUBLE FIST TO FACE] [kick!] [Kick!] [KIck!] [KICk!] [KICK!] [KICK!!] [KICK!!!] [Milk prepares to finish Shade off] [Dark throws a chair into the ring] [Shade grabs the chair, and jabs it into Milk's head, while at the same time, pinning him to the wall] MM: Rrrr.... RAAAGH! You win this round, Shade... Chapter 5: TEH UMPAHR STRIKEZ BAK MM: But let me go, and we'll truly settle this! Shade: Not now, MILKMAN. Not until you tell us what we want to know. MM: I've already told Dark the secret. Shade: Oh, really? Good. I guess we can let you go--- WAIT! I FORGOT! We want to know some ANSWERS! MM: Name the questions, and I'll consider telling you the answers. Shade: First of all... what was up with the whole thing at CPAK? With the terrorists? MM: Ah, that. Well, I will give you a hint-- Dark: THE TERRORISTS STOLE MY WAFFLES! [pause] MM: Tagliare died that day. Shade: Wait..........!!! YOU were the terrorists!? MM: That is correct. Hey, "Lam Mink." Rearrange the letters, and you get "Milk Man." Shade: Of course... MM: The others, save Tagliare, used more complicated codes. After all, Levity Nite obviously does not equal "JOE." Shade: It equals "ordinary evil entity," right? MM: Close. "ordinry evil entity." He took the "a" out. Shade: And "Shuddering No?" MM: Well, I'm not sure what Echo did there. But "Rage Tail" equals "Tagliare," but with a space in the middle. Shade: WAIT! That means... your real form is... [the MILKMAN's robot suit hisses, and smoke comes out; it opens, and a Neutral chao comes out] MM: A chao, just as yourself. SJR: This is amazing! You, sir, must be a genius to have come up with these designs! MM: Well, I suppose I'm not a genius, because I didn't come up with these designs. JOE did. Shade: ...... MM: In fact, JOE is pretty much the whole reason I started the Beta Avengers in the FIRST place. Shade: But, he's dead now, right? MM: Yes, he SHOULD be. You killed him, yourself. Shade: .....MILKMAN, can you tell us all about the origins of the Beta Avengers? MM: All right. Let me just clear some space. Way back then, I remember being the evil mastermind behind the capture of the Poker Gang. It sure was amazing... but, at the same time... I always had a guilty consciense about it. You see, I'm not a bad person, I swear. But... I have always been curious to this day why I randomly decided to capture the Poker Gang. It's just not something I'd normally do. Anyway, back on subject. I started the Beta Avengers way back when DJay REALLY remembered me back in around December of '06. Or January. I can't remember. It was one day when I found myself wondering how to find Shade again. I found JOE, and we talked about the past, and how those adventures now have never happened. But, they DID. It's just... they don't exist anymore. JOE said that if we were to gather up the old gang (Echo and Tagliare), and find all of our old buddies (Daleks, Metal Speedy, etc) we could make a dramatic return. The question was, "What to do?" "Should we attach lasers to sharks' heads, and set them loose among the Pacifics? Or should we maybe set PIRHANAS loose in the Arctic?" We had just decided to make an air filteration plant when Echo told us that he found the gardens. We remembered YOU chao. We decided we wanted to get rid of you. I didn't REALLY want to do that... I just wanted to FIND you. Shade: Why did you want to find me? So you could kill me? Just like you probably killed my father... MM: I didn't kill your father, Shade. Shade: Oh, really? What next? I suppose you're gonna go ahead and say, "No, Shade.... I.... AM... your father." MM: Well, I wouldn't say it like THAT, but... Shade: Oh, REALLY-- wait, what? MM: ....I'd probably say it more like, "Shut up right now. I AM your dad, so I sure as hell didn't KILL him." [Shade stares in shock] Shade: D..dad? MM: Hello, Shade. Shade: Are you serious? You're... you're Shawn the Dark? MM: No, not really, I just wanted to **** with your head. Shade: ....you're him, alright. Shawn: Gimme a hug before I give you a knuckle sandwich! [touching family moment-- they hug] Theothers: Awwwwwwwww... Shade: Shut up. We haven't seen each other in a while. [somebody claps slowly] ?: Oh, so touching. So beautiful. Especially since they will DIE together. [everyone turns around, and it's JOE!] JOE: Good day, Shawn. Good day, Shade. Chapter 6: JOE, JOE, JOE Yer Boat Shade: What do YOU want? Wait... I THOUGHT I FRIED YOU! JOE: Maybe you did, but-- did you just say, "fried?" Shade: Ah, yes, I did, sorry, I had some KFC earlier, and I-- JOE: THIS JOKE IS STOLEN! Shade: My point still stands, though! I FRIED YOU! JOE: Decoys, Shade! DECOYS! And now, father, son, and grandchild shall die together! Shawn: I should have known you were up to something, JOE. JOE: ENOUGH OF THIS "JOE" NONSENSE! [JOE's voice slowly becomes more and more robotic, and monotonous] JOE: My... NaMe... IS... THERJAK ("Tur-yak")! [JOE's Dark Matter suit dissolves, revealing a freaking Dalek, man. A freaking DALEK.] Therjak: ALL OF THIS TALK OF JOE HAS BEEN RUINING MY PERCEPTORS! I EVENTUALLY BEGAN TO BELIEVE THAT TRULY WAS MY NAME! Shawn: You're a Dalek? But... why did you create a Dark Matter suit? And HOW? Therjak: I HOLD MANY MORE SECRETS THAN IT SEEMS, YOU KNOW. Shade: What do you have against us? Therjak: ALLOW ME TO CLEAR SOME SPACE FOR THE EXPLANATION... THE DALEK EMPIRE WAS AMONG THE FIRST TRUE BETAS TO EXIST. I WAS ONE OF THE THOUSANDS OF DALEKS THAT SIEGED THAT CHAO HOSPITAL. WE REALIZED THAT THERE WAS A CHAOS EMERALD IN THERE, AND WE NEEDED AN ENERGY SOURCE TO TEST A NEW SCHEME. HOWEVER, THE ONE CALLED "DARK" STOPPED US, AND WE WERE DELETED. THE BETAS, I MEAN. WHEN I CAME TO, I WAS THE ONLY DALEK IN THE VICINITY. I WANTED REVENGE ON ALL CHAO. SO, I SEARCHED THAT HOSPITAL FOR ANY USEFUL THINGS, AND I FOUND A LIFE-SUPPORT SYSTEM MADE OF DARK MATTER. I CHANGED MY NAME, AND FOUND THIS CHAO HERE. I DECIDED THAT IF I WERE TO TEAM UP WITH HIM, HE COULD LEAD ME TO YOU. YOU CAN FILL IN ANY BLANKS. SJR: But... but Dark is the idiot who messed with you! Why hold a grudge against my family? Therjak: IF I KILL ALL THREE OF YOU, DARK WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO DIE, AS WELL. I UNDERSTAND SHADE IS THE ONLY ONE HE CAN TRUST. Dark: Damn, he's good. Shade: A quick question. Yes, um... then, who the hell is Echo, and why did you let Tagliare in? Shawn: Echo... Echo was a prototype robot. He was designed to be Metal Sonic's equal, hence his appearance. Shade: But, a shapeshifter? Shawn: That was something nobody could expect. Therjak: ON THE CONTRARY, MILKMAN. I WAS COUNTING ON IT. ECHO'S ROLE IN "BEATEN GRAVES," WHICH IS THE FOUR LEADERS OF THE BETA AVENGERS, WAS TO POSE AS METAL'S EQUAL UNTIL HE FOUND ACCESS INTO THE DARK GARDEN. WHEN HE FOUND THE DARK FOREST OUTPOST, HE WOULD TRANSFORM BACK INTO HIS TRUE FORM. CORRECT, ECHO IS REALLY A DARK/FLIGHT CHAO. HE WAS AMONG THE PIONEERS OF THE DARK GARDEN, AND WAS THE ONE TO EXPEL MEPHILES INTO THE RIP IN TIME AND SPACE BEYOND PLANET DOOKY. HOWEVER, HIS ABILITY TO SHAPESHIFT INTO A ROBOT MADE OTHERS THINK HIM TOO EVIL, AND CAST HIM OUT. FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS, HE LAY IN HIDING ON THE CHAO WORLD, AND KEPT A LOW PROFILE IN THE CITY OF CHAO TALK. EVENTUALLY, WHEN BEATEN GRAVES WAS FORMED, I WOULD NEED ANOTHER PAWN. ONE WHO TRULY HATED THE CHAO. SO, I VENTURED TO CHAO WORLD, AND TOLD HIM MY PLAN TO KILL THE CHAO. HOWEVER, HE SAW THROUGH MY DISGUISE, AND KNEW MY TRUE IDENTITY, SO I DECIDED TO SILENCE HIM. I CREATED THE FACTORY OUTSIDE THE CITY THAT CAST HORRIBLE STORMS AMONG IT, AND I SET THE NOMBLE FREE. ECHO JUST DIDN'T WANT TO QUIT; HE ESCAPED THE CITY AND FOUND ME IN THE FACTORY. I COMPROMISED WITH HIM-- HE WOULD GET TO KILL YOU, AS LONG AS HE KEPT QUIET ABOUT ME. OF COURSE, I SET IT UP SO THAT YOU WOULD KILL HIM, MAKING HIS END OF THE DEAL NULL AND VOID. AS YOU CAN SEE, I THOUGHT OF EVERYTHING. SJR: Amazing! Sir Therjak, your technology... your artificial mind... it is incredibly advanced. Who created you? Therjak: I NEVER SAID I WAS CREATED. Shade: Weird. So, what about Tagliare? Therjak: BELIEVE IT OR NOT, TAGLIARE IS IS NOTHING MORE THAN A CLONE OF SONIC WITH RED EYES, AND BIONIC ARMS. Shade: So why'd you let him in to the group? Therjak: SO YOU WOULD BE DISTRACTED BY THE FACT YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT HIM, AND NOT PAY ATTENTION TO ME. Shade: Oh. Genius! Therjak: NOW, I MUST SILENCE ALL OF YOU... Chapter 7: Quartz and Pints ?: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! [Quartz runs in, being chased by the Nomble] [he dodges Therjak, letting him get crushed by the Nomble] Therjak: HOLY FU-- *BOOM!* [everyone cheers] Shade: Quartz! You did it! Qz: Did what? Shawn: You killed Therjak! Qz: Killed who? [Quartz turns around, and sees Therjak, crushed] Qz: Holy mother****ing ****, I ****ing did something for once. Dark: THREE CHEERS FOR THE MORON! All: Hip hip HOORAY! Hip hip HOORAY! Hip hip-- Therjak: SYSTEM RESTORE COMPLETE. *gets up* WHO IS THE SON OF A **** WHO DID THAT TO ME? [Dark points at Quartz] Qz: Dark, you can go to H-- [Therjak shoots Quartz, who disintegrates] Therjak: NOW TO FINISH MY MISSION. [Therjak prepares to shoot Shade Junior] Therjak: ......WARNING! THE SYSTEM IS ABOUT TO PERFORM AN ILLEGAL COMMAND! WINDOWS ARE ERROR! RESTART? Y/N SJR: Um.... Y? Therjak: SYSTEM SHUT DOWN. *shut down* .........*restart* *hums Windows 95 Start Music* WELCOME. PRESS START TO BEGIN. Shawn: Let's get the hell outta here. Shade: Right. [they sneak out of the building] [as they approach the Chao Transporter, Therjak hovers into their way] Shade: CTRL ALT DEL, fiend! Therjak: THAT WON'T WORK ON ME ANYMORE. I INSTALLED LINUX. Shawn: Damn. Anybody know Linux? SJR: I know a bit of DOS. Dark: We're screwed. [Therjak shoots Dark] Shade: There! Your mission is complete! You can go now! Therjak: NOT UNTIL YOU THREE ARE DEAD. Shawn: Therjak, calm down! Remember me? Remember all the good times we had? Like when Shade, Dark, and Red were at Black Mesa, and they flew really fast off that train? Therjak: I ONLY PRETENDED TO LAUGH. Shawn: You monster! Shade: Isn't there ANY way you could let us live? Therjak: ONLY ONE. SUBMIT TO THE DALEK EMPIRE, AND AGREE TO BECOME PRISONERS OF WAR. SJR: I didn't like that episode. Shade: Yeah, and for a Christmas special, it wasn't very entertai-- Therjak: DJAY SAID HE WOULD REMAKE THAT EPISODE, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? Shade: All right. I'm fine with that. Shawn: Not bad. Therjak: EXCELLENT. COME WITH ME. [Therjak leads them into a teleporter, where they come out on another planet] Shade: Dude, I know this planet! SJR: Lemme guess, Skaro, right? Home of the Daleks? Shade: No, this isn't Skaro... this.... is... SJR: Sparta? Shade: Norion! Therjak: CORRECT. WE ARE CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF CONQUERING THE GALACTIC FEDERATION, AND NEED SOME PRISONERS OF WAR TO AID US IN BATTLE. Shade: Oh. You mean THOSE prisoners of war. Chapter 8: Stand up and Fight, for You Know We are Right [cut to Mission Briefing; Shade is donning his Solid Shade bandanna, Shawn is wearing Octocamo, and Shade Junior is wearing a Ninja Exoskeleton] Therjak: YOU WILL BE INVADING THE GALACTIC FEDERATION CONTROL TOWER. HOWEVER, THE ELEVATOR LEADING THERE IS CURRENTLY INACTIVE, SO YOU MUST-- Shade: Activate the three generators. Therjak: CORRECT. BUT, EXPECT A FEW.... SHALL WE SAY, SURPRISES. WE HAVE ASSIGNED A GENERATOR TO EACH OF YOU. SHAWN, YOU WILL INFILTRATE GENERATOR B. SHADE, GENERATOR C. SHADE JUNIOR, GENERATOR A. Shawn: What are the surprises? Therjak: YOU WILL FIND OUT. Shawn: I see. Therjak: ONCE ALL GENERATORS ARE ACTIVE, REGROUP AT THE CONTROL TOWER, AND DESTROY IT. SJR: Bring it on! Therjak: EXCELLENT. YOU MAY BEGIN YOUR MISSION. [they leave the briefing room, and enter the GF base] Shade: Remember, son and dad... Metroid Prime 3 is incredibly easy. But, the Daleks are up to something. [close-up on Shade's face] Shade: I think we're gonna die. TO BE CONTINUED....