LAST TIME, ON DCA: Shadow: The series revolves around me now. Not Shade. I'm going on a Green Journey to collect seven green chaos drives. Shade: And I'm helping! Shadow: I NEED to do this, otherwise the Veteran's Commitee-- Shade: --the new bad guys-- Shadow: --will end DCA. And who wants that? Shade: Other than the bad guys, of course. Shadow: No, not even THEY want to. They just... think they have to, in order to continue evolution. Shade: Good cause, bad execution. Shadow: So, um... apparently, the first chaos drive is in future Europe. Shade: I jumped with joy as soon as I heard this. Shadow: Seriously, why are you so excited? What's so special about future Europe? Shade: Ho-ho-hoh, you will find out. BUT, something went horribly, horribly wrong. Shadow: Oh, yes. As the Daleks (whom I forgot to mention) were teleporting us, this virus... Shade: This virus introduced, like... two episodes ago, to corrupt the Veteran's Commitee's weird.. machine thing, that is. Shadow: Well, the virus kinda...... it ****ed things up. DARK CHAO ADVENTURES Season 7 (AKA Season 6 part two) Episode Fifty-nine: Still Waiting for Half-Time part one: I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles, and Then I'd Drive Five Hundred More We resume our story in the Space/Time Rip, located beyond the planet of PURE DOOKY. [the Daleks have just teleported Shade and Shadow, but...] Dalek1: ...SOMETHING IS WRONG. Dalek2: WHAT IS IT? Dalek1: IT WOULD APPEAR THAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS, AT THE LAST SECOND, INTERCEPTED THE PROCESS. Dalek3: YOU DON'T MEAN... Dalek1: THERE'S NO TELLING WHERE THE GREEN ONE WILL END UP, OR WHO INTERCEPTED THE TELEPORTATION. [the scene changes to.. well... nowhere. Just a black space, I guess.] [we see the scene through Shadow's eyes; he hears familiar voices] Echo?: Hmmmm...... . . . . . . ... .. .... .. .. .... LevityNite?: What... shall we do with them? Echo?: Hmmmm...... . . . . . . ... .. .... .. .. .... ?: No... interception will not get us anywhere...... let them go. Nite?: But, our plans-- Echo?: Hm. Hm. Hm......... I understand... your point of view, Levity, but..... .. . ... .. .. .... .. . .. Nite?: Of course... after all... ?: Let them go, I said.... let them go. The green one.... he needs his strength. Egg?: But, what good will one soldier do? ?: You would be..... very surprised... Levity..... inform him.... [Levity Nite appears] Nite: Shadow. Shadow: What? What's going on? Nite: We've been talking for a bit, and we've decided... Shadow: Who's "we?" The Patriots? Nite: The Veteran's Committee. Shadow: So, what? You're going to kill me now? Nite: No. We have decided that you may prove to be useful. We want you to do a little job for us. Shadow: What KIND of "little job?" Nite: You will find out. Shadow: What if I decline your offer? Nite: Offer? *laughter* We're not offering anything, Shadow. We're ORDERING you. Shadow: And if I don't succeed? Nite: Well, the only way to not succeed this job would be to die, so... Shadow: Oh. Well... what do I have to do? Nite: As I said, Shadow... you will find out. For now, just sleep. Sleep... we will wake you when it is time. Shadow: But I'm not tir-- [Shadow instantly falls asleep] [...........................................] [he wakes up; things are all space-y and weird] [Echo, in his awesome Dark/Fly form, appears in front of Shadow] Echo: Rise... and SHINE, misssster Shadowwww.... rise... and... SHINE... [things become very awkward, and horrific images flash in front of them] Echo: Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on... the JOB. Shadow: "..the job?" --Oh, right. I forgot. Echo: No one is more deserving of a rest than YOU, and all the effort in the WORLD would have gone to waste, until... Shadow: Until? C'mon, what's going on? Echo: Well... let's just say your hour has... come again. Shadow: "Again?" When was the first time? Echo: The right chao in the wrong place can make all the diff...erence... in the WORLD. Shadow: Seriously, dude... please tell me what's going on. Echo: So... wake UP, misssster Shadowwww... wake up and.. smell the ASHES. Chapter 1: Pointed Insertion [Shadow wakes up on a train pulling into a station] Shadow: Ugh... what the smack-diddly-umptious? [outside the window, he sees a very Eastern-European-esque train station] Shadow: Oh, crap, future Europe. [he gets off the train, and instantly has his picture taken by a flying robot] Shadow: Um... thank you? [he slowly backs away from the robot, and bumps into a man wearing a black... well... "suit" is the best I can describe it] [the man also has a weird gas mask, and an electric nightstick] Shadow: Sorry about that. I, um... didn't mean to bump into you-- [he is shoved away, and falls over] Shadow: Oof! *sniff* That kinda hurt... [the man waves his nightstick, and sparks fly from it] Shadow: Alright, I'm movin'! Geez... [he keeps moving onward, and around him, many men in suits like that one are being oppressive and cruel to people] Shadow: What the heck HAPPENED here? ?: New here, ain'tcha? [that came from an old Hero chao, sitting on a bench in a corner] Shadow: Um... yes, I suppose I am. Can you tell me what's going on? [the chao looks around, paranoid] ?: Not here. This isn't the place. [the chao gets up, and begins to walk away] ?: Apartment complex Greknurf. [he leaves] Shadow: Wait, where's that? Hey! [a suited man comes up to Shadow, and gestures for him to be quiet] Shadow: Sorry. [he moves on through the train station, and follows a line of people] [some people in the line go forward, through a door, to the exit] [others go towards a platform, along which are a bunch of large, dark, ominous trains] [the third bunch of people... Shadow sees them enter the line, but not come out anywhere] [Shadow reluctantly steps into the line, and some suited men tell him to go towards the ominous trains] Shadow:'re kidding, right? [they shove him along] Shadow: Oof! But... but where do those trains go? [suddenly, they stop him; a camera on the wall takes pictures of him] [a door next to him opens; a suited man walks out] Man: You, citizen, come with me. [Shadow follows him through a dark corridor, and to a room] [inside the room is a chair around which, the ground is splattered with blood] Man: Get in. [Shadow walks in, as does the man; he goes over to some computer monitors] Man: Yeah, I'm gonna need me some privacy for this... [the man presses some buttons, and some cameras (which were there) retreat into the walls] Man: Now... [the man slowly takes off his gasmask...] [aaand it's Red, the red Dark chao! Future form] RedFuture: ..about that beer you owe me! Shadow: ...isn't the actual line, "About that beer I owe YOU?" RedF: Hey, buddy, you barely did squat for me, and I just stopped you from boarding a razor train. Shadow: What are you talking about? I fought the Patriots and... oh, yeah, they never told the public about that. RedF: Exactly. Anyway, you know me... I'm Red, from the Dark Garden n' stuff, but I seriously hardly know YOU. Shadow: I'm Shadow, the green Dark chao. I've been in the garden for much longer than you have. Well... a bit. RedF: ..okay, so I've seen you around before, but you look so... young. Shadow: Long story short, I did some time travelling. RedF: Oh, I see. Shadow: You do? RedF: Dude, once you've done some adventures with Shade, you get used to it. Shadow: I see your point. So, what.. what year is this? RedF: I don't know. The Combine have deemed calendars "useless." They say it makes us rely on labels. Shadow: The Combine? Now, where have I heard THAT before...? RedF: Don't worry too much about it. No, wait, DO. They're the invaders, and I don't mean GOOD invaders like Zim. Shadow: Darn. RedF: I've been working undercover with Civil Protection... I can't talk to you for too long, or they'll get suspicious. Shadow: I take it the Civil Protection are volunteers who go around beating people? RedF: Pretty much. Hey, we get food and... we get to bathe. Shadow: Ew. RedF: I've been way behind on my "beating quota." Hang on, there's somebody who would love to talk to you. [one of the computer monitors shows Tails] Tails: Yes, Red, what is it? I'm right in the middle of a critical test! RedF: Sorry, Doc, but look who's here! Tails: ...who's that? Shadow: I'm Shadow. You might not remember me, since... it was a while ago when I last saw you. Tails: Shadow, my goodness... from the Big Shell incident? Yes, yes! I remember! With the Patriots... *shudder* Shadow: Well, I'm working for them now, I think, so... Tails: You're... WORKING for them?! AGAIN?! Shadow: "Again?" Tails: You were working for them during the Libfairy stuff... and stuff. Shadow: Oh, yeah. Feels like it happened only yesterday... Tails: So, um... Red, what do you intend? RedF: I'm thinkin'... maybe he could go to the lab, and we can plan somethin' there? Tails: Shade should be around here somewhere... he would have a better idea of how to get him here. RedF: Well, as long as he stays away from checkpoints, we'll be okay. [Red looks at the door] RedF: Listen, I gotta go, Doc; I'm takin' enough chances as it is. Tails: Very well. And, uh, Shadow? Nice to meet you. Shadow: The feeling's mutual, Doctor. [the screen switches back to random numbers and... letters and... algorithms] RedF: Okay, Shadow, you're gonna have to make your own way to Mister Prower's lab. [somebody knocks on the door] RedF: Aw, man, that's what I was afraid of. Get in here, Shadow, before you blow my cover! [Red leads Shadow into a room filled with boxes] RedF: Pile up some stuff to get through that window, and keep goin' 'til you're in the plaza! [he closes the door halfway] RedF: I'll meet up with ya later. [he closes the door] [Shadow piles up some stuff to get through a window, and keeps goin' 'til he's in the plaza] [or, rather, back in the train station again] Shadow: This is a really big train station. [a Combine cop (man in a suit with a gasmask), whom we will call "metrocops," walks by] [he knocks a can over] Cop: Pick up that can. [Shadow picks it up] Cop: Now put it in the trash can. Shadow: And if I don't? Cop: *charges nightstick* I am authorized to use full force. Shadow: *puts can in trash can* Okey-doke. Cop: Okay, you can go. *chuckle* [as Shadow is leaving the train station, he blows a raspberry at the cop] [one beating later, Shadow finds himself in the town plaza] [all the buildings are very old and Eastern-European (Russian, German, stuff like that)] [in the center of the plaza is a giant TV on which, Doctor Eggman is addressing the public] Egg: Let me read a letter I recently recieved. "Dear Doctor Eggman, why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Signed, a Concerned citizen." Thank you for writing, Concerned. ...luckily, I'm not gonna answer it! Hohohoh! Shadow: Eggman...? [far, far, FAR in the distance, at the center of the city, a gigantic spire rises into the clouds] Shadow: Ooh, that's ominous. [Shadow realizes he's talking to himself, and decides to explore a bit] [as he's walking down a street, he sees it is barricaded by the Combine] [in front of the barricade, two metrocops are searching some citizens] [THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!] [a giant, long-legged, three-legged... thing walks by on the street behind the barricade] Shadow: What the f-- [one beating later, Shadow hops a fence, and moves through some alleyways] [he finds himself at a large building, and enters, 'cause there's really nothing else to do] [inside is an apartment complex, through which, Shadow checks] [he goes up a floor, and checks some rooms filled with people and chao] Shadow: Excuse me, um... where am I? Person: You're in apartment complex Greknurf. Shadow: Oh, that's good! ?: Hey, there you are. So you finally made it. [the old Hero chao is there] ?: My name's Hero. Perhaps you know me? Shadow: Hero... yeah, you were one of the Hero chao from the Gardens, right? HeroF: And you were... uh... Shadow: I'm Shadow. HeroF: My goodness, Shadow! I've completely forgotten you. Anyway, it seems to me like you need some help around here. Shadow: Pfft. More like a BUNCH of help. HeroF: Well, all you need to know is, Eggman's finally cracked. He's also finally conquered the world. Shadow: ...friggin' finally. HeroF: In this new world of Eggman Empires n' stuff, we must behave... n' stuff. Shadow: I think I get what you're saying. Eggman's a tyrant? HeroF: Pretty much. Shadow: Hm. Hey, do you know how I might get to Mister Prower's lab? HeroF: The Tailsmeister? Uh, yeah, he's-- [a siren goes off] Attention, tenants. We have detected a miscount in your block. Cooperation with your Civil Protection officials will guarantee a full-ration reward. HeroF: Aw, shizzle! Shadow: What? What's going on? HeroF: They detected you. You're a miscount, man; a nobody. Ohhh, now we're gonna get it... Shadow: What should I do? HeroF: Head for the roof! There's no time to waste; go on! [Shadow starts running for the stairs, and sees some metrocops heading up the stairs; he runs faster] [he gets to the roof, and keeps running along the rooftops] [the cops on the streets see him and start shooting at him] Shadow: Aiee! [he dives into a window, and falls down some stairs; they break] [the metrocops break in, and surround him] Shadow: Uh... hai gaiz... [they knock him out] [he wakes up a few minutes later to the face of an old, grey Dark chao] Shadow: Ugh... Shade? ?: Shadow the chao, I presume. [a siren continues going off in the distance] ?: We'd better hurry. The Combine are slow to wake, but once they're up, you don't want to get in their way. [the chao helps Shadow up, and presses a button on the wall] ?: Mister Prower said you'd be coming this way. I don't think it occurred to him that you might not have a map. [an elevator comes up] ?: I'm Shade. ...from your appearance, I'd say you come from the past, right? As in, this is your future? Shadow: Yeah. ShadeF: In that case, I'm the future Shade. I'm ten times cooler than the Shade you know. Shadow: I believe you. ...dude, you have a freaking COWBOY HAT, and a five o' clock shadow. ShadeF: I also had a shotgun, but it's gone now. Shadow: What happened to it? ShadeF: Another war, in the Americas. That was Gears of War, though, and this is something eleven times more awesome. Shadow: What? ShadeF: Half-Life 2. [they ride the elevator to another floor; ShadeF leads Shadow to a propaganda poster of Eggman] ShadeF: I'm sure you remember the ol' Egghead. He was my commander in that war I mentioned... Shadow: I thought he was my colonel on this one espionage thing, but it turned out to be a robot. ShadeF: Huh. Well, I got a warning for ya-- don't get my dad started on him. Shadow: I thought your dad died. ...on said mission of mine. ShadeF: Plot hole., schnap, a plot hole. Well.. um... we revive people a lot. So we did that to him. Shadow: Oh. That makes sense, I guess. [ShadeF presses a button, and the wall behind the poster moves, revealing a hallway] Chapter 2: "A Shaded Letter Day" ShadeF: Funny, you showing up on this day in particular... [they move through some hallways] ShadeF: We've been helping people escape this city on the underground railroad. Shadow: Awesome. Good cause. ShadeF: It's a dangerous route, through the old canals. Today, we're finally on the verge of finding a better way. [they reach a soda machine] ShadeF: Here, lemme buy you a drink. [he puts a coin in, presses three buttons, then bangs on the side of the machine] [it opens up, revealing Tails' lab] ShadeF: Oh, and by the way... welcome to the future, kiddo. [Shadow slowly enters the lab and looks around; tons of circuitry and gadgets are everywhere] [Tails is looking inside an animal crate] Tails: Blast that little-- where did she get to? ShadeF: Uh-oh. Everything alright, Doc? [Tails bangs his head on the crate, then comes out] Tails: Oh, hello, Shade. No, not everything... Jett has gotten out of her crate again. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect Red of trapping and... [Tails finally notices Shadow] Tails: My goodness.... Shadow. It really IS you, isn't it? Shadow: Wow, Mister Prower, you...'re no longer an 8-year old. ShadeF: I found him wandering around outside. A bit of a troublemaker, isn't he? Tails: Oh, no, we owe a great deal to Shadow... but, trouble doesn't normally follow in his wake. [Tails moves towards a computer] Tails: I must say, Shadow, you've come at a very opportune time. Shade has just installed the final piece on our teleport! ShadeF: Heh heh, yep, I'm awesome. RedF: Well, is he here? [they all turn to look at Red, who just got there] RedF: Man, Shadow, you stirred up the hive. [Red moves to some monitors; on the monitors are various locations of the city] RedF: We can't keep him here long, Doc; it'll jeapordize everything we've worked for. ShadeF: Take a chill pill, Red; he's comin' with me. Tails: He's right. This is a red letter day! The teleport is complete! RedF: A "red letter day," huh... I like the sound of that. ShadeF: Doc, I believe you mean a "letter that is many SHADES of red day." RedF: Butt off, Shade. The term is "RED letter day," not "SHADED red letter day." Tails: That doesn't matter! The teleport is COMPLETE, I said! RedF: So, it's working? For real this time? 'Cause... I still have nightmares about... THE MOOSE. Shadow: The moose? Tails: Now, now... there is nothing to worry about. We have made major strides since then. Major strides. Shadow: ...what moose? RedF: Well, Doc, since he's not takin' to the streets, you'd better get him out of his civvies. Tails: Good idea. Red, I'll give you the honor. RedF: I gotta get back to my shift, but okay. [Red leads Shadow to a closet; he opens it; he turns on a light] RedF: There we go-- HOLY FU-- [a headcrab jumps at him and latches to his head; he tears it off and throws it into the lab] [it hops on to a cabinet] Tails: Jett! There you are! RedF: I thought you got rid of that pest... Tails: Certainly not! [Shadow stands back a bit from it] Tails: Never fear, Shadow; she's debeaked and completely harmless. The worst she might do is attempt to couple with your head. ...fruitlessly! RedF: *fake wretch* Gross. Tails: Here, my pet... come with me! [Jett hops up to some shelves] Tails: No, not up there! [SMASH!] [CRACK!] Tails: Careful, Jett... those are quite fragile! [BANG!] [Jett hops into a vent] Tails: Oh, boy... it'll be a week before I can coax her out of there. RedF: Yeah... longer, if we're lucky. ShadeF: Not an animal person, are ya, Red? RedF: Eah... [they go back to the closet, and Red hands Shadow a suit] [he puts it on] ShadeF: Say, Doc.. that doesn't look like an HEV suit. Tails: That's because it isn't one! I designed this suit, myself, out of fear that it'll mess up the teleport, like you did. ShadeF: Sheesh, ONE TIME! Okay? Once! [a siren goes off in the distance; on the monitor, the metrocops leave their positions] Tails: Oh, dear. RedF: Doc, we don't have time for this! Let's get this show on the road! Tails: Good idea. This way, everyone! [Tails leads them to a side room; a large machine is there, as is a console and a monitor] [Shade steps into the machine; Cham appears on the monitor] ChamF: Miles, are you there? Tails: Yes, Cham... bit of a hold-up on this end. You'll never guess who stumbled into my lab this morning. [Cham looks at Shadow] ChamF: That's not who I think it is, is it? Tails: Indeed, it is! And I intend to send him packing straightaway, in the company of Shade. ShadeF: You ready for us, Cham? ChamF: We're all set on this end. ShadeF: Then let's do it. [the machine warms up] Tails: Hm, let's see... I've connected the GY circuit to the HJ socket, and activated both relays, Hilbert inclusive. [the machine is warmed up] Tails: Conditions could hardly be more ideal! RedF: Yeah, that's what you said last time. Shadow: Hey, um... yeah, about that moose-- [BZZZRT] [the machine does nothing] Tails: Oh, fiddlesticks, what now? ShadeF: Ah, the darn thing's come unplugged! Shadow: I got it. *plugs it in* [BZZZRT!] Tails: ...did it work? ChamF: See for yourself. [Shade appears on the monitor] ShadeF: This is Major Tom to Ground Control; I'm stepping through the doors. Tails: Ground Control to Major Tom, you've made the grade, and the papers want to know whose shirt you wear. RedF: ...just ignore them when they're like this. Shadow: Oh, okay. [Shadow gets into the machine] Tails: Sending Shadow in 3... 2... 1... RedF: Good luck out there, Shadow. [BZZ-RAPAAAAAAAA] Tails: What the? What's gone wrong? RedF: It's your pet, the freakin' HEAD-HUMPER! [Jett is messing with the circuitry, and jumps into the machine] Tails: Jett? Joan, NO! [BZZZZZZZZRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT] [Shadow appears on a beach somewhere; Jett hops away] [BZZRT] [Shadow teleports back] RedF: There he is! Tails: Is Jett with him? RedF: Forget about that thing! [BZZRT] [Shadow appears in Cham's lab] ChamF: There he is. ..what's wrong, Purflee (the first, the female one)? PFF: Something's pulling him away... ShadeF: Stay put, Shadow. We'll get you out of there. [BZZRT] [Shadow finds himself in a fancy office; windows show the city from extremely high up] [Eggman is in the room, sitting at a desk] Egg: ...what the? Who are you? How did you get in here? [BZZRT] [back to Tails' lab] RedF: He's back! Ah, screw this, Shadow, I'm getin' you out of there! Tails: You can't just wade into the field! It will peel you apart! ShadeF: We just lost Shadow. What's going on? Tails: I wish I knew! We're encountering unexpected interference! ChamF: Hold on, Shadow, we'll-- [BZZRT] [back to Cham's lab] ShadeF: Shadow! PFF: It's no use; he's going again. [BZZRT] [Shadow finds himself in Eggman's office again] [this time, Eggman has turned around, and is talking on a monitor to Metal Sonic, in his awesome future glory] Egg: ...I'm all but certain he was... [Metal looks behind Eggman; Eggman turns around and sees Shadow] Egg: .......Shadow Raid. [BZZRT] [Shadow drops into a lake; he sinks for a bit; an alien fish monster charges at him, mouth wide open] [BZZRT] [finally, as the teleport field wears off, Shadow appears outside Tails' lab, by a window] Tails: What do you mean, "he didn't come through?" ChamF: He wasn't here. Tails: Then... where IS he? ChamF: *looks* ...behind you. [Tails turns around, and sees Shadow, outside the window] Tails: WOAH! ChamF: Shut it down, shut it down! Tails: Shadow! You must get out of here! [some camera bots fly by and take multiple pictures of him] RedF: Get down out of sight; I'll come find you. [Tails closes the blinds; Shadow is able to move again] [he runs as fast as he can around the building] RedF: Hey, hold up a sec! [he finds Red] RedF: Shadow! The Egg Citadel's on full alert; I've never seen it lit up like that! [the humongous tower in the distance is blasting sirens, camera bots, and tons of lights] RedF: Listen to me... the teleport didn't work like we wanted it to. Shadow: Yeah, I noticed. RedF: Instead, you need to go through the underground railroad. It's extremely dangerous, but there are lots of others. Shadow: Others? Like... other rebels, and stuff? RedF: Yeah. They'll help you when they can. Shadow: Um.. to Cham's lab, right? RedF: Yes. Shadow: Where, exactly, is that? RedF: Um... it's... not that far. Really. Shadow: (sigh) How far is it, Red? RedF: A couple.. .. ....miles. Shadow: A couple what? RedF: Just take this freakin' crowbar, already! [Red tosses a crowbar at him--] [SNATCH] (somebody grabs it) RedF: Holy crapadoo... Shadow: There you are... ?: I am the only person who can use these. Understand? [it's Shade! THE Shade! The present Shade! Not the future one!] Shadow: Shade, where WERE you? Shade: Somebody intercepted the Daleks' teleport; I woke up in a dumpster, way far out there. Shadow: Well, the Veteran's Committee got me, and made me do a job for them. Shade: A job? What kinda job? Shadow: I dunno; they said I'd find ou--..... [Shadow slowly turns to face the Egg Citadel] Shadow: ....don't tell me... Shade: They want you to assassinate Egghead, don't they? Shadow: It's a safe bet. RedF: you're welcome for the crowbar. Like I said, stick to the underground, 'kay? I gotta go. [Red leaves] Shadow: ...y'ever played Half-Life 2? Shade: Beaten it a couple hundred times. Why? It doesn't help here; the Veteran's Committee can change stuff. Shadow: Oh... that is not good news. Shade: Sure it is! It makes this more fun! [they move on, past some train tracks] Chapter 3: The Root of the Canal [they head down some stairs] Shadow: Um... so, in the end, do the good guys win? Shade: Pfft, no. In the end, SOMEBODY wins, but it's never explained if he's good or bad. Even then, he doesn't actually win. Shadow: ...I'm not even gonna ask. Shade: Yeah, don't. Shadow: So... so we're entering the underground railroad now? Shade: Yep. Shadow: How far is Cham's lab? Shade: Well, in the game, Doctor Eli's lab was a couple hundred miles away, across huge rivers and canals. Shadow: C-couple HUNDRED?! Shade: Yeah. It took the player about two chapters to get there. Shadow: Holy damsel... Shade: Shh! Hear that? [they hear some crying, and peek around a dark corner] [a woman is kneeling by a dead man, crying, as two metrocops continue to beat the corpse] Woman: Stop, he didn't do anything... Shadow: Shade, we've got to do something... Shade: Wait a second. [Shade keeps looking at the woman] Shade: I swear, that woman looks awfully familiar... [the woman is rather pale, and is sitting on the ground, sobbing her eyes out] Shadow: Oh, I don't have time for this! I'm going to help her! [as Shadow leaves, Shade remembers where he saw her from] Shade: ....oh, snap. Shadow, stop! [the metrocops notice Shadow, and start shooting at him] [the woman starts growling] [Shade slowly hides] [Shadow attacks the metrocops, but accidentally bumps into the woman] Shadow: Sorry! I was...... [the woman is now standing up, eyes red, with long claws, and is snarling with great intensity] Shadow: ...just leaving. [the camera shows Shade, ducking, cowering, as Shadow screams in pain, and the woman growls and slashes] [a while passes; Shadow walks on-screen, covered in deep gashes] Shadow: ..... Shade: ........I don't think that happened in the gam-- Shadow: SHUT UP. Shade: Hey, it's not my fault if the Veteran's Committee can put Left 4 Dead stuff in Half-Life 2! [they get past the dark hallway, and head up some stairs] [upstairs, some metrocops see them and start shooting] Shade: WA SNAP [one crowbar smack later, Shade and Shadow make it to the top of the stairs with a brand new pistol!] [at the top of the stairs, they are outside again, just as it becomes about... 4 PM? I dunno] Shadow: Why does the time matter, again? Shade: It doesn't. It's just awesome how time progresses at such an awesome pace in this game. [in front of them is a large valley, with a train track inside] Shade: I gotta say, it's not that easy to describe this place, is it? Shadow: Can't be. [on the other side of the valley are some old construction sites... and... stuff] Shade: I'll just put it this way, we've got to go along this train track, but we can't. Shadow: Why not? Shade: Eggman's made a lot of technology, you know. He just doesn't.. want to make the city, itself, look better. Shadow: So.. he's... made some barriers. That's all ya gotta say. Shade: Yeah, but... ah, whatever. [they descend some steps into the valley, but find no way up the other side] [nearby, a train's horn honks] Shadow: Um... Shade? Shade: What? Shadow: How do we get up there? Shade: We're supposed to, uh... crap, I forgot. Shadow: HOW DO YOU FORGET?! Shade: Route Canal's not entirely one of my favorite chapters, okay? It's a brilliant concept, but I... I get bored. [HONK HONKKKKKK] [the train is very close to them] Shade: Oh, yeah, I remember now. [Shade starts running up the stairs, which suddenly collapse] Shade: What the-- [HONK HONNNNNKKKK] [SMASH] [somehow, Shade and Shadow were able to hop into the driver's carriage via the front window] Shade: ...oh, thank goodness this thing's automated. Shadow: Shade, did this happen in the game? Shade: Pfft. I wish. It'd be freaking awesome if it did. Shadow: Then... then what? Where do we go from here? Shade: I dunno. Shadow: Oh, this isn't good. *paces around the room* This is bad, this is very, very bad... Shade: Dude, calm down. We'll get out of this. Shadow: But, what makes you so sure? The show, itself, is threatened... and we're lost in the future on a train! Shade: Dude. Dude. Dude. Calm. Down. We're the good guys. The good guys AlWAYS win. Shadow: What about in Watchmen? Shade: ..uh... the good guys won in that one, too, remember? Shadow: They did? I... I didn't get it. Shade: How did you not get it? They had to kill millions of people to save billions! Shadow: But... but did the good guys win, or the bad guys? Shade: There WERE no "good" or "bad" guys in Watchmen. Just people. Shadow: But... wait... what? Shade: People don't have to be "good" or "bad," dude. ?: Hey, what's going on in here? [a Dark chao, a regular, plain-old Dark chao, steps into the cabin] Shade: ...Dark? Dark: Shade? ..Green guy? What are you two doing here? Shadow: Long story short, we're gonna kill Eggman, but what are YOU doing here? Dark: Well, long story short, I woke up in a dumpster. Shade: Me, too! Then I found this guy. Dark: You did? Hey, me, too! Shade: ...yeah, well, do you know where this train's headed? Dark: This place called "Nova" something or other. Shade: We gotta get off this train, NOW. Dark: Have you tried jumping out the window? [cut to a river... thing, filled with lots of crap and boxes and stuff] [pause] [pause] [Shade, Dark, and Shadow land in it] Shadow: *spits water out of mouth* Eah... what did we just land in? Shade: *feels around* ....I don't want to know. Shadow: Good point. [they wade through the water...stuff, and enter a big construction crate] [inside is future Hero again! And a freaky alien thing!] HeroF: Shadow! Heh, you again. Shadow: ohai HeroF: Fancy meetin' YOU down here... I always thought you'd be charging headfirst into the Egg Citadel. Shade: Are you kidding? Even in Half-Life 2, that'd be suicide, let alone in THIS crazy world. HeroF: Hm. You speak of nonsense, and yet I am curious. Shade: I have that effect on people. HeroF: ..look, I'm just the Checkpoint guy for the underground railroad. Main Station's right around the corner. Dark: Main Station? Shadow: ****, I completely forgot you were even with us! Dark: I have that effect on people. HeroF: But, yeah, Main Station.. for the underground railroad, n' stuff. You wanna go there. Trust me. [Future Hero opens up a door.. thing that leads outside] HeroF: Just simply head through this dump, and Main Station's hidden in a pipe to your right. Shadow: Thanks. We'll look for it. [Shadow, Shade, and Dark go through the dump, and find a pipe to their right] [a man runs to them] Man: H-help! They found us! They found-- [BANG! The man drops to the ground, dead] Dark:'re welcome? [they follow the pipe to a secret, underground room filled with couches and.. stuff] Shadow: This must be Main Station. Shade: It's deserted... you think the cops found it? Shadow: Judging from the guy who just told us that "they found" something, yeah, probably. [Dark investigates a dead body by a radio] Dark: Shade, this guy's got holes in him... he looks like cheese! Shade: Cheese? Obviously, you mean he's got bullet holes in him. Shadow: Hm, those don't look like bullet holes. [the radio next to the body turns on] Radio: Main Station, do you read? Main Station? [Shadow hesitates, but then grabs a microphone] Shadow: This.. is Main Station. Yes, we read. Radio: Oh, thank goodness... you've been showing radio silence for a while. Shadow: Yeah, um... it was just a bit of technical difficulty. Radio: Anyway, we need to inform you that we have confirmed reports of Manhacks. Shadow: M-manhacks...? Radio: I repeat, the cops are flooding the sewers with MANHACKS! [a loud buzzing noise is heard on the other end] Radio: ...oh, speak of the devil. [static] Dark: ...I don't like the sound of that, Shade. Shade: Neither do I. Shadow: Um... Shade, you've beaten Half-Life 2; what are we supposed to do now? Shade: Well, once we reach Main Station, we're supposed to.. um... Shadow: Yes? Shade: .....I forgot. SORRY! Shadow: How the... I mean... this has got to be the WORST time to forget something like that, Shade! Shade: Like I said, I don't play this chapter much! Dark: Yeah, we usually skip ahead to Highway 17. Shadow: *siiiiiigh* Great. Look, at this rate, I don't think there'll BE a Highway 17.. for us. [Shadow sits on one of the random couches] Shadow: It's no use. We're lost... in a post-apocalyptic future EUROPE. Where EGGMAN rules. Shade: Dude, cheer up, and calm down! Okay? I've been through much worse than this. Shadow: Oh, yeah? Like what? Shade: Like when Dark, Chao, Cham and I went through future... somewhere or other, and fought weird time.. things. Dark: You mean Gears n' Roses? Shade: Yes, I do. Then, there was my Grey Journey... ooh, I never wanna relive that. But, looks like I'm gonna have to. Shadow: Did you ever have as big risks as this? I mean, the freaking SHOW will end if I fail this... Dark: And it might even if you don't! Shade: Well... no, I can't say that I have. But, you're lucky. This mission's EASY. Shadow: It is? Shade: Sure it is! Okay, so I forgot what we do here, but so what? I DIDN'T forget that this game is easy! Dark: Yeah, so get up and go play! Shadow: guys are right. Thanks. I shouldn't be moping about so much. I have a fat guy to kill! [Shadow goes up a ladder] [pause] [he comes back down, covered in blood] Shade: Dude, what happened to you? Shadow: Cops. Lots of 'em. Shade: Are you hurt? Shadow: No. ...but THEY are. [Shade gives Shadow a hi-5] Shadow: Up there, I saw some more pipes, and I figured we could just go along the sewers. Dark: But, didn't the radio person say something about Pac-Man in the sewers? Shade: Yeah, what about the Manhacks? Shadow: Whatever they are, I'm sure we can handle them, EASILY. [montage time! Insert some indie rock song in here] [Shade, Dark, and Shadow basically just run along the sewers, fighting cops, and solving puzzles] [cut to a bright room, deep in the sewers-- it's a little bunker, manned by a... well, man] [LOLWUT NO IT NOT MAN IT RED] [...the regular Red! Not the future one who plays the role of Barney!] Red: More refugees... wait, what? Shade? Dark? ...greenie? Shadow: The name's "Shadow." Shade: Red, man, what're you doing here? Red: I woke up in a dumpster, which apparently is frowned upon in today's society, so I was chased down here. Shadow: So now you help with the underground railroad? Red: You bet. Shade: Eh, that sounds boring. You oughta come with us. Dark: Everybody's doing it. Red: Well... where are you guys going? Shadow: To Cham's lab. Red: Cham's lab? ...that's a little... far, isn't it? Shadow: Prolly, but who cares? Soon, I'm gonna kill Eggman, and move on with my life. Red: ...what the hey, I'll come with you guys. [RED JOINED YOUR PARTY!] Red: Lemme just open this door for ya... [he opens the door, and several flying robots with attatched sawblades fly in, making a loud buzzing noise] Red: O SNAP, MANHAAAACKS! [Shade hops up, and jams his crowbar into one of the sawblades; that manhack swerves out of control, and hits another] [that one spins in circles, hitting all the others; Shade simply whacks that spinning one, and that's that] Shade: Easy. Let's move. [they head out to a second montage] [they go through a really complicated sewer place, fighting tons of cops and manhacks] [one cop accidentally drops his Sub-Machine Gun, which Red then grabs] [eventually, after yet another water puzzle, they make it out of the sewers, and find themselves in a small creek] Red: Ugh, disgusting. Eggman's been dumping his toxic waste in this creek, so-- [a zombie rises out of the sewage; Shade whacks it with his crowbar] Red: Thanks. So, this place is now a toxic waste dump. Careful, don't step in that stuff. Shadow: Red, you seem to know a lot about this city. Red: Of course. Once you've been underground long enough, you start to learn these kinds of things. For instance-- [another zombie rises up, but is whacked back down] Red: ...we are technically in the suburbs right now. Shadow: FINALLY. This city's giving me the creeps. Red: BUT, there's not really any convenient way out of the city from here. Shadow: ..oh. Red: HOWEVER, this is the only way to get to Cham's lab. I think. Shadow: Um... okay! Shall we move on? [they keep going through the weird little... place, until they find the only way to continue filled with toxic waste] Dark: Oh, no, we've hit a snag. Shade: No snag is too big for the Shade man to handle! [Shade steps forward, toward the radioactive waste, when a horde of zombies rises out] [Shade pauses, then steps back; the zombies go back under] Shade: ...okay, so maybe we've found our first big snag. [they also find a little underground railroad dock of sorts] [in the dock is a very strange vehicle-- basically, a hovercraft, but.. well.. um.. let's stick with Airboat.] [and there is a woman by the airboat, fueling it up with gas] Woman: ohai, you're in luck! We have one airboat left! I just finished fueling it up. Shadow: Um... thanks. We're trying to get to Cham's lab. Where is that? Woman: Cham's lab? Oh, that's miles away... Shadow: Wonderful. And how do we get there? Woman: Well, you'd have to follow these creeks for a few hundred miles... Shadow: Great. Woman: ...then cross the Channel to the Great Dam... and his lab's just past that. Shadow: Wacco. Shade: Wizard. Red: Smashing. Dark: COR BLIMEY! That's a lot longer than it was in the game, isn't it, Shade? Shade: A-yup. MUCH longer. Shadow: I hate the Veteran's Committee. Woman: It might help you to look out for Station 12, out on the canal... they're a big, red barn. Shadow: Okay, thanks, we'll look for them. Shade: Well, we're not gonna get much done by just sitting here! [Shade climbs into the airboat] Shade: Let's get this pahdy started! You comin', Dark? Dark: BOOYAH! This is gonna be AWESOME! *hops in boat* Red: Eh. Half-Life 1 nearly killed us on countless occasions, so this'll be similar. ..wait for me! *hops in* Shadow: ....*siiigh* It's for DCA, Shadow... for DCA... *hops in* [so, they drive the airboat off into the horizon as the sun marks the time at being around 5:30] Shade: I love the time passage. Chapter 4: Wet Hazard [the airboat zooms across a large river/canal at a relatively fast pace] Dark: Guys, look, a big, red barn! Shadow: That must be Station 12. [Shadow stops the airboat; they get out and enter the big, red barn on the side of the river] [inside the barn, things are really dark, and absent of life] [..except for two zombies, who chuck barrels and crates at our heroes] [of course, Shade and Red make quick work of them] Shadow: It's strange... as we were coming here, I thought I saw somebody watching us from here. Shade: Eh, you get that feeling a lot in this game. Shadow: So, now what? Station 12's down. Shade: So, let's just keep moving. C'mon; we've got a long way to go. Shadow: Yeah. I noticed. [as they walk back to the boat, they notice a helicopter flying directly above them] Shadow: ... Red: What's up? Shadow: That helicopter... is it... what's it doing? Shade: I'd say the people inside are taking pictures of us. Red: Oh, yeah? Well, take a picture o' THIS-- Shadow: Whoa-hoh-hoh, Red, calm down. [they hop in the boat, and continue driving] [as they pass under a bridge...] Man: YOU THERE! UP HERE! [Shadow stops the boat, and sees a man atop the bridge] Man: HAVE SOME SUPPLIES! LOOK OUT BELOW! [the man drops some boxes of ammo and such down for them] Shadow: WHY ARE YOU HELPING US? Man: IT'S A GOOD CAUSE! DOWN WITH THE SYSTEM! Dark: Down with the SICKNESS. [some camera bots fly by the man] Man: Whuh-oh, gotta go. *flees* [some Egg Trucks drive past the bridge] Red: Shadow? Shadow: Yeah? Red: FLOOR IT. Shadow: Got it. [Shadow floors it, and speeds through some canals as cops shoot at them] [they zip through some barricades, and through some cops] Dark: Hit the ramp! The ramp! Shadow: I'll try. [THUMP] [SPLASH] Shade: time, let ME drive. Shadow: No way! Just because I missed the ramp... Shade: And capsized the boat. Shadow: A little bit! Still, I can drive. I can drive. [they flip the boat back over, and continue driving along] [they turn a corner, and see some big gates closing] Red: We're not gonna make it! Shadow: Crap, you're right. [they manage to squeeze through before the gates close] Shadow: ...oh. Awesome! Shade: Don't stop driving! Keep going! We're still miles away. Shadow: How many? Shade: Well, we're not even a quarter of the way through the regular chapter.. Shadow: Perfect. *sigh* [as they drive, an Egg Truck parks by the canal, and fires rockets at them] All: WHOA! Shade: C'mon, watch where you're going! Shadow: Shut up! Be quiet! I... I can't concentrate! [then, a barricade in front of them is lit on fire] Shadow: Oh, they're evil. Dark: Ramp at 2:45! Shadow: I see it! [Shadow hits the ramp, and flies past the firey barricade] All: YAHOO! Red: That was awesome. Dark: Rocket! Shadow: Crap, I almost forgot about the-- [BOOM!] [the airboat spins around in the air, and is shot again] [BOOM!] [then, some cops come by and shoot at them] [Shadow manages to grab the steering wheel and pilot it down to a tunnel, where the cops and rockets can't get them] All: *pant* Shade: Pretty fancy piloting there, Shadow. Shadow: Thanks... Red, status report. Red: I'd say we're on the verge of death, but the boat's fine. Shade: In video game terms, Red? Red: The boat has infinite HP, while we only have... roughly... 7. Shade: Oh, that's not good. Shadow: Not good... or is it perfectly good? Shade: Wha? Shadow: C'mon, where's your sense of adventure? Your thrill? 7 HP left... I can live with that. Shade: Something's happened to Mister Damp Towel. I like the new you. [they move on, and find another closing gate] Shadow: *vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* Are you asking for a challenge? [SMACK] Shadow: win. Shade: Tough luck, dude. Looks like we'll have to go into that giant facility to press one teensy little switch. Shadow: Sweetness. How hard is it in the game? Shade: Meh. Epic in its own way. Red: Shade, you might want to take another look at the facility. [the camera pans, showing a humongous fortress with barbed wire, searchlights, and huge towers] Shade: .......Metal Gear Shade time? Dark: NO! Metal Gear DARK time. TO BE CONTINUED...