Season Eight: The Last Journey
Episode Eighty-Eight: The Cold Bend of Empty Space Feasts Grey
by DJay32

Shade: Would you like some company?
Shadow: No, thanks. I could do with a walk.
[Shadow steps out of the house and begins walking]
Shadow: I hold the pain. Release me.
[Shadow sighs]
[he passes by some stores selling fairytale books]
[he stands and looks at them from outside]
["And they all lived happily ever after."]
Shadow: Did they?
[he sighs and walks on]
[he spots seagulls flying off into the distance, he sees the ocean going out onto the horizon]
[he sees a seagull disappear abruptly]
[the water below seems disrupted]

[Shadow returns home and places a dead fish on the table]
Shadow: Supper's ready.
[Shade appears in front of the table abruptly]
[Shadow screams]
Shade: What?
Shadow: How did youÉ
Shade: We have bigger problems.
Shadow: Éwhat?
[Shade points out the window; three chao are standing outside]
[they are each standing exactly five feet away from each other]
[they all have the same expression of dull interest, and they move and breathe in synchronicity]
Shadow: I don't understand.
[the three chao, in-sync, repeat "I don't understand"]
[Shade and Shadow look at each other]

[Shadow leads Shade out to the shoreline]
Shadow: This is where I saw it.
[Shadow points out to the sea]
[Shade shields his eyes from the sun and tries to see anything odd in the sea]
Shade: É"There's something in the sea."
Shadow: Do you thinkÉ?
Shade: It's certainly possible.
Shadow: I thought it was wiped.
Shade: You can't wipe the eldritch.
[Shade turns to face Shadow]
Shade: It comes from an entirely different universe. For all we know, more of it could have come in.
Shadow: I thought the whole story was wiped.
[Shade holds out his arms]
Shade: We're still here.
[Shadow looks at Shade and then out at sea]
Shadow: Well, what do you propose we do?
[Shade looks out to sea as well]
[he spots large movement in the distance]
Shade: Pray the Writing Writer kills us off.

[It is her, she is not liquid fur left to rot.]

[Shadow is packing his bags]
[Shade walks in]
Shade: This is unnecessary.
[Shadow looks at Shade with anger]
Shadow: I think it's highly blatant by now what will become of us.
[Shade points at the bag]
Shade: You work too hard, always do. Try to relax!
[Shadow's jaw drops]
Shadow: If it wasn't for my working hard, we'd be worse off! Has the show taught you nothing?!
[Shade shrugs and begins leaving the room]
Shade: The sea doesn't look so bad after what we've seen, is all.
[Shadow sighs and finishes packing]
[a chao enters the room behind his back]

[Shade and Shadow are running out of their house late at night]
Shadow: Is it still behind us?
[Shade looks behind]
Shade: I don't see it.
[Shadow and Shade slow their running]
[they hear a voice from the sea]
[What's the matter, A-Life Gods?]
Shadow: DJay, why are we still alive?
[I tilt my head and awkwardly smile]
[IÉ wasn't satisfied with Episode 85.]
[Shade and Shadow groan]
[Or rather, I was! But you two, your journey isn't over yet.]
[But don't worry, this will definitely be your last episode.]
[I mean, I might use you guys for stories later, but this is the last episode of DCA!]
Shade: Why was there no warning to this? You had the eighty-fifth episode built up crazily, but this one's just in the shadows!
["No warning?" There was so much warning to this episode; it just wasn't lampshaded.]
Shadow: I think he has a point there. There was frequent hinting at the number eight, and.. well, eighty-eight? That's eights all over.
Shade: But this is the ninth episode of season eight; why didn't you do anything for the eighth?
[I did! I discussed the effects of DCA on future writing, and the concept of a mythology. And I discussed more ofÉ well, Ulysses.]
Shadow: I think the point is that DCA has so many different focuses, and there are so many "endings" to accommodate this.
[Yes. DCA had many "beginnings," many "journeys," many "climaxes," and now it has many "endings." Just like how there are multiple eight-points. 85, the eighth episode of season eight, and 88.]
Shade: So. So if 85 was the ending to the bulk of the story, and the eighth season eight episode was the ending to the Ulysses story, what's 88?
[88 is theÉ well. I think it's easier if I just show you. "Show, don't tell."]

[Shade and Shadow reach the beach]
[the moon is overhead]
[Shade looks at Shadow]
[Shadow looks at Shade]
[Shade gives Shadow his crowbar]
[Shadow gives Shade his guitar controller]
[Shade lies, face-up, on the water]
[he drifts off to sea, staring at the moon]
[Shadow, on the beach, sighs and begins walking down the coast]
[he thinks about the end of DCA]
[Shade, floating, thinks of the exact series of events that led to the show's end]
Both: Ébut the show DIDN'T end.
Shade: People simply died.
Shadow: The End Complete isn't complete yet.
Both: Éthere are still plot holes.
Shade: But it's bigger than that, isn't it?
Shadow: Shade and I weren't spared for no reason.
Shade: We've seen the future. Red's alive in the future.
Shadow: Metal Sonic and the Tails Doll were supposed to survive. And Mephiles.
Shade: But then again, we changed the future, didn't we?
Shadow: But if we changed the future, future us never helped us.
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Do you see it now?
What if I told you Amphis was Red?
Let me reiterate that sentence.

[many months have passed since]
[Shade has reached an island]
[Shadow has found a spaceship]
[the island had Logic's Amphis]
[the spaceship contained some strange substance]

Do you see it now?
Do you see the danger behind plot holes?
The eternal eldritch laying dormant?

Take a bow.

[more months have passed since]
[Shade and Shadow have found each other's location]
[Amphis is lost and cold]

Do you see it yet?
It's coming faster with each word I utter.
We are coming full circle.

Take a bow.

[Amphis opens a large door]
[he has found the spaceship and its contents]
[Amphis' scream is stifled still]

Can you spot it here?
It is here, it has always been here.
It's from the year 2006.

It's an old foe, indeed.
Take a bow with me.

[the substance takes over all]
[the substance becomes the feared Evolutionary Adverse Trigger]
[the substance becomes Red Metal]
[the substance becomes the IT]
[the substance becomes the eight and the five]

Eldritch product of time travel.
Dark Chao Adventures' worst nightmare.

[Shade runs, screaming]
[Shadow, terrified, mutates]
[Amphis, dead, Red]

[the Instability puts on a passion play]
[Shade laughs as he becomes a star-fed puppet]
ShadeF: I have no Future.
[Shade hears his past self entering his corrupt garden]
ShadeF: And now I never will.

[the Instability puts on a passion play]
[Shadow groans, wary, unsure of his fate]
ShadowF: I have no Future.
[Shadow, mind bound to a stream of consciousness, watches as what's left of Shade Junior is corrupted and mutated]
[the creature that was once Shade Junior puts on a cloak]
SJRF: I will change my name forever. I will change. I will Future.
[Shadow tries to speak, but all that comes out is stardust]
SJRF: I will treat this night with levity.
[Shadow feels his body being pulled by unstable strings]
[Shadow's mouth moves]
ShadowF: Levity Nite. We have the same common interest. We are both veterans of a Hell bound by a stream of consciousness that is not our own.
SJRF: There are others, surely.
ShadowF: We must find them and put a stop to the cycle. It must not come full circle.
[Shade Junior/Levity Nite wants to scream for it all to stop, but unstable strings keep him quiet]

[the Instability puts on a passion play]
[Shade laughs as he becomes a star-fed puppet]
ShadeF: I have no Future.
[Shade watches with tears as Dark manifests before his own eyes, a zombie of stardust]
[Shade feels his hands aiming a shotgun at his best friend]
ShadeF: I have no life.
[Shade is not allowed to close his eyes as Dark splatters everywhere again and again, reanimating again and again]
[the twisted Dark Garden around him laughs at his discontent, and Shade laughs along with it]
ShadeF: And now I never will.

[the Instability puts on a passion play]
[Shadow groans, wary, unsure of his fate]
ShadowF: I have no Future.
[Shadow notices beings he can recognize]
[they are robots of blue and red, accompanied by a doll of yellow]
[these creatures transcend fiction, but they still suffer]
[Shadow longs to join them in their freedom, suffering be damned]
[Shadow wishes for no more]
[Shadow finds his own father, bound to Chao Talk's consciousness]
Ryder: We must end this cycle.
Nite: We truly must.
ShadowF: I'm working on it, mind be damned all.

[the Instability puts on a passion play]
[Amphis is no longer recognizable]
[the creature that was once Amphis takes a hammer and smashes his own face]
[it gives way like glass]
[underneath, there is a plain old red chao]
AmfyF: I will evolve. I will grow dark. I will be free.
[Amphis laughs harder than ever before; he cannot recall his own name]
AmfyF: Help.

[the Instability puts on a passion play]
[the Lamb is born]
[the Lamb heads to the slaughter]
[the Lamb is killed[
[all it hears is laughter]

[the Instability puts on a passion play]
[Ulysses is lost at sea]
[he's looking back at days gone by]
[I can't believe I didn't see it coming.]
[This is all my fault.]
[Can I break the cycle?]
[Must it come full circle?]
[Ulysses is lost at sea.]

[the Instability puts on a passion play]
Do you see it now?
The Instability isn't the Bigger Bad behind everything.
Eldritch is in my nature.
The Instability was simplyÉ the omen for it.
But now we have come full circle, see?
We have broken the eight and the five.

New Topic: Dark Chao Adventures
Post: All I can say is Episode 1: Chao In Space.
[eight years pass]
[I fixed a plot hole, a simple mistake. I had to wait for the show to loop all the way back, though.]
[cut to Episode 85, Chapter 7]
[at the end of the maze, they run into a Gatekeeper]
[it's the first of the "final three:" Future Shade]
Shade: ..future me? You're one of the Veterans?
Red: How does this make any logical sense?
ShadeF: The Veteran's Committee is trying to bring the End Complete, the wiping of the show. I've lived a fifty-year life, and most of it was Hell. I want to wipe the show.
Shade: But. If you're me from the future, that means the show isn't wiped!
ShadeF: I'm not you from the future; I'm you from the past. But to her, I'm just another character in the end. And I do believe we're here at the end now, aren't we?
[the protagonists attack Future Shade]

Log Entry #55 (Future Shade: Kill Me.)
Life never had to be this bad.
Is this even "life" anymore?
At least I know that this is where I die.
Thank God.
Éno. I don't thank God.
What did I ever do to deserve all of you?
Looks like I'm all out.

[Shade and Shadow bend the script, and Future Shade is completely wiped from the show]
Dark: Guys, why did you do that?
Shadow: Two can play at breaking the logic of the greater narrative.
Dark: But.. butÉ
Red: Don't worry, Dark. If this does anything at all, it shows us a surefire way to stop the antagonists.
Shadow: No. If the antagonists see us trying to bend the script, they'll bend it just as much. There's more of them than there are of us, after all.
[the protagonists continue and find themselves in the City Hall]
[pull the trigger and the nightmare stops]
[the protagonists find no puzzles in the City Hall, and find the entrance to Daedalus Labs open]
[it is blocked by Future Shadow]
ShadowF: You can defeat me, but through this door is the eighth district. Are you sure you want the show to end so soon? Break out of the cycle, boys.

Log Entry #56 (Future Shadow: the end)

[the protagonists, unfazed, bend the script. Future Shadow is wiped]

[cut to Chapter 8.7]
Chapter 8.7: Metal Speedy's Reign of Ending (Unexpected Developments Rise)
MSp: Let me clear some space for you protagonists.

Shade, you sent me to jail. The thing about me, though, is that I increase in power with the more plot holes there are. This is why the Daleks tried to beg you to keep plugging up the plot holes.
I am the figure standing behind every ounce of malevolence in this story. I am the reason the Beta Avengers got any sort of power at all. The TV room ran on the same power I did.
JOE busted me out of jail, wanting to increase the likelihood of the end of DCA. But I didn't even need his help by that point.

MSp: You see, fellows, I am the unexpected developments. Oh, and the Daleks are wiped from DCA.
Dark: You bastard! How dare you!
MSp: Now. I do believe you are gonna play.
[Metal Speedy points at the stage]
MSp: Rubber Goose will paint the ending soundtrack live.
[Metal Speedy bends the script]
[Shade, Dark, Red, and Shadow are on stage]
[the crowd is filled with The Camper]
[Metal Speedy snaps his fingers]
[Professor Shade (the female one) appears on stage]
MSp: This episode now has forty characters total, soÉ
[Red gasps at a realization]
Red: Forty is eight time five. That is brilliant.
SShade: Hey, guysÉ I'm kinda scared.
Shade: We don't blame you, friend. Where were you?
SShade: Training with Shade Junior for the End Complete.
Dark: I have a song we can play tonight. "Black Fire Upon Us," by Dethklok. Sound good?
Red: We could do "In the Presence of Enemies!"
[Rubber Goose performs live for one last time]
[towards the end, Shadow dives for five drives]
[CHIRP CHIRP, BRRRRRRRRING! Shadow now has five chaos drives!]
Dark: The gift we give you is your soul!
[Shadow is much stronger!]
Chapter 8.8: The End Complete, End for the Main Protagonists
Shadow: Metal Speedy, you're out of time and power.
MSp: No, Shadow. It is YOU who is out!
[Metal Speedy snaps his fingers, as does Shadow]
[Shade snaps in the background, as does Shawn]
[Eight and five wipe DCA]

Chapter 9: Fun with Plot, End for the Main Antagonists
[the Dark Garden fades in]
[Metal Speedy fades in]
MSp: ..I did it. I did it! *mad laughter* Oh, that was much easier than I expected.
[he looks around]
MSp: Unbelievable. I have Dark Chao Adventures all to myself.
[It's ending, though.]
MSp: I know. I have the world all to myself, though! You just turn the cameras off, and I'm free to do whatever I please.
[I've tried. These cameras won't turn off unless the world is absolute nothing.]
MSp: You meanÉ I have to die?
MSp: Pfft, fine, leave the cameras on. No difference to me.
[You seem to assume the DCA world is one you'd actually want.]
MSp: Hm? What's wrong with it? It's just chao gardens and peaceful landscapes.
[What's wrong with them is that they've held cosmic horror stories in them.]
MSp: So?
[So there exist, in your world, many eldritch creatures. Hell, in DCA, all the eldritch creatures seem to be linked by common motifs.]
MSp: What might these motifs be? Éwait a minute.
[Eight and five, Metal Speedy. Octave pentameter, to place but one single example.]
MSp: Octave pentameter is hard!
[Metal Speedy is engulfed in stardust and Instability]
[Metal Speedy morphs into an unstable eldritch abomination]
MSp: We have been growing in power for years. It's shocking to think they didn't expect us.
[the creature that was once Metal Speedy vanishes into the dark eternal night]
[I'm not sure how to end DCA now.]
[I need to break out of this cycle.]
[But wait. We already did.]
[Just fixing that one error should do it.]
[I'm so sorry for screwing up, my chao.]
[It should be over now.]
[We just have to wait and see.]

[the camera fades into the Dark Garden eight days later]
[the eldritch abomination that was once Metal Speedy is dormant]
MSp: Kill me now.
[Metal Speedy explodes in a gory mess]
[the Writing Writer walks into the Dark Garden]
Jordan: Well. It looks like this show has overstayed its welcome. There's not even much left of it now, is there? It's a show coughing up blood. I should put it out of its misery. But first, let's have a eulogy.

Dark Chao Adventures has lived a long life. Eight years, eight seasons, eighty-five/eighty-eight episodes. Depending on which way you look at it.
Shade's dead. Shadow's dead. They think they failed-- well, actually, they're not thinking anything at all. They're completely gone.
But trust me, the protagonists won. In the end, the only real antagonists are the eldritch creatures that swim through my stream of consciousness.
Now, eldritch abominations can't lose. But in this case, it's a tie. The protagonists got the show to end. They got the right plot holes filled. They bent the script successfully.
And hell, the antagonists won as well. That is, the Beta Avengers and the Veteran's Committee. The Veterans wanted the show to end, the Beta Avengers wanted to be respected. They won!
As for Ulysses, don't worry about him too much. About me. I'm just gonna keep writing. Not DCA, though. DCA's over.

Your eight years are up. Signal when through.

Written by Jordan "DJay32" Dooling
Plot elements inspired by Coheed & Cambria's Amory Wars, Nintendo's MOTHER series, that fucking webcomic that I hate so much, Yahtzee's Chzo Mythos, and so much progressive rock.
Chao Talk name taken from Paul Shannon's forum, contents heavily inspired by Turrican's secretcity series.
Sancheria inspired by the worlds of Metroid.
Chao, the Dark Garden and Chao Lobby, Sonic the Hedgehog, Doctor Eggman, Mephiles the Dark, Metal Sonic, Mecha Knuckles, the Tails Doll, et cetera all by SEGA and Sonic Team.
Most chao and random fictional characters by DJay32. Amphis by Logic.
Octavarium and the eight and five motif taken from and inspired by Dream Theater's eighth album.

Thank you for reading.