Dark Chao Adventures Episode 18: The Cyber-Fox Attacks Chapter 1: The World On the Line [this story begins in the Stardust Eggman, all the characters woke up from billions of memory-losses] Shade: Oof... I think I remember stuff now. Chao: Yes... me, too. Eggman... didn't he get away? MS: Scanning horizons... yes, he got away. I'll pursue him... and make him pay. [Metal flies away while the others go back home, except Dark Tails, who goes on the computer] DT: What's this? Sonic online? Cool! [click!] DT:Whoa, this is cool... player-maker... Skin=Tails, color=Grey, Name=Dark Tails. Hmm? Sonic Online server? Let's check it out. [click!] [COLLECT THE EMERALD! Other players: Super Sonic the Lawyer, Gameboy_teh_Gamerguy, others I forgot] (Now, when you see C after a name, that means they type that in for chatting) SSL C: Dark Tails, huh? Let's see your real name... DT C: Okay, it's Dark Tails. SSL C: Hmmmmmmm.... [meanwhile, in the Dark Garden] Shade: Yo Dark, check this cool new online program I found on the net! Sonic online! Dark: Cool! Whaddya gonna do on it? Shade: Beat the game, then gloat about it online. [15 minutes later] Shade C: Hey, n00bs, I beat this game. IN UNDER 15 MINUTES! randomperson C: sO wat n00b i no a guy who beet it in 10 Shade C: Well... uh... see ya. [Hero Garden] Chao: Hmmmm.... Sonic online, huh? Let's try this out. [click!] Chao: Oh, it's two player on one computer! Hero, come try this out! [Hero comes over and they play all night] Hero: Um... doesn't this huwwt the body foh pwaying too wong? Chao: You're right! We shouldn't play it. [the next day] Chao: ... (looks at computer) No, I shouldn't. ... (looks again) ... rrrr... oh, man... just for a minute wouldn't hurt... [one day later] Chao: Too... addictive... must... beat Eggman with... 7 emeralds.... on... Normal mode... or higher... [let's go online, shall we? To the Sonic online server!] [Castle Eggman Zone] DT C: Hehe... these fools don't suspect my evil plan... SSL C: Hmmmm.... DT C: Okay, you fools! Soon, I will destroy the world! randomperson C: Ohnoes! But, if you destroy the world, you can't play Sonic online! DT C: ... well, I'll replace Sonic online with Dark Tails Rules All 2, where I rule all! SSL C: Hmm... [Act 2] DT C: N-no! It can't be! My worst nightmare-- Matrix-mode Lag! [Act 3 BOSS] DT C: Not even Eggman can get in the way of my evil scheme! [DT destroys Eggman] DT C: (at last second) I pwn! [now, let's check out Shade's little game] Chapter 2: Our Lives Are On the Line! [Shade appears on a different Sonic online server, and so does DT] DT C: Guess who's back from the grave! Shade C: Who killed Dark Tails? DT C: ...Lag. Shade C: Gasp! Lag is evil! SSL C: True dat! DT C: Teh evilness! SSL C: True dat! DT C: But, I am teh eviller than teh evil that is teh-- uh, the lag! SSL C: Hmmmm... DT C: So, uh... does anybody know what my evil plan is yet? Shade C: To slowly suck out teh uberness of Super Sonic the Lawyer? DT C: Nope! SSL C: To conquer the world then use it for your own? DT C: Uh... n-no! (Darn, Super Sonic's good!) DT C: Super Sonic the Lawyer, you will die! SSL C: Uh-huh. DT C: And I will be the killer! SSL C: Hm.. DT C: Ignore me all you want, but beware next time you sleep... I suggest sleeping with a steel helmet! TD: DARK TAILS! [Dark Tails realizes stuff and suddenly types] DT C: Uh... gotta take over the world some other time. See ya. [LOG OFF] DT: Yeah? 'Sup, Tails Doll. TD: You've been playing much too long! DT: Oh, c'mon Doll... I haven't. I just-- it's just... well, I'm fine. TD: You're sitting on a spike. DT: Whoa, no wonder my butt itched real bad. Well, I... I need glasses, that's all. TD: ... DT: Okay, okay, I've been playing too long! Sheesh, there's no getting around you, is there? TD: Look, just get therapy. It's simple! DT: Well... I guess you're right, I mean I-- whoa, this is too much like a sitcom. Anyway, yeah, you're right. I'll stop. [in the Dark Garden] Shade: Finally! I have done it, Dark... I've beaten everything! Dark: Even found the Master Emerald and became Hyper Sonic? And found RedXVI? Shade: --Darn. Where can I find RedXVI? Dark: Beat the game 3 times, then jump on the house in Greenflower 1. Unlocks Red Volcano Zone. Shade: Thanks, I-- how'd you know that? Dark: Internet. Shade: Okay. (45 minutes later) Whoa! That looks like Knuckles! Cool... Red Volcano Zone... Dark: Well, you finally did it! You've beaten everything! Shade: Sweet. Now, to go for Sonic onlineJTE, and Sonic online Riders, and the toughest of all: Mystic Realm! Chapter 3: Conclusions, Locations, Concations! [in the Hero Garden] Chao: Okay... now I'll stop. Hero: I'm pwoud of you, Chao. Chao: I know, I'm just that good, aren't I? [later, in the Chao Lobby, Tails Doll, Dark, and Hero all gather with a computer] TD: Ready? Dark: We're ready. [they turn on the computer and play Sonic online, then Shade, Dark Tails and Chao step out] Shade: DARK! DT: TAILS DOLL! Chao: HERO! [the three players jump] Hero: Chao! TD: Uh... hey, guys... we were just... Shade: Actually, Dark, go ahead, I don't care. Dark: Woohoo! DT: Tails Doll... you told me I shouldn't play it! TD: ...OKAY, FINE! You guys wanna find a loophole? Loop this hole! [Tails Doll kicks Dark Tails] DT: ... that didn't hurt. TD: ... grr... eat this! [Tails Doll punches Dark Tails] DT: OW! Ooof... my stomach... TD: ...HAHA! [Tails Doll runs away] Hero: Wait! Don't weave me hewe! [Hero follows TD] DT: Dumb ending much? Shade: You betcha. Chapter 4: Metal Sonic's TEXT Adventure Begins [Metal stops in a junkyard] MS: Where is that doctor? In that city? [in the city, Metal finds Tails] MS: Hey mortal. Tails: Metal!? Don't kill me!!!! MS: Relax, sheesh! I won't kill you! I don't want to just yet. Have you seen Eggman? Tails: He-he went for Sonic, in the North end of the city. [Metal flies over to the North and finds a small house, and enters it-- Sonic's there] MS: Sonic-- where's Eggman? Sonic: He just left. MS: Darn... which way? Sonic: To the Egg Base. MS: Just missed him, NO! Grrr... I'll take my anger out on YOU, Sonic! Sonic: Mommy... [SLASHBOOMCRASH] MS: Easy fight... next time, don't get luggage in the trunk, sheesh! That stunk... [Metal flies away to the Egg Base]